Your My Destiny


From when they were babies until now Jonghyun remember's all the moments he shared with his baby Bummie. From how their friendship grew stronger, the bond strenghtened and how their feeling's blossomed in to something very rare and  beautiful. Something they cherish and teasure every day.


Hello Loveleis <3 :D

A very fluffy one shot is coming up soon :D

I was asked to write a fic from Baby jonkey growing up together ><

It will be like diary entries and in Jonghyun's P.O.V

Comment and Subscribe lovelies <3333 ^.^


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Chapter 1: bjfknbsfdvnwfosgdnfdbfneodgnf *Melts into a big puddle of pink goo* badsflkdnjbrnrsfjdklakfsnjvlmkfdgn *Dies from too much fluff and get resurrected from more fluff* dsfjlmkdeanfsgjdf elkmfwsnosdlkfgdnf kdmfsngjldnksfvjm *Grabs head and screams a high pitched squeal* afsgdbhnfjhgfagshdjfhgfagshdjfhdgfagshdjfnhgf *Cupid's arrows pierced heart* *falls in love with the story even more* afsgdhfjgkjhytydujffhgtyhdjfhgyhdjfn *slams head against the wall and makes heart shaped indents* asgdhjfkgjhgtratsgydhgtydhujfhdgfsgdhf *Throws rainbows and cupcakes at the screen and falls of chair to never live again*

Nuff said?
Chapter 1: Awww Jongkey,husband and husband,sounds really good to my ears.truly was very good to read jongkey babies both being so cute.liked the way you told thier ages and proceed thier lives with it.little kibum wearing pink dress and sparkly tiara and heeled shoes,on the top of the way you wrote,its so cute to imagine.jonghyun's praises and his love for kibum,you wrote very well,his love for kibum really showing and proposing was the best,jonghyun's words were so sweet. liked the way you described thier lifes, detailed and so sweetly and kibum's appearance you wrote here from baby to adult was so breathtaking,really an angel.on thier first kiss night,going to prom and then here comes the marriage,oh god there you wrote kibum as an really the most beautiful person (which he really is,i mean just look at him how stunning he is) was really melting my heart.the whole marriage scene was good actually to jonghyun's waiting to kibum's appearing,piano and kibum entering them gazing at eachother,the kiss oh god thier fisrt kiss as husband and husband and dancing together,i couldn't dtop smiling,the best scene in whole fic, so romantic and happy to read and think.on jonghyun's surprise,kibum's reaction was the adorable.kibum giving him big hug and showing his beautiful smile was the great reaction for jonghyun you wrote here and after that the night scene it was so sweet finger's interwind,cuddling,heart beating really the best couple lovely scene.lastly the ending, again a lovely moment they shared together,kibum head on his lap and jonghyun admiring him and remembering thier happy lifes,a nice end.

Thanks alot for the another sweet,cheesy jongkey story.liked was good as always:)

thumps up on 112 fics and good luck for more.
pinkwlgirl #3
Chapter 1: Your stories never get old ^^
It's amazing!
Jongkey is adorable as always, so a sequel please, about what happened in their life with Sooyoung? Jongkey being parents is great
IoIwhy #4
dkjfhdjfg i loved it! update soon :3
Chapter 1: That was AMAZING!!!!!!!!! So adorable. I was in tears of happiness when Jjong proposed udrsutrdihfsfsucicfhxugfxnvxugfstyesyuragydshgdkhfxkjgcgcfusetyauudiyrstdcuhfckjgduyfsiutdihx loved it. Abusolutely incredible!!!!!!!!