Chapter 9

The thing that brought us closer together


It was already lunch time by then. Once the school bell rang, the students quickly got out from their classes and hurried their way to the cafeteria, where today's special dish is none other than ; Cheesy crumble turkey bacon pasta. 

"Ah, the hungry students are running past by us. Oh god, why are they even running when the food is not going to finish anytime soon?" Baekhyun complained. 

"As if you wouldn't run when they're serving for favorite dish today," Chanyeol told off the guy. 

By then, the three of them reached the cafeteria. They were welcomed by the sight of students queuing up for their food. Baekhyun left the two of them and went to join the queue. Chaerin laughed a little. 

"There he goes, queuing up for his bacon filled dish," Chanyeol said. "Now, what would you want to eat? I'll help to take the food for you," 

"Anything is fine," she replied. 

"Okay, well sit on the red round table over there," he pointed towards the table. 

Chaerin made her way towards the red table. While she was walking, she accidentally banged into someone who is of a bigger frame than her.  

"S-sorry," she bowed in front of the person repeatedly. 

"It's okay, I'm fine. S-stop bowing in front of me you silly girl," The person with a very deep voice said. He placed his hands on either side of her arms and stopped her from bowing. 

Chaerin looked up at who the person is. She couldn't believe who was standing in front of her right now. A guh with a mint blue colored hair smiled at her in return. A big frame accompanied with a well-defined jawline, a buffed body as well as a cute smile. 

"You're the new student, aren't you?" He asked her. She replied to him by shaking her head while staring at his gorgeous face. "Hi, I'm seunghyun," he reached out his hands towards her. 

Chaerin gladly shocked his hands, with trembling fingers. "I-I'm C-Chaerin," 

"Haha, I know you already. You were that girl who went into the classroom during the Law lesson," he chuckled. 


"Heeh," was what Chaerin could let out. Then, someone tapped on her back and she turned to look at who it was. "I thought I already asked you to sit at the table?" Chanyeol asked her. 

He looked in front of her only to see Seunghyun standing. "Oh hi Seunghyun!" Chanyeol greeted him. 

"Hi Chanyeol," 

 "Hyung, you're not eating?" Chanyeol asked politely. 

"Nope. Gonna have an apple for today," Seunghyun showed Chanyeol the apple that he's been holding. 

"Ah. Well, do you want to have lunch with the Exo boys and Chaerin?" 

"It's okay Chanyeol. I'm sitting with Big Bang. Anyway, I'll see you guys later okay?" Seunghyun said. "And it's nice meeting you Chaerin," he winked at her before making his way to Big Bang's table. 

Chaerin blushed a little and Chanyeol noticed it. "Someone's blushing huh?" Chanyeol passed her and they started walking. 

"No! Am not!" She argued. 

"Don't you lie little girl. I saw how you looked at him. I'm jealous myself," Chanyeol replied. 

He placed the red tray on the table and the both of them sat down. Minutes later, the whole table started to fill with the other Exo Boys and the girl that Chaerin hated to most ; Sora. 

Chaerin sat beside Chanyeol while Jongin and Sora sat directly right in front of her. Kris sat beside Chaerin. 
"Hi Rin," Kris greeted her once he sat down. 

"Hi Kris," she replied while eating her pasta. 

"Wow you certainly look different. You look better without those specs and that tied up ponytail. I want to see you being like this more often," Kris confessed. 

"Well, thank you?" Chaerin said awkwardly. 

"See, you're blushing for the second time," Chanyeol whispered to her ear when he heard what Chaerin and Kris were talking about. 


"So Rin, are you free any of these days? I mean we should hang out together," Kris asked. 

"Hmm, I don't know. I still have a lot to unpack during the weekends. Since it's thursday today and I don't have school tomorrow, maybe I'm free," 

"Sounds great. I mean there's a fun fair going on around our neighborhood at night this Saturday, I thought of going out with you. You don't mind right?" 

Chaerin almost choked on her pasta. Is Kris really asking her out right now? She's feeling all kinds of emotions : happy, excited, flustered and she even felt like she's on cloud nine. 

"Well.." She said. 

Then Chanyeol just had to barge in to their conversation. "Yes hyung! Chaerin is free on Saturday night!" He said while chewing on his spaghetti. His loud voice attracted the attention of Baekhyun which was eating his second plate of pasta. 

"Hyung I want to come along too!" He said. 

"Hmm, okay. The four of us would go together. Me, Chaerin, you and Chanyeol," Kris said to Baekhyun.. "So Rin, you're okay with it right?" 

"Y-Yeah...I'm fine with it," She let out a smile. 

Oh my goodness! I've got a date this Saturday! Woohoo, this is the first ever time a guy asked me out! And it's Kris! Argh, I can't even contain my excitement now. I can't believe this. Is this a dream? Am I dreaming about this? I thought Kris and I would be going, just the two of us. But the moment when he said that Chanyeol and Baekhyun could tag along, I felt a little disappointed. Aish, no private time with Kris. Despite that, it's okay! At least I'll get to be closer with Kris right? 

I was busy being excited about the so-called 'date' this saturday when I was distracted by some irritating whining from a girl that was sitting right in front of me. 

"Kai oppa, have a bite," Sora said. She placed a fork in front of Kai's lips which had the spaghetti on it. Kai let out an irritating groan and eat the strand of pasta. 

"Yay!" Sora said excitedly. She went towards her plate and started twirling another strand of spaghetti when Kai suddenly stood up from his seat. 


"That's enough already. I'm going off," He announced. He gave me one last glare and went off. What is up with this guy? 

Sora's face changed from being so happy to being disappointed. Then, Suho stopped eating his food when he caressed her back, saying something to her which I can hear a little. 

"It's okay Sora. Don't bother about him. Continue eating okay? Oppa will finish your food if you can't," he said to her and continued eating. 

Wow, is this a love triangle that I'm witnessing in front of me here? All I can say is Suho is blind for liking a girl who is surely an irritating brat while Kai is one of the nosy, arrogant and popular boy which Sora just could stop wishing that the both of them were going to be together one day. 

I giggled at the thought of that. I saw Sora staring at me and I took a gulp of my cola drink. "What are you laughing at huh?" She asked. 

"Nothing," I simply replied. 

"You're lying. There's something that you're laughing about. Is it about Kai who let me a few minutes ago?" She asked once again, a little anger in her voice. I just kept quiet and continued sipping on my cola.c

"Answer me!' She banged on the table and stood up from her chair. 

Everyone who was sitting around our table stopped eating and looked over at our table. "I don't know what you're talking about," I replied and crossed my arms.  

"Stupid girl . You think that you're new you can do anything you want here. Well, you're certainly wrong my dear," she said. Then, she bent over the table and look at me in the eye. "I'll make sure your stay in this school is of living hell. Kai oppa is mine and will never be yours," 

Okay, stop there. This little brat is freaking delusional! I don't mind if she wants to make my stay in this school a living hell or whatever she wants to do with me. But, dragging Kai into this situation which I clearly don't give a damn about him? This is going overboard. 

Little did I know, I lifted my glass, filled with at least 1/3 of the cola left and splashed right into her face. Yup, that's what you get when you irritate me young girl. Everyone was shocked by what I did. Luhan, who was staring wide eyed at her stared laughing. Then, the whole cafeteria went along with his laughter. 

Embarrassed by her current situation, she quickly run out of the cafeteria. The remaining exo boys around our table stopped laughing a little and gave me little silent claps. 

'I can't believe you just did that," Luhan said. 

"Noona is really daebak!" Sehun said as he pointed a thumbs up towards me. 

"You brave little girl," Chanyeol said. 

"Damn, what a gizibe," Baekhyuun said. 

"Can't believe you did that. You really shut the girl's mouth up," Kris said. 

I turned to look at him. "She's being delusional and very irritating. I can't stand her," 

"All of us can't stand her. Well, except for that guy over there," he pointed to the direction to where Suho was sitting. 

When I stared at Suho, my attention directed to the group of boys sitting metres away behind Suho. It was the two guys that I've met just now, at the indoor sports hall. I looked at the table and saw the five boys busy talking and eating their food. However, there is one guy who was busily staring at me while biting on his apple. 

It was Seunghyun. 



I was already in the class room for my next lesson after recess. It was math, one of the most hated subject. I was sitting at the very back of the lecture room, patiently waiting for the students to pour in as well as the arrival of the teacher. 

Well, I left the cafeteria early. Sora is treating me like a baby by feeding me. I showed her an irritated expression and she just keep feeding me. I am a grown young adult, I can feed myself! She's getting on my nerves lately too, Besides that, there is another reason I left the cafeteria early. It's because...I overheard the conversation that Chaerin and Kris had. 

Darn it! The both of them are going out on a date this Saturday! Ugh, how can I not be more irritated than I am with Sora's childish behavior. It's like adding more fire to the fire itself. Oh my goodness, Kim Jongin are you starting to like Chaerin? 

Of course not! Psh. Me? I have very high standards. There's no way I would even have feelings for Chaerin. Hmm, okay maybe a little but still? It's not like I'm going to fall deeply in love with her right? Come on, I'm still nineteen and I have a lot more things to do in life. I wouldn't want to be committed in relationships at a young age like this. Besides, I'm not the type of man who commits in a relationship. If you know what I mean...

I still feel uneasy about Kris and Chaerin going on a date. Maybe it's true. I like Chaerin but I haven't fully realise because we've just met yesterday. Hmm, what should I do? 


After ten minutes of hard thinking, I still could not figure out what should I do. Spy on them? Secretly follow them to the fun fair. Hmm, it's not a good idea. They're probably going to notice me. Things will get very much awkward for the three of us. 


The school bell rang. I sighed as I still did not have an idea in my mind. Students start pouring in and the teacher came in. 

"Good afternoon," he said. 

All of us stood up from our seats and greeted him back. The students were all sitting at the front while I was the only guy sitting at the back. 

"Okay class. Today we're going to learn about Algebra. But first, I want you to find a partner of the opposite . We're going to do pair work today," the teacher announced. 

Then, an idea popped up in my mind. That's it! Omo, I've finally found an idea! Gah, how can I not think about this from the beginning! I really thanked my math teacher when he announced that all of us could find a partner. Then, Sora slowly approached me as she walked up the stairs. 

"J-jongin, could you be my partner?" She asked. 

"Sure why not!" I replied in an excited manner. She then made her way beside me and sar down right beside me. While the teacher started teaching, I turned to look at Sora. 

"Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure, what is it?" 

"Will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?" 


Author's note ; 

Oh my goodness, I can't believe it! Kris just asked chaerin out for a date. He did pretty well don't you think? No stuttering or anything. He just got straight to the point and asked her confidently. *smirks* Gah, our baddest female and duizhang! Oh and Kai tho...Mmhm..We really know how you feel about Chaerin so stop lying to yourself young man! Hehe. The part where Seunghyun and Chaerin met was cute, in my opinion ^^ 


anyway, here's a very short update for today! Thank you to those who've just subscribed to this story ;) Don't forget to comment before you go okay? Hehe, I'll see you guys soon! 



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ABCD123efg #1
Chapter 28: Wow this boom is awesome
hopelicious #2
Chapter 28: waaahhhh if only I had someone who could surprise me wid those things KRIS did to CHAE on their date :) lol
hopelicious #3
Chapter 27: thanks for the update :) KRIS is sooo sweet preparing this date for CHAERINNIE :)
ABCD123efg #4
Love it so much
Chapter 26: Omggg. Kai is such a ghood sport. Even though he likes chaerin, he still tries to help her. ♡♡
seemstobeadream #6
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update <3
I'm glad you keep updating chapters, it's a good story <3
hopelicious #7
Chapter 26: aigoooo I'm glad cheer KAI up :) CHANYEOLIE why did u say those things to KAI aigooo smh!. does KAI still like CHAE??
quinnchocho #8
Chapter 25: Oh no...Kai don't cry T_T
I hope Chaerin will comfort him.
I need some ChaeKai.
Chapter 25: Poor kai!! :((( it's okay Kai. Chaerin's there for you.... I think. Lol.

Definetly liking skytempo!! ♡♡♡ I don't know why. They just seems so cute. ♡♡♡ very sweet too!!