Touch ♡

GOT7 Café 。
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File: touch 

Size: 700 +

genre: fluff

request: N/A

He wasn’t afraid to admit that the obsession he had on her was unhealthy. To some it may have sounded like it was the kind of obsession where they had a shrine for the one but it was different for him, completely different. He was obsessed with her touch, no matter how small it would be, as he could feel her, feel the warmth she gave him whenever they touched. That was his obsession; he always wanted her by his side.

Jackson kept his eyes on her as she gracefully walked around the room, making sure she greeted as the guests that had come to congratulate the couple on their engagement. He grew jealous as she touched the shoulder of everyone she greeted, always showing them a friendly smile; he didn’t want anyone else to feel the warmth she gave by a simple touch. He noticed as everyone feel for her charming smile as soon as she reached them, bowing their heads in thanks.

Their eyes meet and Jackson couldn’t help but get lost in her golden eyes. A soft smirk spread across her lips as she looked away from him, her attention focusing back on the couple that she was with.

It is unhealthy. You do know that right? She looked back towards him, a playful smile on her face as she tilted her head to the side slightly. He couldn’t help but chuckle at how adorable he found her, how he got so lucky to have her by his side.

I wonder whose fault it could be. He watched in amusement as she shook her head at his reply, he

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sayonaralala #1
Chapter 7: Author nim,the link for bambam isn't working ;-;
Chapter 19: It that somebody can actually reject Jr
Youngjae one not completed?
Chapter 17: Mark the matchmaker <3
Chapter 19: I like that you speak in third person when you have author notes :D
KikiChan #6
Chapter 15: awwwww thank you! It's super sweet! Mark would make such a great dad!
Chapter 15: Awwwww so cute >.< Mark is gonna be the sweetest dad ever and I think Jackson will be possessive over his nephew lol XD
hedgehog12 #8
Chapter 13: is there going to be a part three of this?
i feel so bad for rina as well as youngjae's gf...
Chapter 13: All the best for your exams! Ive just ended my papers and started working now so Ive been busy ever since weeks ago ㅋㅋ Thanks for the update and also for the part 1 and 2! I will wait to see the ending of the couple ~
Chapter 12: Wait wait what she passed away???