Her smile makes me melt~

Only you~

"Guyssss~" cried Suilli. "Let's go to the mall!" It was a bright warm day, the kind of day where you'd want to spend your time outside. And obviously that was what Suiilli wanted to do.

"Eh~ Too lazy!" replied Amber. She was sitting on the couch lazily. Suilli tugged on Amber's arm.

"Please?! It's so boring here!" she yelled. Amber looked up at Victoria, Krystal, and Luna to see what they'd say. Victoria smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go!" she said happily. Krystal nodded too.

"Stop being lazy Amber~" Krystal said, slapping Amber's arm. Luna nodded excitingly.

"Finee." said Amber, defeated.

"YAY~" yelled Suilli. She hugged her friends.

"Leggo~" said Amber as she grabbed her keys. The other girls got dressed quickly. They were wearing casual jeans and loose tshirts. They grabbed their bags and walked out of the apartment.


"Oh my god, why is this so boring?~" complained Wooyoung laying on the couch with his legs open.

"Yeah, guys. We should go do something!" Chansung added, spinning a basketball on his finger.

"Let's go look for girls at the mall!" said Junho smiling. His eyes were really chinky. The other guys looked at him all serious. "What?!" he said. The guys laughed.

"Good idea~" said Taecyeon. Junsu nodded.

"Yeaaaaah. That'll be fun." he elbowed Chansung. They all laughed.

"Ehhh, I don't know." mumbled Nichkhun. He shrugged. He wasn't really good with talking to girls.

"Cmon Khun! Just come!" said Chansung. "We'll help you out." he teased.

"Fineee~" replied Nichkhun.

"Let's go now before it gets too hot!" said Wooyoung, jumping off the couch and running to his room to find socks and shoes.

"Let's go!" said Taecyeon. He grabbed his keys, put on his black nikes, and headed out the door.


"Mmmm~"  Krystal was eating a pretzle she just bought from the food court. Victoria walked beside Krystal, stealing small bites of the pretzle while Krystal wasn't looking.

"Ah~" said Suilli. She threw her arms up in the air and took a deep breath. "I feel so free~" she yelled. Amber smiled. "Unnie! Let's go into that store!" Suilli grabbed onto Amber's and Luna's arm. Luna laughed. She walked faster so that Suilli wouldn't be dragging her. Amber looked back at the others. Krystal laughed and walked towards the store. She turned around and waited for Victoria. 

"Victoria!" she yelled. "You coming?!" Victoria shook her head.

"You guys go ahead! I think imma go to another store!" she replied. Krystal smiled and nodded.

"Okay, call us if you can't find us or something." she waved and followed the girls into the store. Victoria walked around the mall for a bit. She passed by a group of boys who were laughing loudly. She didn't want to look at them though. Victoria walked into a shoe shop. She walked around the store looking for the pair of sneakers she really wanted.


"AAAAAHHH SO MANY GIRLSS" cried Junho. The other guys laughed loudly. Nichkun shook his head and stayed at the back of the group.

"Calm down~" said Taecyeon, looking around.

"I'm hungry" whined Wooyoung. He puckered his lower lip.

"Yeah, me too" Chansung rubbed his stomach. He looked at the others.

"Let's go eat then!" said Junsu. Wooyoung and Chansung looked at each other, then raced to the food court.

"Wait for me!" yelled Taecyon. Taecyon and Junho chased after them.

"You coming?" asked Junsu, waiting for Nichkhun. Nichkhun shook his head.

"Nah, I think imma look around." replied. Junsu shrugged and walked to the food court with his hands in his pockets. Nichkhun watched them go. Then he walked around the mall. He walked into a shoe store to look for some new shoes because he realized his shoes were all torn up. "Well.." he mumbled. He ran his finger along the shelves full of shoes. He wasn't watching where he was going.


"Oww~" Nichkhun heard a cry. He looked to his side. It was a girl. She looked up at him.

"Sorry!!" Nichkhun apologized. She was wearing sandals and Nichkhun had stepped on her pinky toe. She smiled. Nichkhun's eyes widened. She was so pretty.

"It's okay." she replied sweetly. Nichkhun felt himself blush. The girl laughed a little and looked away.

"W-what's your name?" asked Nichkun. The girl looked at him in the eyes. Nichkhun was captured by her beauty.

"Victoria" she replied. "And yours?" she held out her hand to shake his. He didn't reply for a couple of seconds. He just stared at her. Then he shook his head and cleared his throat.

"I'm Nichkhun." he answered quickly. He took Victoria's hand. She smiled again.

"Nice to meet you!" she said cheerfully. Nichkhun felt himself smile. "Ummm."


"Can you help me get that shoe up there?" Victoria said while reaching for the shoe. Nichkhun laughed. She was so cute.

"Yeah, sure!" he replied. He grabbed the shoe and handed it to her.

"Thank you!" she said happily. "I'll see you later." She walked away. Nichkhun was dazed. He felt his heart melting~.

He was daydreaming for so long that he didn't realize Victoria was gone. He ran out of the store and looked around. His friends were walking up to him.

"Khun! Why didn't you eat?!" asked Wooyoung with a mouth full of food. Nichkhun laughed.

"Guys, I just met the most beau-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence because he saw Victoria. She was walking out of the mall with her friends. "I'll be back." he said quickly as he ran over to Victoria and her group of friends.

"Victoria! Wait!" he yelled. Luna looked back and smiled. She poked Victoria's arm and pointed behind her. Victoria turned around and stopped walking. 

"Yes?" she said. She started turning red.

"Hi." Nichkhun said out of breath. "Umm.. Can I get your number?" Victoria blushed. Amber and Krystal were smiling and elbowing each other and Luna and Suilli were whispering something to each other. Victoria looked at her friends then cleared .

"Uhh. Sure" she said sweetly. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from her bag and wrote her number down, then handed it over to him. Nichkhun took the piece of paper happily. He couldn't stop smiling.

"Thank you." he said. "I'll catch you later!" He waved and then turned around and walked back to his friends.

"You're welcome!" yelled Victoria. She turned back to her friends, RED.

"Victoria!!!!!! Who was THAAT?" yelled Suilli. Victoria put her finger on her lips.

"Shh~" said Victoria. Suilli grabbed her finger and smiled.

"Ooooo~" teased Amber. Victoria was still red.

"Stoppp~" whined Victoria. The other girls laughed and teased Victoria all the way home.


"KHUN, MY BOY. WHO WAS THAAAAAT?~!" Taecyeon ran to him and jumped on him and patted his shoulder. Nichkhun blushed. The other boys whistled.

"I don't know.. She's just. Wow." said Khun. He looked at the piece of paper and tucked it in his pocket.

"You didn't tell us anything!" said Junho. Khun laughed.

"Hah, sorry. I just met her today!" Chansung patted Khun's shoulder too.

"Good job! Let's go home and have some beer to congratulate Khun!" he yelled. The boys clapped and whistled as they walked out of the mall.

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khunviclurve #1
Chapter 2: oh my god...they so funny...khun really fast..but please update...
Whoa. Nickhun is indeed FAST. O.O
dillah3095 #3
aaaah....really...<br />
the feeling when fall with someone...arghh<br />
love it so much! please update soon! :D
Nice Nice! I Like It!
Whoa. Junho's character surprised me, and getting-the-number that rushed? LOL Anyways, I'd like to see how this will go. XP
aleixa #6
This is so cute! :)
dillah3095 #7
aaah...really cute :D<br />
love it ^^ please update soon! hehe
free2lifefreely #8
hey....nice story.. keep up the good work...waiting for more... ^__^
leialeigh #9
nice update ....cute bumping into each other hehehehe
2pmfxhearts #10
CUTE!! update please! :)