


The maknae's outburst caused silence for a long period of time, the eight girls finding it frightening that the mature, obedient baby of the group was to raise her voice at the time of panic. No one didn't intend to tick Seohyun off, let alone making the situation even worse as it was, but they understand the pressure and fear from the young girl that they can't help but to feel guilty for the latter. Neither of them tried to talk over the silence, taking worried glances at the youngster's fatigue image in the arms of Yoona.

Jessica, who had been sitting in front of the poor girl, looked up from the ground, her eyes laying upon the person whom called her. "Yes?"

Seohyun sniffed, a lone tear escaping her left eye as she gazed at the older girl with guilt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you..."

A small smile formed on Jessica's lips, staring at the young girl as she rubbed Seohyun's leg reassuringly. "It's okay. You didn't mean any harm, you just wanted everyone to calm down." The tears on her eyes caused the ice princess to sigh, leaning towards Seohyun and wiping them away gently with her thumb. "You don't need to cry, Seohyun. It's okay, really."

Seohyun nodded obediently, her eyes still b with tears. Jessica chuckled, ruffling the young girl's hair before standing up. Stretching her sore body due to sitting on the cold floor for too long, she looked towards the door which remained locked. A question irked in the back of her head, urging her to find out how it got locked in the first place.

Jessica turned to look at everyone in the room. "Did anyone saw someone before going into the studio?"

The girls looked at each other unknowingly, shaking their heads as a result. Confusion struck Jessica, the thought of the door shutting by itself seemed regardlessly stupid.

"Really, none of you saw anyone? Not even a guard or something?" Jessica asked even further, earning another shake in the head by most of the girls in the room and a simple 'no'. At the mention of a guard, Yoona's memory started to act up.

"I remembered seeing the dead body of a guard," Yoona spoke out, shivering at the thought of the rotten body flashing in her mind. "But besides him, I didn't see anybody."

"Wait a minute," Seohyun said after staying silent for the most of the time, earning everyone's attention towards her. "I remembered hearing far footsteps while I was waiting for Yoona. Which means-"

"Someone was here before us," Jessica concluded. Nodding her head as if she stuck gold, she asked Seohyun even further. "Do you remember what the person looks like?"

Seohyun tried to remember, only to have a blur memory of a fast figure running at the end of the corridor. She didn't have time to see the face of the anonymous runner, who she including the older girls believed to be the man who's responsible for their entrapment.

"I couldn't get a clear view of him, unnie. I'm sorry," Seohyun said in dissapointment, shaking her head. Jessica nodded, hiding her frustration and telling the maknae that it was okay.

"Why are you asking for the guy's details?" Taeyeon asked, standing up from the floor.

"Police purposes. They'll probably ask us who's the bastard trapping us in an abandoned studio once we get the hell out of here," Jessica said, fishing out her phone from her pocket and checking the current time once again.

"That wouldn't be easy," Yuri said, speaking out her thoughts. "There's a possibility that we won't get to see this guy's face once we get out, I think this guy wants to keep his identity a secret."

"If that's what he's trying to do, then he's a coward," Jessica stated. She looked at the time on her phone, realizing how long they had been trap for. "Is anyone hungry?"

"Why?" Sooyoung asked.

Jessica locked her phone and put it in the pocket of her jeans. "It's dinner time."

A loud shuffling alerted the accupants of the studio, their heads instantly turning towards the door. The sound of something being unlocked occured from outside, and a few moments later, light came pouring into the room as a hatch opened up from the bottom of the door. Then, a large metal tray slid through the opening, nine boxes laid neatly on top of the tray alongside with a dozen set of chopsticks on the side.

Taking this as a chance, Jessica quickly ran towards the door, crouching down at the same level as the hatch, and push her head through the opening. Seeing the foot of the person who sent them food, she instantly took ahold of the leg but not before shouting.

"Hey! Hey, tell me why we're here! ing tell me, you er!" Jessica exclaimed, holding onto the leg as the sender himself struggled to be free from the girl's tight clutches. She looked up to see who it was, only to see a split second of a masked figure before the man started kicking her vigorously in the head. She winced at the sudden attack, but not flinching away as she continued to hold onto his leg.

"Ah, !" Jessica exclaimed as she couldn't hold on much longer with the heavy kicking, releasing the man's leg and going back inside as she clutched onto her head in pain, hearing the hatch closed and lock shut. She kept her hands on head, the ongoing pain on head mixed with the dizziness didn't help her one bit.

Taeyeon, alongside with Tiffany, rushed to the girl's side as the short girl inspected Jessica's head. There weren't any signs of a fatal wound or blood flowing out, but as her hand softly touched Jessica's crown, the latter yelped in pain. Taeyeon's hand retreated, looking at Tiffany whom was slowly pulling the injured girl up from the floor.

"Let's get Jessica to sit against the wall first," Taeyeon instructed, earning a nod from Tiffany. Both of them took hold onto Jessica, carefully taking her towards the wall as the girl continued to groan and hiss in pain. As much as they were being extremely careful, it didn't help much on the massive headache Jessica was having.

"Okay, that's it. Just take it easy..." Tiffany softly murmured, as she and Taeyeon gently set the brunette down against the wall, earning a small whimper of pain as Jessica couldn't onto the tears forming in her eyes, letting it flow down her cheeks whilst her lips quivered slightly.

"It hurts..." Jessica sobbed, her silent cries was as audible as loud whispers. Tiffany held the girl in her arms, letting her sob onto her as she felt the hot tears staining her shirt. She rubbed the girl's shoulder in an act of comfort, trying to town down the sobs as Tiffany looked up at Taeyeon.

"Go check the food, Taeyeon. I'll be with Jessi for awhile," Tiffany softly assured, and as much as Taeyeon wanted to check if Jessica was okay, she couldn't say no. Nodding her head, she stood up and walked cautiously towards the tray. Kneeling down and taking one box with her hand, she slowly took the cover off, her heartbeat beating unnaturally for no apparent reason, only to be relieved and slightly confused when all she found were dumplings.

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow. "It's just dumplings."

"Really?" Sooyoung said, and instinctly, her stomach growled loudly as a sign of hunger. Walking towards the short leader and sitting down next to her, she took one of the boxes and opened it, finding the similar food as Taeyeon's. "Huh, so it is." Unconsciously taking a pair of chopsticks, Sooyoung took a dumpling and was about to took a bite out of it, when Taeyeon stopped her.

"Wait, stop." Sooyoung turned her head towards Taeyeon in confusion. "What?"

Taeyeon sighed, before continuing. "It could be poisoned or something."

Sooyoung looked at the short girl as if she was out of her mind. "Look Taeyeon, I know this guy's crazy for locking us in here, but he wouldn't go to the point of putting some kind of rat poison into our food. Why bother keeping us trapped when he can instantly kill us with a single bite?"

Though she hated to admit, Sooyoung was quite right. But it wasn't Taeyeon's fault for being extremely paranoid. Just as she was about to speak, Sooyoung was already eating the whole dumpling.

A loud crunch was heard as the tall girl bite down the food in , realizing that a dumpling wouldn't have much crunchiness as it normally would, let alone the size of it was bigger than a regular dumpling. Feeling curious, she stuck her thumb and index finger and took out the stange substance from . She looked at it for awhile, since it was deformed.

But it didn't take long to realize that she was holding a human finger.

Sooyoung eyes widened, her stomach churn at the sight as the fresh finger was oozing out crimson blood. The sight sickened her to the point where her gag reflex kicked in, and soon, she kneeled towards the side and vomitted the remains of the food in , and from last night.

Taeyeon covered , muffling her scream as everyone turned their attention towards the two girls, staring at the disgusting sight in horror as Sooyoung puked out the remnants of the kimchi and ddoekbokki she and the girls had last night.

The sound of a microphone was heard, followed by a familiar voice.

"Enjoying the human dumplings, girls?"

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Fire_trek 352 streak #1
Chapter 26: Ugh 😩 I hate this, I know you’re not coming back to the story but damn to leave it on this note is tortuous. Thank you for the story author nim. I enjoyed every chapter even though I was growing stressed about it lol your work is amazing
Fire_trek 352 streak #2
Chapter 25: Yes pls keep them alive! I know we only have one chapter left but I hope it ends on a good note. And you shouldn’t worry about the anti’s of this story, you know who you are and that should be enough
Fire_trek 352 streak #3
Chapter 24: I can’t believe Sunny and Sooyoung are gone as well! Like what the hell! Only three left with two more chapters so here goes nothing..
Fire_trek 352 streak #4
Chapter 23: I wish I could give Taeyeon a hug, she’s going through so much all of them are but she’s the only one that feels like a complete failure. I want to tell them that everything will be alright but I can’t even do that
Fire_trek 352 streak #5
Chapter 22: This is too sad 😞 four of them are gone(I’m assuming Hyoyeon’s gone as well) and only four remain. Thinking back on it, I can’t even blame Yuri for what she did. If I was stuck in that situation I would consider it as well. This lunatic is doing nothing but keeping them imprisoned and with no real goal(as far as I can see) I’d rather be gone too if I was in that situation as well
Fire_trek 352 streak #6
Chapter 21: Yuri, wtf, girl! That’s not what the guy wanted(or was it) this has to be a bad joke because I can’t believe it!
Fire_trek 352 streak #7
Chapter 20: Yes, what has the world been up to since there disappearance? Is any one looking for them? I can’t imagine the whole world not looking for them.
Fire_trek 352 streak #8
Chapter 19: I first started reading because it was a ot9 fic and then the madness happened lol but no, this fic is great and so many twists and I love cliffhangers.
Fire_trek 352 streak #9
Chapter 18: Oh damn.. Taeyeon going off and telling Tiffany’s secrets and stuff.. this is getting juicy
Fire_trek 352 streak #10
Chapter 17: This is a shame, I don’t know what to do.. I’m glad that they prayed and all but I wouldn’t be satisfied until that guy was six feet under tbh