Deep in My Heart (Final)

Deep in My Heart (english version)



i sit on a bench, alone. The autumn breeze blew softly against my cheeks. Today's weather is quite cold. But my chest felt burning. Those words are keep haunting my head. Many times i've tried to throw that thought away. But the more i tried, the more that thought get into my mind.



Luhan Oppa approached me, "Annyeong, Seohyunnie! How's the exam?" He asked. I nodded, "the lesson you gave me worked! Gomawo Oppa!"

He smiled in satisfication and pinched my cheeks, "haa~ i told you it will work! That's why you gotta trust me, Seohyunnie~"

"Kyaa~ Oppa, it hurts!!"

He laughed and released his pinch. I pouted as i'm caressing my cheeks. Well, his pinch can may be hurt. But deep in my heart i'm very happy right now..


Xi Luhan, he's my senior. We met when i stepped this high school for the first time and we become friends eversince. He's my bestfriend, he's like a big brother to me. No, he's more special than that. He's the one whom i have a crush with..

Xi Luhan, the man who has a charming smile, the man who can make my heart pound just by his stare, the man who made me feel happier than ever each time he caressed my hair. He's a very precious person to me. He's the person that i love..


Suddenly Minseok Sunbae, Luhan Oppa's friend came up to us. "So, ready to go?" He said. "Oh.. Minseok-ah.. sure." Luhan Oppa replied, "Seohyunnie, See you later, ok?". I smiled and nodded, "ne."

"Oh.. hello there." Minseok Sunbae, who seems just realized my presence, greeted me. I bowed to him, "Annyeong haseyo, Sunbae." I greeted politely. Minseok Sunbae smiled back at me, "well.. we'll be going now~ bye!" I nodded and they left.


"Is that Seohyun? Hmm.. she's pretty. your girlfriend?"

"What? No~ she's my friend. She's like a little sister to me."


My smile faded as i heard that. I felt like my heart stopped beating. A.. friend..


without my knowing a tear just rolling down to my cheek. I quickly wiped it off before someone could see it..




"is that Seohyun? Hmm.. she's pretty. Your girlfriend?"

"What? No~ she's my friend. She's like a little sister to me" i answered instantly.


Wrong, that's not true. She's more than a little sister. I like her since we first met. Her beautiful eyes that looked at me, her sweet smile that always shown on her face, and her cheerful laughter which can made my day. Everything on her are so perfect to me. I love her, but i don't have the courage yet to tell her my feelings. I told that to Minseok because i don't want Seohyun to know. I'm afraid she will avoid me if she knows. I'll do anything to her even if i have to hide my feelings as long as i'm with her..




"Whoa, that was fun! Bye, Luhan!" Said Minseok as he ran, disappearing from my sight. I chuckled and continue walking, but then my steps stopped when i see a familiar person sitting on a bench, alone. Yeah, that's Seohyun.

I was about to greet her but i realized she doesn't smile like the way she used to. She looks sad. Hmm.. i wonder what's going on.. i better ask her.




"are you okay, Seohyun-ah?" Asked a sooth yet familiar voice. I can feel the person sits next to me.


Luhan Oppa..


I could only looked at him slightly and continue staring at my feet with blank eyes.

"Is something wrong? You look sad.."

i slowly nodded.

"Aigoo.. why are you sad, Seohyun?" He holds my hand, and i couldn't hold my tears any longer. I cried instantly.

I'm now in his hug, "aigoo.. don't cry, Seohyunnie.." he said, running his hand along my hair, caressing it like he usually do. But it only make me cry more hard. Knowing that he only sees me as a 'little sister'.. knowing that this hug is just as friends, it's very painful. I've been rejected even before i confess it to him.

"Ssh.." he cupped my face and kissed my forehead. It made me confused, does this act still related as.. friends?

"Whatever is your problem, Seohyun. I will always be by your side. So don't cry, okay?" He said. His voice, his stare, and his thumbs that wiped my tears, were very gentle. Calming me down..

He gave me a warm smile, then he did something that i never expected..


He kissed me.


I can't believe he would do this. He wouldn't kissed me as friends. It feels like a dream, yet it feels real. Am i dreaming right now? 

His thumbs were caressing my cheeks. His kiss was very gentle. It gave me calm and warm feelings. It can't be a dream, right? I'm not dreaming right?

I slowly closed my eyes. Yes, i''m happy, very happy.




 maybe haven't confess that i love her, yet. But seeing her crying is very painful to me and i can't hide it any longer. I don't care how stupid my act is. Let her avoid me, let her hate me. But i will always be on her side, i will always be there for her. I just want to show her my feelings so she can knows by herself. I don't need any answers..



I love you, Seo Joo Hyun..







Huaaa forgive me for my bad grammar! English isn't my first language ><

And i guess this seems shorter than Indonesian ver.. because, yeah.. english words are shorter than Indonesian.

thanks for reading anyways!


See you on my other stories~



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Chapter 1: CUTE^^
I'm Indonesian^^
You already know -,-
Yay english version I undersatnd Indonesia but I understand english much better
Update soon^^