
Truth Will Only Show Love

Sulli looked out the window, and noticed the the clear sky showing a view that she usually called pretty. But today, it just wasn't pretty. The sky was not blue, and only grey clouds covered the sky.

Such a bad day.

Looking out the window, she noticed her breath leaving a small fog on the window,  bored and uninterested to do anything else, she draw a heart in the small area, drawing slowly thinking at the same time.

Does he love. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. 

Sulli felt still so confused. She was greatful for all the good, yet now this was just too confusing for her to handle. She did seem to hear Taemin's confession a few days ago....

That made her smile. Just a tiny bit. 

At least, he still seemed to care, while she was too busy fuming and frowning.

Then again, their was Kai.

Someone just happened to enter her life. Yet, it seems that another confession has poured into her bucket.

Not long after the message of "See you soon~" she recieved a "P.S, Joahae.I don't know about your feelings, but do understand my heart. "

She was a nice girl. Wanting to accept invitations to both of them, yet she didn't know exactly what to do. At times like these, she would've talked to Taemin, but he was so part of the problem too....which didn't help either.

Both of her friends who usually helped was now the people choosing her as the victim. Sulli, was stuck. Stuck inbetween Taemin, and Kai.


Was that the best thing to do, for the next few days?

And she did.

Surprisingly, Sulli was able to keep to herself for the next few days. She avoided Taemin, and Kai. She sat away from Kai during Math class, and ate at another table away from Taemin.

She felt like a loner. It was awkward.

But what could she do?


Meanwhile, at school Taemin noticed Kai, Sitting nearby, yet still near him and Sulli. Catching his breath, Taemin went over to Kai's table and tried to approach him.

Taemin: Hey....

Kai: Hi....?

Taemin: Have you been.......doing well?

Kai: Yes. And you?

Taemin: Yea....

Taemin's pov:

Gosh. Taemin! Don't you even know how to start a conversation? Why are you so awkward right now? Besdies, you know this Kai....he's Sulli's talker and you're old......friend.

end pov.

Taemin: What happened?

Kai: What do you mean.?

Taemin: You are.....Jong In,....I know you. Why did you change you're name.

Kai: Cousin. I have escaped to Seoul, I need a new identity so people don't know about my past.


Kai: I am Kai. Call me Kai. I do not no longer know anyone called Jong In nor am one.

Taemin: You've changed.....

Those conversations were so soft, it was barely a whisper. Taemin didn't know what to do. Kai was like his rival, and he was no longer Jon In any longer. In fact, they weren't friends either. Not exactly brand new, but not old. Inbetween feeling uncomfortable and odd.

Kai: Bro, I've been following you're foot steps.

Taemin: B-bro?

Kai: I like a girl too.... she goes by the name of Sulli. Hope you don't mind of loving your bestie.^^

Taemin: Sulli!?!Bestie.... you what?

Kai: Taemin, we are two different people. I just want her to know that.

Taemin snapped. The conversation was getting to weird. Kai and Sulli. No way, was he going to let that happen.

Taemin: She knows we're different. She only doesn't know that you're my cousin. Don't come inbetween us. We're besties, yet I love her. Don't you dare, ruin the relationship I'm trying to repair!

Kai's eyes looked sad for a moment then returned blank.

                        Repair? Love? Taemin loves Sulli? He was inbetween? That made...........sense in a way that didn't really doesn't?!What?

Kai: No. She's mine. Besides, you'be got your flings. I just want a proper, sweet girlfriend that I could take care of. Got a problem with that?

Taemin: Aniyo.....Jong In, I mean Kai. You're got to understand. Let me make up to Sulli, don't come barging in.

Kai: She knows me. Well enough, for me to ask her out Taemin.

Taemin: You don't get it. Guess what. Shes mine. And I'm going to keep her.

Like that, Taemin walked away from Kai and walked back to his own table. As he walked, he peered at Sulli, who looked terribly confused and upset.

Taemin's pov:

Gosh. I've destroyed her self esteem.... :/

end pov.

Kai's pov:

He loves her. Does she possible love me? Am I in the middle.....why him. Not me?

end pov.

Both Kai and Taemin took out their phones and both texted Sulli the same message.

"Is it him, or I that you like?"

Sulli who read both messages could feel cold sweat coming from her hands. She was definitely unprepared for this take on love. Not that she think she ever will....

She frowned reading both messages and didn't reply. Instead, she turned it off. The boys who didn't get a text back looked at Sulli with sorrow in their eyes. Was their love unrequited?

Sulli's pov:

I'm so sorry.....

end pov.


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Chapter 26: Sulli ah, give him another chance ! Update ^^
Chapter 25: Kai is such a cutie making reports ~ Update.
Chapter 24: Update soon~ :’(
Chapter 24: Updatee pleaseeee
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 24: update soon please!!
Sulli_Aira #7
Update soon^^

i feel bad for kai
but taemin and sulli is better for each other
Cute Taelli~~~~~~~~~ :DDDDDDDDDD

But I feel sorry for Kai :((

Update soon~~
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Aww.. poor sulli is confused