
I Love You Dearly



One day you were on the way to your school when you saw Kai, knowing that his your stalker. You avoided his gaze,  still, he smirked. That smirk of his give you the chills. Everyone in class was talking about you and Kai. When you’re walking on the hallway he was always there, walking beside you. When you’re in the library he was there helping you, find your books. When it’s time to go home he always ask you for a ride or asks your bag, so that he will bring it for you. That went on  for 4 years during your high school days, you didn’t do anything about it, because you felt that he will just keep continuing what he does or be more persistent.

He was tall, dark and handsome but it never came to your mind that his the one, of course his a stalker, unlike other stalkers he doesn’t follow you 24/7 but you were always irritated by his intention and motive and somehow to the point you found him creepy and that scared you. He knows a lot about you; from your personal information to private. Like he knows that you have a crush on Sehun, He knows what time you usually wake up in the morning and sometimes wait for you, outside your house; He knows what time you usually go to the mall at Sundays compared to him just plain irritating, Sehun was smart and handsome just like your ideal type he was like a ‘player’ to you which is why girls at the campus always screams his name. One time you tried confessing to Sehun, that time it was a closing party for the whole class, of course Kai was there.

The party place was a rooftop, filled with excitement you dress up and went there. It was a casual party you decided to wear a dress that’s very short, body fit mini dress and a mini strap that you can’t barely see. “Sehun likes girls who wear mini dresses” you said, cheerfully. Putting on your makeup, Kai texted you but you didn’t reply. You decided to change your number that day.

The party starts at 7:00 p.m and you were late even though you took a taxi because you changed your phone number. Your friends were calling you as you arrived. There are foods on the table, you were hungry that time, you sat on a table with your friends when suddenly Kai sat beside you, wearing a chambray shirt and tattered jeans, your friends stood up and went to another table, because they were scared of him. “What are you wearing? You don’t usually dress like this.” he exclaimed, putting his chambray shirt on you, leaving his black top. “It’s none of your business Kai! Leave me alone!”

“Not Sehun please, not him.”as he tries to embrace you, he stopped the minute he heard you talk. “Stop Kai!!! I can’t take it anymore; STOP FOLLOWING ME, LET ME GO ALREADY.” you screamed, as you broke away from him. You ran away, as he chased you, you went down the staircase and entered into a room, it was pitch black but you can hear somebody moan. “Come to me” he said with a husky voice, you recognize it. It was Sehun, “Sehun ah” you whispered but you heard another voice. “I want you Sehun” she breathily said, that stopped you from coming to him, you went out and saw Kai which scared you, you went down. Crossing a highway that time , everything was blurred, all you see was just, lights; street lamps, the cars’ head light, because of tears. “Stop chasing me! I hate you! You’re a STALKER!” you shouted, standing in a crosswalk, he was in shock the moment you said that. A car was fast-moving, you heard a noise, wheels grinding on the road, it finally stopped as it bumped into someone. You turn your head to see who it was. “Kai! Are you okay?” you stuttered, his head starts bleeding. “I-I’m not a stalker silly! I-I just don’t want you to get hurt.”SShhhh! don’t talk to much” as you hold onto his hand, you cupped his face. His voice started you get weak. “Come closer and listen” he said, as you lean towards him. He played a sound clip from his phone you heard him talking. He smiled at you, when you cried. His eyes were shut. “I-I’m just someone who loves you dearly; and no one can replace me, from loving you.”

“I love you forever-- and always.”





A/N: I know you're slightly dissapointed about it, because its a one shot story but don't worry if I reach 1000+ views or a hundred upvote then there will be a part 2 for this. START UPVOTING OR VIEWING IT. I'm advertsing this one because I, myself like this though and have enough inspiration to continue this. :)


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H3R05373N #1
Chapter 1: Hey, thanks for posting on my wall. I read this story of yours when you first posted on my wall but I didn't have a chance to give you any feedback- sorry. It was a good read however there were a few mistakes here and there, but they weren't fatal ones :D
I was able to get to the end without a problem - I was eager to find out what was going to happen. Your writing style is nice and I would encourage you to keep writing. I don't feel like this story needs a sequel/spin-off of whatever. I think it would be better to keep one shots as just that, a one shot. But if you do, please post it on my wall and I will give it a read. I look forward to reading more from you.
Good Luck,
From a Happy Reader xx
Hanna0123 #2
Chapter 1: 0_0

, my poor heart 0_0
Chapter 1: Sequel please!!!!
Chapter 1: OMG Kaiiiiiiii Oh no ... pls sequel ! was nice!!!
ReinaPark #5
Chapter 1: sequel please...
Xiuminnie123 #6
Chapter 1: Aaaw, please write more authornim:)
nerdyviv #7
Chapter 1: ...oh my KAIII!!!!! :( good job authornimm!! :D
scarlecia #8
Chapter 1: hello there. I saw your post on my wall so I decided to pay a visit :)
OMG Kai's such a a good boyfriend material here :D he's so loving and caring and. I'm so gonna be melted under his soft and tender gaze.. it's good. I hope it would be much longer, though, for it would explain things that hadn't been said. but this one is good, really
Chapter 1: Wow....
So sad, but unforgettable.
Chapter 1: Short and sweet. Definitely enjoyed it. Wished there had been more