I Know You're Jealous

Truth Will Only Show Love

Once Sulli opened the door, she immiediately shut the door leaving Taemin standing outside her door hanging.

Taemin: Hey, Sulli...I'm sorry. Please forgive me? >.<

Sulli who stood behind the door didn't know how to respond. Her emotions were currently thrown out the window therefore all she could do was to lean on the door and slowly slide down until she reached the floor blocking the entrance.

Taemin: You still mad? I'll buy you ice-cream! :D

Sulli: Go away.... (monotone)

Taemin: You hanging alright in there?! :/

Sulli:Do I seem okay?

Taemin reached for the door knob and opened it slightly despite the extra decor on the door.

Sulli: Yah! Ouch!

Taemin noticed that Sulli was sitting behind the door, but anyhow he slid into her room.

Sulli: T.T Did you have to squish me?

Taemin: Well,.... you didn't give me room^^ to enter

Sulli: =.= it say "do not enter"

Taemin smiled. He knew that Sulli couldn't be mad for long, for she was a cheery person.

Taemin: You're so cute :D (pinches her cheeks)

Taemin expected Sulli to blush but she looked away and in a cold tone said,

Sulli: Leave that for your future wife.

Her mocking words pinned Taemin's heart down. He knew she was still mad, no like her usual behaviour.

Taemin: Will you forgive me then?

Sulli: (looks at Taemin blankly) Am I suppose to?

Taemin: You'r'e not jealous are you?! (teasing her)

Sulli looked away. Was she jealous? She didn't know. But she sure felt akward when her relationship was brought up with Taemin since they hanged with each other so often.

Sulli: I am not.

Taemin wanted to believe that her words were the truth. Yet he saw the real truth behind it. In Sulli's eyes, he saw hurt,pain and sadness instead of its usual shine and happiness from her orbs.

Taemin: Don't deny it, I know you, Sulli,very well....^^

Sulli: Aish! Go away!

Taemin looked at her and then the door. Should he leave, or should he stay? Taemin moved he face closer and closer to her face, instantly Sulli's face reddened leaving pink on her cheeks.

Taemin: You are jealous :p

Sulli:T^T, Its all your fault! :/

Taemin leaned forward for a kiss, instead what he got was something furry. (Taemin's reaction:0,0?!)

Sulli: kekekek:p you kissed my teddy bear.:) 

Sulli gave Taemin her teddy bear and said,

"Take this with you when you marry Jiyoung, I want you to be happy okay?! I know you like her so yea, the contracts off. We're both happy right?"

Taemin: W-what do you mean?!

Sulli: We are best friends aren't we?:)

Taemin: Don't lie. You'r'e only trying to be happy for me right?

Sulli's pov:

       To be honest, I am still mad at him. T.T Its all his fault! But then, what could i do? The only solution was to hide all these feelings away, because it wouldn't fo me any good right? Perhaps its too late to return my feelings for him, .........love and life isn't fair.....

end pov.

Taemin: Whats with the bang Sul?

Sulli: Its a change for the better, for the future don't you think?

Taemin: Huh?!

Sulli: We won't be that close anymore once you marry, I'm being prepared for the future so you know... (looks away)

Taemin: You're so silly! :p But don't get mad ever again okay? You do the most unpredictable things when you're mad. Who knows whats next, you might suicide!

Sulli: Its not that anyone can help me...

Taemin: I'll be here!

Sulli: Yea, sure. (sarcasm) You need to protect Jiyoung....

Taemin: I...I

Sulli: Yea, I know I'm jealous, now can we stop talking about her?


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Chapter 26: Sulli ah, give him another chance ! Update ^^
Chapter 25: Kai is such a cutie making reports ~ Update.
Chapter 24: Update soon~ :’(
Chapter 24: Updatee pleaseeee
KimJongMin #6
Chapter 24: update soon please!!
Sulli_Aira #7
Update soon^^

i feel bad for kai
but taemin and sulli is better for each other
Cute Taelli~~~~~~~~~ :DDDDDDDDDD

But I feel sorry for Kai :((

Update soon~~
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Aww.. poor sulli is confused