

   "Dinner time!" Kyungsoo calls out from the kitchen.


The other members who were poised in front of the flat screen tv a second ago, all rushed to their seats at the table.
   "Mmm! Hyung, did you cook kimchi spaghetti again?" Jongin asks, mouth watering at the scent.
   "Mhm...I know you animals have been whining about me making it." Kyungsoo replied as he placed the dish on the table.
The members began to dig in, failing to notice two empty seats at the end of the table.


*In HunHanSoo's room*


   "Yah, Sehunnie, can you let me borrow your sunglasses tomorrow?" Zitao asks the maknae as he digs in his drawers for items to borrow(steal).
   "Why? I'm going to use them at the airport." Sehun looks up from his phone. "And stop digging through my stuff!!! "You haven't even returned the last two shirts you borrowed from me."
Ignoring the younger's words, Zitao continues to rummage for items and replies, "Come on. Please? I did you a favor one time."
Sehun finally puts down his phone and sits up on the bed. "I don't remember you doing for me at all."
   "I did do you a favor!"
   "No you didn't."
   "Yes I did!"
   "Name it then."
Zitao pauses at that and straightens up. He thinks of a good thing he's done for Sehun and begins to smirk when he thinks of one.
   "I got one."
Sehun crosses his arms. "Lay it on me then."
   "I know you have a crush on Lu-ge."
Sehun stiffens. His mouth falls open as the older smiles triumphantly at him.
   "I-I don't have a crush on him!!" He manages to reply.
   "Come on, Sehunnie. You may not be as open about it as Joonmyeon hyung, but you're painfully obvious."
Sehun stutters and tries for a better counter attack.
   "How about you huh? You've been super attached to Kris hyung, you're practically his tail."
   "I know." Zitao replies calmly. "I'm pretty sure he's guessed already that I really admire him. You on the other hand, act like a little fangirl. If it weren't for the fact that Lu-ge's a complete blur, he would have already found out you like him."
Sehun feels his face heat up. "You know what, just shut up okay? Why are we even talking about this? You haven't even named one thing you've done for me."
   "Ah, but I'm about to." Zitao is grinning manically now. "If you let me borrow your sungless for the next two months, I won't tell anyone you like Lu-ge."
   "You . This isn't even a favor!" Sehun cries indignantly.
   "You're right. I'm making a deal."
   "That's not it either! You're ing blackmailing me and I'm not taking it."
   "Okay. Fine. I'll have to go to extreme measures then." Zitao walks out of the room.
   "YAH! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?!" Sehun shouts running after him.


*In the kitchen*
   "Where the hell are Sehun and Tao?" Joonmyeon asks, staring at the empty chairs.
   "Beats me." Chanyeol shrugs and continues eating. "Tao would have already gulped down the food plus the bowl if he were here so I'm grateful I got a few forkfulls before he can attack."
   "Baekhyun-ah, can you check on them please?" Joonmyeon asks again.
   "I don't need to. I can already hear them coming."
Everyone looks up from their food upon hearing the noise. Zitao comes in first with a smirk on his face. Sehun follows him looking like he was about to burst.
   "Where have you two been? I called dinner ten minutes ago." Kyungsoo scolds them with a tong in his hand.
Zitao ignores him and scans the table. "Luhan ge!"
Luhan looks at the younger, a piece of kimchi positioned at his mouth. "What?"
   "I have something to tell you~" Zitao sings out as he feels Sehun's arm around his shoulder.
   "Don't you dare." Sehun whispers threateningly.
   "Will you let me borrow your sunglasses?" Zitao whispers back.
   "In your ing dreams." Sehun hisses.
Zitao smiles and looks at Luhan again. "Sehunnie has-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence before Sehun has his hand clamped on his mouth and is maneuvering him out of the kitchen.
   "Yah, where are you two going!" Luhan yells.
   "We'll eat later hyung!" Sehun calls before they hear the door slam shut.
   "Looks like you're going to have to check on them." Joonmyeon tells Luhan.
Luhan swears in Mandarin and gets up.
   "We'll keep your food warm for you!" Baekhyun yells before he and Chanyeol begin to attack the older's plate.


Luhan pads through the living room and stops in front of the bedroom he shares with Sehun and Kyungsoo. He puts his ear at the door and could hear shuffling and shouting.
   "I swear to God, if they mess up that room I will flay their asses and hang it on the wall." Luhan mutters, reaching for the door and twisting the knob.
It was locked. "."
Luhan walks back into the kitchen. "Kyungsoo ah, where do you keep the spare bedroom key?"


*Back in HunHanSoo's room*
   "You piece of crap! How can you just do that to me?!" Sehun yells.
   "Simple. I tried to make a deal with you, but you wouldn't take it. So I opted for an alternative." Zitao smiles and lays down on Luhan's bed.
   Why do you need my sunglasses anyway? You have twelve pairs in your room!"
   "I really like yours. If you want we can trade."
   "I already said no! You can't have everything you want! I'm not going to spoil you like Joonmyeon hyung, or baby you like Kris hyung."
   "Then I guess I'll have to tell Lu-ge about your secret some other time."
Sehun finally explodes. With a roar he climbs on top of Zitao and pins him to the bed. He was about to attack him when the door swings open and the members file in, Luhan leading them.
   "So." The elder crosses his arms at the scene. "You two decided you can on my bed huh?"
Zitao laughs while Sehun is frozen on top of him, fist up in the air.
   "Come here." Luhan suddenly grabs Sehun by the back collar and yanks him off of Zitao, practically dragging him.
   "Hyung it wasn't like that!" He whines.
The other maknae sits up, tears in his eyes. "Thanks ge."
Luhan glares at him before he also drags him off his bed by the collar. 
Luhan then proceeds to yank the two out of the room and towards the kitchen.
   "You two had me sacrifice my dinner. And now you think you can mess up my bed because you were ing ? Well not on my watch." Luhan mutters along the way.
Meanwhile the other members continued to stare at the scene unfolding.
   "Sometimes I have this urge to hug Luhan and ask him how he does it." Kris shakes his head.
   "I didn't even know he had that much strength in him." Joonmyeon shrugs.


Sehun and Tao slept in the living room that night after cleaning the dishes and cooking to make up for Luhan's lost dinner, which was now sitting happily at the bottom of Baekhyun and Chanyeol's stomachs.

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Chapter 1: Hehe manly luhan <3
sarang_do #2
Chapter 1: Yey manly Luhan!
desianapf #3
Chapter 1: I love this story!!!!!!
those two maknaes and luhan.........I love them! >__<
luhan is so cool <3
thanks author-nim^^
Chapter 1: HAHA THIS STORY IS TOO MUCH> I love your style of writing! Write more I would love to read it! <3