

"Yoona, stop. Kicking it harder isn't going to work."

They didn't know how they have been there. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours. Sitting their tired figures down on the cold floor, slowly acknowledging the fact that all nine of them were trapped, carrying unusable phones with not even a single bar of signal and their guard as they were too busy trying to grasp the situation at hand.

Yoona breathed in and out heavily, her face full of mixed sweat and tears that couldn't stop from streaming down her eyes. For the very last time, she kicked the door with her last remaining energy, and screamed. A scream filled with lost, desperation and defeat.

Her body dropped down to the floor with her head hung low, her dark wet hair covering her tear-exhausted face. The youngest girl of the group watched her from a distance with worried eyes, pitying the girl that already show signs of giving up. 

"Unnie..." Seohyun called out, her body not moving away from the comfortable arms of Yuri, while the latter continued to send soft, assuring pats on the innocent girl.

Seohyun heard the other girl sniff, a low voice replying her call, "What?"

"Please... Please try to calm down," Seohyun said softly, only to be startled by a loud chuckle from another member. Turning her head towards Sooyoung, the latter's chuckled escalate into crazed laughter, gathering the other member's attention towards the shikshin.

"Calm? Calm?" Sooyoung laughter subsided, looking at Seohyun in disbelief. "Do you realize how stupid that sounded? No, no, no, let me rephrase that. Do you even realize how utterly retarded your words are? Huh?" Her laughter echoed around the room. "Seohyun, wake up. We have been stuck in here for ing hours, with no signal in our phones to call not even a single human being out there, not even parents, the door that looks like it's our only escape is locked from the outside and you're telling Yoona, no, you're telling everyone in this goddamn room, to calm down? Do you know how dumb that sounds like, even from your own mouth?"

Yuri stood up, having enough with Sooyoung's words. "Will you shut up? Look, I know that the situation's bad, but don't you ever shout at Seohyun that way," Yuri narrowed her eyes, pointing her finger at the young girl still sitting against the wall, not moving a inch ever since the realization of being trap.

"Oh, great, now everyone's hating on me now over a stupid outburst," Sooyoung rolled her eyes in annoyance, glaring deeply at Yuri. "Open your eyes! Some psycho locked us up here in a building far from the city, and I don't think you've noticed this, but no one knows that where we are except for our manager which also doesn't know that we're being trapped here like ing rats!"

Yoona couldn't hold on any longer over the heated argument taking place, her fists clenched tightly as she stood up and walked towards Sooyoung, roughly pushing the girl away from Yuri as she took hold of her collar with one finger pointing closely at her face.

"Shout again at Yuri, and I swear I won't go easy on you," Yoona whispered menacingly at the girl, before letting go at Sooyoung's collar when they heard the leader calling a time out.

"Alright, that's enough!" Taeyeon voiced out, looking at the two girls still staring at each other cautiously, watching one another's body language. "Fighting isn't going to solve anything, and it doesn't help us finding a way out."

"Have you tried shouting?" Sooyoung asked, crossing her ams.

"That isn't going to-"

"For 's sake."

Sooyoung marched towards the locked door, banging her fists heavily against the surface. "Hey!" She banged a few times before going back to shouting. "Hey! Let us out! Let us out, dammit!"

Taeyeon walked over towards her, trying to pull Sooyoung away from the door but only to be harshly pushed away by the tall girl herself. "Sooyoung, it's not worth it."

Sooyoung ignored the other girl's pleas, continuing her door banging as she changed with her arm and letting her body hit the door with force. "Open the door! Open the goddamn door!"

It was only took a few seconds for the girl to calm down, sweat dripping down her forehead as she stared at the door with a blank expression. Her breathing heavy and ragid, feeling the tears trying to escape as her forehead hit the surface of the door. Again, and again, and again.

"This isn't real," Sooyoung whispered soft against the door, chuckling darkly as she let the tears to freefall from her now red eyes. "This is just a dream."

She turned around, facing Taeyeon while letting small laughter come out of as her tears never stopped falling down her cheeks. "This is all just a dream. Right? And, and all we need to do is wake up. Right? I, I think I've had enough now, so please wake me up," Sooyoung slowly kneeled down at the floor, both of her hands covering her face while she continued to sob. Each sob growing louder, and louder. "P-please wake me up..."

Taeyeon sighed, letting herself kneel down in front of her friend and wrapping the crying girl's body under her arms. Tears immediately soaked her shirt as Sooyoung hid her face in the comfort of her friend. The others could only watch the scene, feeling the exact same emotions that the girl sobbing in Taeyeon's embrace was feeling. Hopeless.

"I'm sorry, Sooyoung," Taeyeon's soft voice rang through Sooyoung's ears. "This isn't a dream."

It only took a second before the sobs of the shikshin to grow louder, echoing the deep pain and sorrow escaping from the girl's lips.

Jessica instantly fished out her phone, checking on the time that showed that it had been several hours since they were locked up, and she knew that she shouldn't sit around and cry her frustrations out. Frantically searching around the studio, from corners to behind curtains, she desperately continued to search for a way out, not wanting to spend the rest of her days locked up and imprisoned like a psychopath trapped in a room of white walls and floors.

"Come on," She muttered under her breath, kicking a chair out of the way to let out some of her frustration. "There's gotta be some kind of secret exit, or something."

Tiffany looked over at her friend, frowning at her efforts on trying to find a way out. "Jessica."

"I know what you're trying to say, Tiffany. I know, and trust me, I know what I'm doing," Jessica said, not glancing at her friend for even the slightest. "We can't be trapped in here forever. We can't be."

"But what if we're supposed to be here?" Tiffany questioned, stopping the actions of her friend midway. "I don't know, what if, what if we have a reason to be here? To be locked up?"

Jessica slowly turned at her friend, looking at her as if she had completely lost her mind. "Okay, well, if that's the case, then why us?" Jessica asked, crossing both of her arms. "Why are we here?"

"The question is what made you be here."

A voice echoed throughout the room, startling the victims who still remain trapped in a studio. Their heads turned up and down, left and right, trying to find the source of the voice. They couldn't have imagined it, because everyone in the room heard the exact same thing. Confusion struck Taeyeon, running towards the middle of the room as she mumbled, "What the hell..."

Yuri hastily moved towards Taeyeon, realizing that she wasn't the only who heard the mysterious voice. "Did you just hear that?" Yuri whispered in a soft voice.

Taeyeon nodded. "I did."

"Well, it looks like you guys are enjoying your time here."

The deep voice was heard again, gaining the attention of the occupants of the room once again. Jessica heard it again, feeling relieved she wasn't hearing things but that doesn't lessen the anger and frustration.

"Hey! Hey, I heard you," Jessica shouted across the room, looking at every possible places the culprit's voice would be at. "Don't with me, everyone in the whole room heard you."

A low chuckle emitted from the few seconds of silence. "This is going to be a whole lot interesting."

Having enough of the overall statement, Taeyeon spoke up just before the others could have a chance to ask what he meant by that. "What is it that you want? Why are you trapping us? For money? If that's what you want, then we can give you-"

"Is money always the issue here?" The voice, which belonged to a man, interrupted Taeyeon. "Why would I need your money if I could easily rob a bank?"

"Well, maybe you're just the greedy type," Taeyeon said coldly, confused at the man's strange attitude.

Another chuckle was heard after a few seconds of silence. "I'm starting to grow a liking towards you, Kim Taeyeon."

", he knows your name," Jessica muttered silently, looking at the girl beside her. "Hold on, how do you know who we are? No, no, forget about that, tell us why we're here. Why are we being locked up?"

There was an eerie silence hovering over the room, no one saying a single as they silently wait for a reply from the mysterious voice. By hearing him, they knew he wasn't in the room. They knew that he was hiding somewhere, speaking through a microphone with a twisted grin on his face.

A deep breath was heard, not so long as a minute.

"I just want to have fun with my nine favorite girls."

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Fire_trek 352 streak #1
Chapter 26: Ugh 😩 I hate this, I know you’re not coming back to the story but damn to leave it on this note is tortuous. Thank you for the story author nim. I enjoyed every chapter even though I was growing stressed about it lol your work is amazing
Fire_trek 352 streak #2
Chapter 25: Yes pls keep them alive! I know we only have one chapter left but I hope it ends on a good note. And you shouldn’t worry about the anti’s of this story, you know who you are and that should be enough
Fire_trek 352 streak #3
Chapter 24: I can’t believe Sunny and Sooyoung are gone as well! Like what the hell! Only three left with two more chapters so here goes nothing..
Fire_trek 352 streak #4
Chapter 23: I wish I could give Taeyeon a hug, she’s going through so much all of them are but she’s the only one that feels like a complete failure. I want to tell them that everything will be alright but I can’t even do that
Fire_trek 352 streak #5
Chapter 22: This is too sad 😞 four of them are gone(I’m assuming Hyoyeon’s gone as well) and only four remain. Thinking back on it, I can’t even blame Yuri for what she did. If I was stuck in that situation I would consider it as well. This lunatic is doing nothing but keeping them imprisoned and with no real goal(as far as I can see) I’d rather be gone too if I was in that situation as well
Fire_trek 352 streak #6
Chapter 21: Yuri, wtf, girl! That’s not what the guy wanted(or was it) this has to be a bad joke because I can’t believe it!
Fire_trek 352 streak #7
Chapter 20: Yes, what has the world been up to since there disappearance? Is any one looking for them? I can’t imagine the whole world not looking for them.
Fire_trek 352 streak #8
Chapter 19: I first started reading because it was a ot9 fic and then the madness happened lol but no, this fic is great and so many twists and I love cliffhangers.
Fire_trek 352 streak #9
Chapter 18: Oh damn.. Taeyeon going off and telling Tiffany’s secrets and stuff.. this is getting juicy
Fire_trek 352 streak #10
Chapter 17: This is a shame, I don’t know what to do.. I’m glad that they prayed and all but I wouldn’t be satisfied until that guy was six feet under tbh