Love Letter

Love Letter

            She listened to the soft serenade from the corner of the room, the effortless smile seem to disappear once she ravealed who was receiving the soft, sweet words. Graduation was just around the corner, and that meant everyone was preparing for the day. When graduates run to spend their last days with friends, relieved from stressing over entrance exams and admissions, and expressing their joy and sadness over the last day. It was a time of celebration, but it was also a time of last minute confessions and breakups.


            “Miss Song,” The woman turned to the source of the voices. Around the corner, she saw the small group of teens running towards her. Finally out of their uniform, they pounced at their teacher; “you’re coming to our graduation, right?”


            “With the Principal away, I will be the Master of Ceremonies.” Her focus turned towards the male teens standing away from the females within the group. “I hope that there won’t be any uncalled for pranks from our two troublemakers.” She remarked dryly, winking at her soon-to-be former students.


            The male teens grinned, “We’ll make sure it’s the best.” One of them chimed.


            “Of course, you didn’t hear that from us.” The other remarked.


            “Miss Song, you should be against their childish antics.” The female and voice of reason chided. “They’ll get in trouble.”


            “If it happens once the ceremony is over, we have no power over them.” She announced, pushing the two teens further in their plans, “Besides, you should enjoy your last moments as ‘children’. It doesn’t last long. At least, that’s what I’ve been told.”


            “Have we told you how you’re our favourite teacher?” The group announced.


            She smiled at their praise. “I hope so, or I would have to reprehend you for the lunch room incident that has yet been solved.”


            The two boys glanced between one another, shocked at their teacher’s announcement, “How did you know it was us!”


            “Besides that confession,” Leading to the oncoming red foreheads, “try to make sure that your homework doesn’t leave any evidence behind. Especially when it’s for a course prior to the incident.”


            The three teens encircled the adult, wrapping their arms around the woman’s waist, “We’re going to miss you, Miss Song.”


            “I’ll miss you three as well.”


            The teacher walked back to the teacher’s room, smiling at the new yearbook that was being distributed to the graduates and teachers. “Enjoying your new yearbook?”


            She turned towards the elderly man, her senior and former teacher, “Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve received one.”


            “It wasn’t long ago when you were a student here, and I was receiving a hug from you during your graduation.” He noted. “I’m glad you decided to be a teacher. You seem to be the favourite for this year’s graduates.”


            “After eight years, everything seems like how it was before.” She reminisced. “Just with different people running down these halls.”


            She felt an odd weight against her shoulders, seeing her former teacher smile down at her, his fatherly look appearing once more. “Get use to it. This may be your first year, but you get to watch these students grow and come back with smiles once they return.”


            “I wish them that.” She turned back to the senior staff, a twinkle in her eye, “Now Mr. Cho, I hope you have grown from your fountain tradition.”


            She noted the slight pink in his cheeks. “I do not cry every graduation, they are merely allergies.”


            “Of course, sir.”




            She sighed with comfort once she returned to the safety of her home. The endless celebration seemed to have carried to the next day, well, if she didn’t run away from the teacher’s ‘graduation party’. She glanced at the new yearbook, and turned to search for her own graduating yearbook.


            “I’m sure I put it somewhere.” She muttered, looking through the boxes in her closet, “Here it is!”


            She opened up the first few pages, reading the signatures and notes that were scribbled within its content, only to realize the unfamiliar names. “This isn’t my yearbook?”


            An envelope peaked out from within the content of the book, bookmarking a specific page for her to turn to. Holding the envelope in her hand, she glanced at her younger self, cheering for the man on the field, and then to the next photo where the soccer player was lifted in their ongoing celebration. She reminisced on the soccer game; he scored the winning goal, giving the school their title as champions within the region. The entire stadium was celebrating, and the whole field became the party. She was amazed that out of all the photos that were shot, this page was just of them. Leaving the last photo to reveal her younger self in the arms of the soccer player, his shy smile peaking through, while he hid his embarrassment from her actions.


            “This was probably Taekwoon’s last match too. He became a trainee after that.” She mumbled. “I can’t believe how much time has passed.”


            She turned to the page where she had left the message. She had remembered the odd moment when he had asked her to sign his yearbook only to have him disappear within the midst. Unsure of what to do with the yearbook, she had kept it, and returned it after lunch.



            Even when you reach for the stars and I’m here on Earth, never lose that charm I saw since we first met. You are a man of few words, who turns into an innocent child when given chance. Never forget who you are because I won’t.



            The woman flushed from her embarrassing words, uncertain if, at that time, she was implying something to the stoic man. Her attention quickly shifted to the envelope, once used as a bookmark, in her hand. The name was smeared away. Assuming that the inside was blank, she opened the unsealed envelope, surprised at its content.


            “No, I shouldn’t read it.” She thought. “It could be for his first love, or something.”


            She sneaked a glance at the paper in her hand, her eyes tearing away from the message. Biting on her lips, she knew it was best to leave the message unread, but a small part in her wanted to read it and that part was screaming loud.


            “Maybe one peak won’t hurt.” She thought.




            Her eyes widened, “Okay, it could have been any Haemi.” She thought. “Who am I kidding, I’m the only girl he associated with at that time!”



            Even if I’m not a good talker, please understand me, I will tell you the truth I’ve been keeping. Do you remember the day we first met? Your pretty lips smiled at me. After that day, I was determined that I never want to lose you from my embrace. That I will go till the end saying ‘I love you’. These words might not be enough but still I will confess to you today. I want to be with you, even when I’m a step away, don't’ forget there’s a person who will protect you.

            After I met you, I found something to do. It is to make you smile every single day. There might be times when I’m really busy, but in my head, there are only thoughts of you. When you tell me to cheer up, when your eyes are looking at me, those things make me exist right now. I have nothing else to tell you, but ‘I love you’. So, thank you for waiting for me till the end, and for looking at me without shaking. Lean on me, believe in my love. Let’s be together for always. Forever.



            “What are you doing?” She turned to view a man leaning against her doorframe. His usual ebony hair was now dyed auburn, while his grey sweats were replaced to a clean suit. His blank gaze never once glanced away the woman on the floor.  Once his eyes peered at the open letter, his face redden - flushed with embarassment. Gathering his strength, he reached to grab the letter. Not once lifting his head to see where his hand was heading.


            Hyemi withdrew the letter from his reach, while trying to push the other hand away. A weak sigh escaped the man’s lips. He leaned against her, cringing and hiding from the words that he wrote as a kid, praying the woman did not read it.


            “Don’t read it.” He pleaded. He gasped for air, tucking his head away from the woman’s view, as he continued to weakly reach for the letter. “You didn’t read it, right?”


            “I, uhhh,” She heard another weak sigh. The two hands that tried to reach for the letter fell, turning to hide the embarrassed look on the ex-soccer player’s face.


             “I didn’t want you to read it.” He mumbled.


            The woman smiled at the man, reminded of the days when they were back in school, “So this was supposed to be your confession on our graduation day?” She chuckled, “Well, if you had given it to me then I think Hakyeon wouldn’t have pushed you towards me, which led to our first kiss.”


            Her chuckle grew louder when she saw his red ears, and felt the heat that flushed through his hands once she pried them away from his face. Her lips lightly trended against his cheek, leaving the man to be bewildered at the action, turning to look at his girlfriend. 


           "I love you too."


            “Thank you for the letter. Even if it was late, I love it.” Running his long, slender fingers through her hair, the two shared a soft kiss.


            “I love you,” He whispered.


            “I love you too.”



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Anna0_0 #1
This was so cute... :3
leebona101 #2
Chapter 1: Vahwfjwmqbs jung taekwoon is ruining my life with the help of this great authornim. Good job authornim!
DragonJewel #3
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute