♥ Youngjae

GOT7 Café 。
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  where do we draw the line 3.0。    CHAPTER fourteen...AKimoto      It had been three years since Rina had left Korea, and now she was on her way back, thanks to the constant nagging of her brother and her parents. All of whom, knew why she had left in the first place. She knew that without a doubt there would be many people who would have found her decision pointless and completely childless if she told them why, but she wasn’t the kind that would be able to stay away from the problem seeing as there would always be a pull towards it. Looking out of plane window with a sigh before looking down at the time, in just a few hours she would be back in Seoul.

Sitting at the airport Youngjae’s eyes scanned everyone that walked in and out of the terminal that Rina was meant to be leaving from. Constantly tapping his foot on the floor and running his fingers through his hair in hopes that it would help calm down his nerves.

“Choi Youngjae…” As soon as he heard the voice his head shot up and he looked at her with wide eyes. He had a whole speech prepared but now that she was in front of him he had no idea what he was going to tell her, to convince her to stay here in Seoul. To stay with him.

“I thought I made it clear…” She knew very well that her voice was cold as ice but it was the only thing she could to stop her heart from breaking. Even though she had only known him for a short time there was no doubt within her that she felt something for him, but she knew it was wrong because he already had someone who loved him more than she would ever be able to.

“Rina…” Standing up as she he did his best to gather his courage. “I can end my relationship with her. We can try us.” His eyes pleading as he ever so carefully reached out touch her hand. Hurt flashing through his eyes as Rina took a step back from him, a scoff leaving from her lips.

“Choi Youngjae you really are stupid,” A laugh leaving her as she shook her head at what he had just said. Did he really not understand anything? “Yes please do leave your girlfriend that you’ve been dating for I don’t know how long just to date a complete stranger.”

“But you aren’t a complete stranger.”

“Oh, that’s right I’m Marks little sister. How could I possibly forget?” Her eyes narrowing as her hand tightened around her suitcase handle. A slightly sigh of relief leaving her as they called her flight over the speakers. “You have a girlfriend who loves you! Who you love and you’re willing to throw that all away from some you’ve known for like two weeks?” Taking a deep breath as she slowly stepped back, away from him. “You don’t love me. It’s infatuation, not love.” Her lips pursed into a thin line as she gave him on final look, “stay safe and be happy Youngjae.” A gentle smile on her face as she turned her back on him, a tear making its way down her cheek.

Youngjae let out a deep sigh as his eyes never leaved the clock on the wall, in just a few ours the girl he loved would be back in Korea. Worry gnawed at him as he thought about what would happen when they met again. After she had left two years ago, Youngjae spent a few days thinking over what Rina had said. He remembered it all word for word and it as advice. He remembers the day that he told his now ex-girlfriend about everything that happened. Yes he had ended up with a hand print across his cheek, in the end it was somehow worth it.

It me
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sayonaralala #1
Chapter 7: Author nim,the link for bambam isn't working ;-;
Chapter 19: It that somebody can actually reject Jr
Youngjae one not completed?
Chapter 17: Mark the matchmaker <3
Chapter 19: I like that you speak in third person when you have author notes :D
KikiChan #6
Chapter 15: awwwww thank you! It's super sweet! Mark would make such a great dad!
Chapter 15: Awwwww so cute >.< Mark is gonna be the sweetest dad ever and I think Jackson will be possessive over his nephew lol XD
hedgehog12 #8
Chapter 13: is there going to be a part three of this?
i feel so bad for rina as well as youngjae's gf...
Chapter 13: All the best for your exams! Ive just ended my papers and started working now so Ive been busy ever since weeks ago ㅋㅋ Thanks for the update and also for the part 1 and 2! I will wait to see the ending of the couple ~
Chapter 12: Wait wait what she passed away???