Douleur, la Souffrance: I


"Punching the door won't do any help, Taeyeon."

Taeyeon ignored the girl's statement, continuing to vent out her frustrations through slamming her fists against the unbreakable door. No matter how hard she kicked and punched with all her strength, it wouldn't budge. A locking mechanism, she thought. Their captor must've been clever enough to have some sort of lock system that could withstand any sort of force.

Whatever he did to the door, Taeyeon doesn't give a . Hyoyeon was gone. And she knew that she was taken by the same bastard who locked them up in hellish solitude.

Taeyeon's punches turned rapid and increased its speed, feeling her hands becoming nearly numb due to the continious act. Her low growl slowly turned into a loud scream, beating up the door with speed and force until she stopped with the big and final blow.

Taeyeon remained silent for a while, her deep breaths echoing throughout the room as the members could only watch their leader worriedly. Neither of them wanted to impose the girl in the current situation at hand, until one of them stood up from the floor and started walking towards Taeyeon who's back was facing everyone else in the room.

Taeyeon felt a hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before she turned around and shoved the hand away from her. "Why didn't you help her?"

Jessica stood there in disbelief for a moment. "What?"

Taeyeon pushed the girl in a harsh manner, nearly making Jessica lose her balance otherwise she would fell to the floor. "Why the didn't you do anything when Hyoyeon was being taken?"

Jessica looked at Taeyeon as if she had lost it, and snapped back. "Jesus Christ, Taeyeon, she wasn't here anymore when we woke up! Do you expect us to go searching for her right off the bat? For 's sake, the goddamn door is locked from the outside!"

"You could've done something. You could've done something to help her, and you ing didn't do !" Taeyeon's eyes widened in pure anger pointing her finger at Jessica's face as she spat venom like a snake. That was until she saw Sunny stepping into the scene and grabbing her wrist in the process.

"Taeyeon, stop it, it's neither of anyone's fault. You wanna blame it on someone, blame the who locked us up in this room," Sunny said sternly, narrowing her eyes at Taeyeon while keeping a firn grip on the girl's wrist.

Taeyeon went silent, her eyes darting at everyone around the room. The girls looked at her with the same worried expression. The same girls who had been with her when she was at her lowest, the same girls who had been with her for years, the same girls who accepted her as a friend, a sister, and a family.

And then Taeyeon started laughing. With visible tears streaming down her eyes.

Sunny frowned at the sight, lessening her grip on the girl's wrist and pulled her into an embrace. She felt Taeyeon's arms wrapping around her small body as her laughs turned into painful sobs, and in reflex, Sunny tightened the embrace while rubbing her hand on the girl's back. There was nothing she could do to calm her down.

Everything all happened too fast.

"Sorry to interrupt your pitiful moment, but Hyoyeon's still alive."

Taeyeon's sobs stopped, so does her shaking body. She instantly turned her head towards the speakers, hating the captor's voice from the bottom of her heart. Taeyeon let herself out of the embrace, and went to the speaker that was mounted high in the corner of the room.

"Where is she?" Taeyeon demanded, her voice slightly shaky from crying. "Where's Hyoyeon?"

"Oh, you wanna hear her voice? Like, right now?" The man teased, hinting a sinister tone in his voice. They didn't have a clue of what they were about to hear. "Alright then. You ask for it."

There was a small click, and the speaker immediately was filled with screams and shouts.

"Hey! Let me go! , , , somebody help me, please!" There was a series of coughs and gags. "Help me! Help me-"

The screams were cut short, leaving the girls in tenseful silence for only a few seconds. They knew it was Hyoyeon's voice. They knew it was her.

The sound of a cough emitted from the speaker, catching everyone's attention. "Looks like she's having lots of fun."


Second part will be updated on the weekend, and will include explicit content. All that fun stuff! Be anticapated for the next update, or else.

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Fire_trek 352 streak #1
Chapter 26: Ugh 😩 I hate this, I know you’re not coming back to the story but damn to leave it on this note is tortuous. Thank you for the story author nim. I enjoyed every chapter even though I was growing stressed about it lol your work is amazing
Fire_trek 352 streak #2
Chapter 25: Yes pls keep them alive! I know we only have one chapter left but I hope it ends on a good note. And you shouldn’t worry about the anti’s of this story, you know who you are and that should be enough
Fire_trek 352 streak #3
Chapter 24: I can’t believe Sunny and Sooyoung are gone as well! Like what the hell! Only three left with two more chapters so here goes nothing..
Fire_trek 352 streak #4
Chapter 23: I wish I could give Taeyeon a hug, she’s going through so much all of them are but she’s the only one that feels like a complete failure. I want to tell them that everything will be alright but I can’t even do that
Fire_trek 352 streak #5
Chapter 22: This is too sad 😞 four of them are gone(I’m assuming Hyoyeon’s gone as well) and only four remain. Thinking back on it, I can’t even blame Yuri for what she did. If I was stuck in that situation I would consider it as well. This lunatic is doing nothing but keeping them imprisoned and with no real goal(as far as I can see) I’d rather be gone too if I was in that situation as well
Fire_trek 352 streak #6
Chapter 21: Yuri, wtf, girl! That’s not what the guy wanted(or was it) this has to be a bad joke because I can’t believe it!
Fire_trek 352 streak #7
Chapter 20: Yes, what has the world been up to since there disappearance? Is any one looking for them? I can’t imagine the whole world not looking for them.
Fire_trek 352 streak #8
Chapter 19: I first started reading because it was a ot9 fic and then the madness happened lol but no, this fic is great and so many twists and I love cliffhangers.
Fire_trek 352 streak #9
Chapter 18: Oh damn.. Taeyeon going off and telling Tiffany’s secrets and stuff.. this is getting juicy
Fire_trek 352 streak #10
Chapter 17: This is a shame, I don’t know what to do.. I’m glad that they prayed and all but I wouldn’t be satisfied until that guy was six feet under tbh