
Two Sides
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It was early morning on a fine Monday. The beginning of the week and where kids and teenagers are back on their uniforms and back in their school. The bell just rang here at Hyongguk High School. Students ran from the streets as they approached the school gates; some of them went out of the car and join the other students as they entered the school.

Park Jiwon, a seventeen year old girl is now in her senior year was walking through the gate. She glared as each of the students whispered her names and some other things on her back. it was typical for her. Her three years’ experience at high school already made her used to the whispers and talks behind her. She was after all the school’s ‘black ’, that’s the name she’s been getting ever since she started high school.

Her black aura that came from her black layered hair, black eyeliner that she uses, black accessories that she wears and black coat that covers her uniform and her mean personality made her marked as a .

She walked through the school corridor and reached her locker. After getting her books and utensils, she went to her first period class. It was already 7 anyway, the class should start soon. Her best friend, Kim Hyunjoo greeted her as she met her on the class. It was homeroom class of course.

“I see you still wore that black bracelet that I threw away yesterday.”

Jiwon clicked her tongue. “Of course, have I ever followed you words Hyunjoo?”

“Brat.” Hyunjoo muttered.

The homeroom teacher went into the class and the student bowed at her. “Good morning students. Today I’m going to give you your monthly assignment. It will be a group research and the subject will be English.”

The students’ grunts and then one girl raised her hand. “Is it a pair or more than two people in one group thing?”

“Pairs.” The teacher answered shortly. “I will hang the list of the pairs name on the school board as well as the other teacher with their own class. I hope everyone will put up their best effort for the best results.”

After homeroom, Jiwon had Math as her next class. She went out the room and headed to the Math class. She took the seat at the back in the middle row and she slump her head on the table. She waited for her teacher to come. She felt the chair next to her moved as she heard the screeching. She glanced at the person sat next to her and she widened her eyes.

Do Kyungsoo sat on the desk next to her on the left and he put out his books on the table. Jiwon stared at his figure and then Kyungsoo turned and look at her. “Is something wrong?” he asked.

Jiwon blinked her eyes as she watched Kyungsoo’s eye staring. “No, not at all.” She shook her head. “Why are you sitting here?” she asked him.

“Haven’t you seen the school board today?” he asked.


“I’m pairing up with you for the monthly assignment.”

“You what!?” Jiwon almost screamed it out loud. She didn’t realize that her Math teacher was entering the room. Everyone in the room turned their heads to the back and looked at Jiwon confusingly. Kyungsoo snickered beside her and she glare at him.

Math was boring as usual. But for Jiwon, it was interesting. She started writing her notebook with pencil and sometimes she glanced to the front to see the board and then continue writing. For Kyungsoo, it was an odd scene. This is the first time he ever took the back seat on Math class because he usually took the seat in the front or in the middle and sometimes one of his friends joins him.

Jiwon hummed and rested her chin on her hand. The equation on the board was a bit difficult to solve and she was curious on how to solve it. Today the teacher taught about algebra and she must admit that she loves it how she uses those x’ and y’ in one equation. She wrote the equation down on her notebook and the she started moving her pencil abruptly as she writes down numbers below the equation. She sighed looking at the page and how messy the numbers looked. But she looked really satisfied when she saw the last line on the page; she solves it.

“Can anyone solve this equation here?” the teacher asked.

Jiwon didn’t realize the pair of big eyes on her left that has been staring at her. Kyungsoo was watching every move she made; when she was writing the equation down, when she doodling her notebook with numbers until finally she found the answer. Kyungsoo already did the equation and when he looked at his notebook, the answer was the same. Kyungsoo knew that Jiwon wanted to answer the equation so he waited for her to react when the teacher asks someone to solve it.

Jiwon looked at the scrabbled page and sighed again. She slumps deeper on her seat and then closed her notebook. Kyungsoo raised his brow and then looked at

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Soona993 #1
Chapter 8: are not going to continue this story? :( I'm anticipating tho
Soona993 #2
Chapter 8: wow just wow, good stuff this is good. Please continue~
Chapter 4: wkwkwk, kai is being rejected by a girl XD
Chapter 3: hey, i just found the story and i just drop by to say this is really interesting, keep up the good work and update soon as you can :)
Chapter 3: Wow DO ... I like him ♥
Chapter 2: Lmaoooo . CuteeDO haha.

That boy is so harsh =[
Starting this todaay ^.^