First and Last Meeting????

The day I met you!

“Is this it?” he questioned voice seething with anger.

All he received was cold silence and that broke all the loose ends for once and for all.

They had met back in the month of January, the first of January to be precise. The whole world was celebrating the beginning of a new year and he was no exception. He had partied his way out with his friends and drank shots after shots only to realize that eleven shots were in fact a bit too much for even a hardcore drinker like him. It was therefore no surprise when he woke up the next day with a splitting headache and a really bad hangover.

Sick and tired, he had pulled out drawers after drawers looking for medicine only to realize that there were none. “ you Sehun” he muttered after he remembered how his friend had passed out a few days back only to wake up with a similar hangover and how he had been kind enough to give him medicine. Now the kindness then seemed to be eating him up. “I always knew being nice was never my thing,” he muttered angrily as he started to dress up from only his boxers to a pair of black skinny jeans and a warm jacket. The mornings hadn’t gotten any warmer and Jong In could not afford to catch a cold when he already had this really bad hangover. Jong In really thought he deserved an award for being able to dress up despite the walls around him spinning uncontrollably. However, here he was standing in front of a convenient store wishing his head would stop spinning.

Balancing himself, Jong In entered the convenient store and headed straight for the counter. He could feel judgmental looks being thrown towards him. Was it written on his face that he was having a terrible hangover? It never crossed his mind that maybe he had almost tripped a couple of times on entering the store and heading for the counter. Nothing mattered to him right now, all he wanted was the hangover medicine and his headache gone at last. Maybe this is why he got ticked off when the girl at the counter gave him the m ost confused look when he asked for a hangover medicine.

“T-h-e H-a-n-g-o-v-e-r M-e-d-i-c-i-n-e” he said for the second time, slower assuming the girl hadn’t got him the first time. The girl still looked confused and Jong In was slowly losing his cool. Finally the girl spoke, “but sire, we do not have….” Before the girl could finish Jong In lost his cool and started complaining. His hangover was really kicking in and the store not having the medicine when he really needs it was ticking him off completely. Maybe the hangover had really kicked in because Jong In found himself creating quite a scene when he started complaining about how for once, he needs help and the store was not providing him with their promise of 24/7 service. For Jong In, the girl and the store with no medicine was all a part of the bad luck he had been seeing since the moment he woke up with the hangover. “Why don’t you check? Maybe you could have some” he questioned her. “but sir” the girl responded but never got to finish as Jong In let out a string of curses. The girl looked petrified by this time but Jong in was not going to stop. He was not going to stop not when the hangover was killing him, heck no. Who cared if people were watching, all he wanted was the medicine, then and there. “Why the hell don’t you have it?” he growled but the girl was too scared to answer. As Jong In prepared for another round of complaints, a voice cut him in.

“Maybe because convenient stores don’t sell hangover medicines.” Jong in by this time wanted to die not because of the hangover but because of the embarrassment of not knowing. In his defense, the hangover had really messed up his brain. Not being the one to give up, he ly to see a pair of eyes which looked like they were going to pop out. Was it he who spoke? Jong in wondered. However, he did not have to wait further for confirmation because the voice indeed belonged to the owner of the owlish eyes and it continued in a steady, calm tone. “Maybe you should make sure of what the store sells before you create a scene.” Jong In by this point was dumbfounded “But then you are having a hangover from the look of it so what really can someone expect from someone like this” Jong In was confused at this particular statement. He did not know whether the guy was being understanding of his situation or did he just get insulted by the same person for the second time. It seemed like he got insulted because he saw the guy’s friend nudge him and say “Kyungsoo stop it now.” “Kyungsoo, so that’s what his name is” Jong In wondered. Before Jong In could think of something meaner to say, the guy gave him a look which screamed you are an and left with his friend who mouthed “sorry” to Jong In as he left. Jong in stood frozen and his hangover seemed to have long gone, maybe meeting the cold guy did do him some good and Jong In could not understand why but he wanted to see the stranger again.

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