On The Run For Freedom


The dark grey fluffy cloud's loomed over our motel the starts of rain pelting on the windows. The room was small, dirty and infested yet I didn't have a care in the world. For once I was happy, safe and free in the arm's of my lover. We were on the run, in love and free just like the rain falling from the dark sky.


Hello lovelies <3

This week's story coming a little earlier XD

Random idea came to me like an hour ago and thought it should be written XD

It will be fluff and I am going to be writing in Key's P,O.V 

I was kind of inspired by these photo's of Bummie - (Basically the whole Nylon shoot XD)


Comment and subscribe lovelies <333333 :3

P.S can you two please stop ruining my life O.O

P.S Changed the title because I didn't think it suited this story :)


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Chapter 1: ooooh jongkey story with they are on run.i dont know if its just me but i found it different from your other fics and i will say i liked this difference,i mean usually they are living fancy and getting support but in this they had face the problems with money and thier parents and like i said before i liked it and it was like somehow poetic esp where you wrote kibum comparing themselfs with weather while making love trees,leaves and moon i really liked it all.kibum saying "my jonghyun" hah it killed me.jonghyun is such a loving and childish puppy,really like how you describe him here really cute and acting just like a child and he splashing in a puddle what a cute sight but bummie no matter how he is,he is yours and of cousre jonghyun cant stop himself from getting u dirty,just look at yourself how stunning you are so poor puppy can help it.

Thanks for the another amazing fluffy jongkey fic.enjoyed it and of cousre it was worth of reading.it was really good:)