
A Changkyu Collection

There's a sudden sickening crack in the ground below him, he tries to jump out of the way while the rocks and dirt start to break apart. He ultimately fails, too shocked from his current situation, and falls straight down. 

“Changmin? Changmin?” Desperate calls come from his phone that he dropped somewhere beside him, but Changmin's not even sure if he made a sound. The roar from the earth should be a good enough indication that he's not alright.

“Changmin!” The sound of his name gets louder and more hoarse, but Changmin's not sure if he can answer; not sure if he's even still breathing and conscious, but he can see the world he once knew disintegrate in front of him, so he can only reason that he is. 

A hole gapes in front of him, threatening to swallow him whole. He wants to look further into, because he's not sure if he'll even make this out alive, but the sound of the afflicted voice from his phone brings him back to reality.

The ground lurch and squeals again, and Changmin begins to slide forward into the monster before him, but he manages to scramble to his feet, grab his phone between his teeth, and claw his way to a safer area. 

“Are you there? Hey! Changmin! Answer me!” Changmin wishes he could, wishes he could just tell Kyuhyun that he loves him one last time. Would he ever get that chance again? 

He claws and fights and thinks this is some kind of miracle, because he knows for sure that he should have gone down into that chaos. He thinks, maybe, it's Kyuhyun's calling voice that keeps him grounded; secure. 

He coughs, spits the phone onto the pavement and prays it doesn't break . Changmin groans when he feels something intense in his arm, and looks down to see a trail of blood slithering down his skin. He cringes and picks up his phone, trying to ignore any pain he feels.

“Kyu,” Changmin manages to find his breath.

“Changmin! Finally! Hey, what's-” but Kyuhyun's voice is drown out by the eruption before him. 



A/N Totally unrealistic, I know. I don't really know how it happened myself.

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Saravy #1
Chapter 9: These are amazing! I hope you plan to continue them, especially the last two. Great job!^^
Chapter 9: LOVED THIS. I'd absolutely love it if you made a chapter fic slfkjg
Chapter 9: Please continue! It was really good, I want to know what happens next
PikaKyuLove #4
So sweet~ <3
PikaKyuLove #5
Your writing style... Perfection.