Date night .

Forever & Always .


You opened your cellphone and hit speed dial number 2. 

"Hello?" a voice answered.

"Hey Jessica, Jonghyun and I are going out tonight.. what should i wear?" You walked over to your closet , pushing clothes from side to side.

"Ill be right over." Jessica hung up before you could say anything else.

"Jess-" You were cut off. "Ugh , i guess ill have to wait."


The doorbell rang, you ran downstairs. "Comming!" You screamed.

You openend the door and saw Jessica.

"Thanks for hanging up on me bestfriend." You both went in for a hug.

"Im sorry! You know how excited i get when you let me choose your clothes!" Jessica laughed.

You and Jessica went up to your room, Jessica going straight to your closet. She looked at each item of clothing like she was choosing a wedding ring. After 15 minutes she started clapping.

"What the heck Jessica? Are you alright?" You gave her the 'WTF' look.

"YEAAAH! I AM. I KNOW WHAT YOURE WEARING." She started jumping.

She pulled you up off your bed and shoved some clothes at you.

"Call me when youre done~!" She ran out of your room.

You set the clothes on your bed. You reached for the first item, peach colored romper with ruffles at the top. 

"Jessica and her love for ruffles." You rolled your eyes.

You put the romper down and grabbed the next item of clothing. A black short sleeved blazer. 

You put all the clothes in a pile on your bed. 

"Where did she put the shoes?" You thought.

With perfect timing Jessica yelled " _________ , THE SHOES ARE NEXT TO YOUR COMPUTER TABLE!"

"What the heck? how could she... nevermind." You went to pick up your shoes.

They were black strappy heels.

"I bet she wants me to die. She knows i cant walk in heels... whatever , ill do my best."

You changed into the outfit Jessica gave you and grabbed a black purse and some random accesories. 

(Here is the outfit.)

You walked downstairs. "JESSICA, COME HERE."

She ran twords you at full speed. 

" OH MY GOOSH! YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE." She squealed and hugged you.

"Okay okay okay, calm down." you tried to get her off of you. 

"Oh , while you were up there Jonghyun arrived." She pointed to him. "Ill be leaving now, just pay me later." She walked to the door.


" You look beautiful." He walked twords you with a smile.

"Huh? Oh .. thanks." You started blushing.

"Lets go?" He put his arm around you and walked to the door.


TROLOLOL FIRST CHAPTER. Anways, feedback would be loved <3

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