Messed Up


Sunny let her eyes droop slowly, feeling drowsiness taking a toll on her. She leaned her back against the wall, swallowing the saliva. "What time is it?"

Taeyeon fished out her phone from her pocket, turning on the lockscreen as her eyes scanned for the digital numbers of the clock. 9:27 p.m. Way passed dinner time. She checked also the amount of battery the phone had left. 18%.

Sighing, she set the phone on airplane mode and putting it back into her pocket. "It's way pass nine. Looks like we won't be eating tonight. If I were you, I would start learning how to fast," Taeyeon stated in joking manner, but her sentence turned out more sarcastic than it should be. Luckily, Sunny knew what the girl meant and chuckled.

"Yeah, well, I don't mind. At least I'm not eating any cooked meal made by the horrible chef who is our lovely sociopathic, deranged kidnapper," Sunny went along with being humorous, the only thing to keep herself entertained when she was the object of entertainment for the man who captured them. "Actually, we should call him that. It'll be cute."

"Define cute, Sunny, I don't think calling him attractive is the word we're looking for a man like him," Tiffany retorted. "Then again, he does have a nice face... Wait, what the hell?" Tiffany shook her head, realizing what she just said as she stood up and started fixing her clothes. "I'm gonna look around for a little. Just... getting my head out of the gutter."

As the two remaining girls sat and watch their confused friend walking away, they looked at each other in amusement. Taeyeon chuckled. "Looks like Tiffany's slowly going crazy herself."

Sunny grinned, shaking her head as she turned her gaze to the floor. She straighten her feet out in front of her, wiggling her shoes in a pure act of boredom. Sighing, she turned to Taeyeon who was spacing out once again. Sunny looked at her friend for awhile before speaking, "You know it's not your fault."

Taeyeon snapped out of her thoughts, and draw her attention to the short girl beside her. "Hm?" Sunny shrugged. "Us being here. Being treated like . It's not your fault, or anyone's. We can never decide what will happen today, the next day, or the day after that. If you wanna put the blame on someone, blame fate. She's such a , screwing everyone anywhere at any time."

Taeyeon smiled, scoffing a little. "You called fate a 'she'?"

"Well, I tend to call inanimate objects around me as a female. One time, when I was little, I blamed my bedroom door for banging my toe against it on accident. When my mom asked what happened, I said, 'she hit my big toe, umma, I hate her so much!'" Sunny recounted her funny story of her childhood, which caused Taeyeon to chuckle.

"You're weird even when you're young," Taeyeon teased, earning a shoulder punch from the other girl.

"Well, look who's talking," Sunny smirked. Though their ongoing conversation was caught short when they heard a loud voice shouting in exclamation.

"What the ?"

The two turned their heads instantly towards the owner of the voice. Their eyes fell upon Tiffany, her face filled with mixed emotions, holding up a used cigarette she found near a corner the room. Noticing the rolled up and nearly finished cigar, Taeyeon gulped silently.

This isn't going to end well.

Tiffany looked around the room with anger filled in her eyes. "Who the hell has been taking cigarettes ever since we got here?"

Realizing no one dared to move, speak, or do anything, it seemed that Taeyeon doesn't have any other choice. Taking in a deep breath, she slowly stood up, surprising both Tiffany and the other girls. She walked towards her furious friend, afraid that any words flying from would backfire and shot her instead.

Tiffany looked at the leader in utter disbelief. "Taeyeon?"

She waited for the girl to speak up, but Taeyeon stayed silent. Her patience ran thin, and she started questioning her. "Why are you smoking?"

Taeyeon looked up hesitantly, feeling like she was tongue tied as she tried to form a speech with mouth but it only came out as stutters. "I... it-it's, um..."

"Why are you smoking behind our backs? Huh?" Tiffany raised her voice, making Taeyeon flinched at the girl's tone. "When did this all start, Taeyeon? Did you smoke before?"

Taeyeon gathered up the courage, and replied back. "It-it was only a one time thing."

"Bull, I found two more lying on the ground over in that corner, and you call that a one time thing?" At this point, Tiffany's anger has gotten the better of her. "Are you trying to make us ing look bad in front of the public?"

"What's it to you, huh?" Taeyeon voiced back, catching everyone by surprise. Even Tiffany herself wasn't prepared for a comeback. "For all I know, you're too busy sneaking out every night to go meet your precious little boyfriend at a hotel and him until the morning comes!"

It was at this moment that Tiffany had no words to project at the other girl. She had no words to describe how shocked she was when Taeyeon blurt out her long-time secret.

"I know what you've been doing, don't ever think that I'll never know. And you're here telling me about my smoking addiction and how it's bad for me and the group?" Taeyeon spat, piercing her eyes at Tiffany's. "What's the matter, huh? Not satisfied at the regular s you have with Nickhun? Is his too small for your ? Did he fail at making your like ing geysers? Did he ever let you ride his face like a ? I can just smell the you two had everytime you came back to the dorm, and wondering if you ever yourself with your secret stash of s hidden in your drawer, fantasizing his drilling in you while you keep begging for him to don't stop, and you're telling me that my goddamn addiction is ing bad for me?!"

Everyone was silent. The outburst Taeyeon let out had left all of the girls in shock, including Tiffany. The girl was caught redhanded by her own actions, even when she was doing the exact same thing to the leader. Karma has found a way to get its revenge on her.

Taeyeon took deep breaths as she felt her heart pounding in a fast rate, trying to calm herself down while maintaing her cold eyes onto Tiffany.

"Guess I'm not the only one who's ed up, huh?"


Well, s about to go down. Drama and tension ensues. *puts on evil smirk*

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See you in the next chapter!

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Fire_trek 352 streak #1
Chapter 26: Ugh 😩 I hate this, I know you’re not coming back to the story but damn to leave it on this note is tortuous. Thank you for the story author nim. I enjoyed every chapter even though I was growing stressed about it lol your work is amazing
Fire_trek 352 streak #2
Chapter 25: Yes pls keep them alive! I know we only have one chapter left but I hope it ends on a good note. And you shouldn’t worry about the anti’s of this story, you know who you are and that should be enough
Fire_trek 352 streak #3
Chapter 24: I can’t believe Sunny and Sooyoung are gone as well! Like what the hell! Only three left with two more chapters so here goes nothing..
Fire_trek 352 streak #4
Chapter 23: I wish I could give Taeyeon a hug, she’s going through so much all of them are but she’s the only one that feels like a complete failure. I want to tell them that everything will be alright but I can’t even do that
Fire_trek 352 streak #5
Chapter 22: This is too sad 😞 four of them are gone(I’m assuming Hyoyeon’s gone as well) and only four remain. Thinking back on it, I can’t even blame Yuri for what she did. If I was stuck in that situation I would consider it as well. This lunatic is doing nothing but keeping them imprisoned and with no real goal(as far as I can see) I’d rather be gone too if I was in that situation as well
Fire_trek 352 streak #6
Chapter 21: Yuri, wtf, girl! That’s not what the guy wanted(or was it) this has to be a bad joke because I can’t believe it!
Fire_trek 352 streak #7
Chapter 20: Yes, what has the world been up to since there disappearance? Is any one looking for them? I can’t imagine the whole world not looking for them.
Fire_trek 352 streak #8
Chapter 19: I first started reading because it was a ot9 fic and then the madness happened lol but no, this fic is great and so many twists and I love cliffhangers.
Fire_trek 352 streak #9
Chapter 18: Oh damn.. Taeyeon going off and telling Tiffany’s secrets and stuff.. this is getting juicy
Fire_trek 352 streak #10
Chapter 17: This is a shame, I don’t know what to do.. I’m glad that they prayed and all but I wouldn’t be satisfied until that guy was six feet under tbh