Chapter 6: Thing I feared the Most

Behind Every Variety is Reality

“Now that the matter is settled, the game shall continue! Who will form the 3 membered group!” Kang ho dong shouted and startled everyone. Getting back to their lively behavior.

Eeteuk and Heechul who were nearest to each other breathed a sigh of relief. And snuck closer, waiting for the 3rd member to come to them. Hangeng or Donghae?

“Not Hangeng please” Eeteuk thought.


Chapter 6: Thing I feared the Most

Donghae who was still sprawled on the floor in a face down-lying position supporting  his head by using his elbows and  his hand while  swaying his legs back and forth, was caught off guard by Kang ho dong’s resume of the game. He swayed  his head looking fanatically  for Hangeng.

“HANGENG! ANIYOOOOOOOOOO~” Donghae shouted, when he saw Hangeng running towards the Hyungs.

Hangeng looked back and stuck his tongue out “Maybe today isn’t your lucky day, Merong! Better luck next time”. With that said he dashed to the hyungs. Afraid that Donghae might catch up to him.

“Heechul Hyung! Chakkaman!” Donghae said while he was starting to run. He held his nose tightly afraid that snot would come out. I had an image to take care of. But Eeteuk hyung cries with snot as well he doesn’t hide it, he looks good with it too. Would I look good as well? He slightly shakes his head, removing the thoughts. “No way in hell”.

“Run faster Donghae ! Or else you’ll lose!” Eeteuk shouted, bringing him back to reality. "You can do it, Fighting!" he continued supporting his dongsaeng.

Donghae looked at Hangeng’s running back and cursed at how slow his reaction was. If only he was paying enough attention and didn't slack off on the ground then maybe he'd be running ahead of him. He then move his gaze and saw his hyung, He stared at Jungsu Hyung who was encouraging him. “What the hell is up with Eeteuk-Hyung’s face, it’s all scrunched up

"NOOO! HANGENGG!" Donghae shouted as Hangeng reached both of the Hyung’s. I cannot accept a defeat like this. I can't believe i was so close to being on the top three and winning. Damn it! Donghae said as he slowed his pace down and started walking towards them instead.


“WERE THREE!” Hangeng shouted! While Jungsu had an awkward smile plastered on his face, Heechul still looked bored while Hangeng  was laughing, smacking and clinging to Heechul’s arm,   


“Why does this always happen to me, whenever I ask for something not to happen. It does! Is this some cruel joke that fate had for me ?  How ironic can the end of this game be! It’s obvious that the last instruction would be us grouping into 2, a pair! I would never stand a chance. And I wanted to win this with him.”Jungsu sighed as he thought about the situation he was in and how miserable he will look later.

Kang ho dong who looked at the group and sighed inwardly Hmm, what a complicated situation they have, this is gonna be a long night.  “Oka---“

“HYUNG” Donghae who reached the trio suddenly spoke. He looked like he was about to cry and went closer to Heechul. “Hyung~ “He whined.

“What’s with your face, Yah! You look like that smiley you sent me before when you got my food.” Heechul said trying to lighten up his mood. [(TT Д TT)<- the smiley]

“Arasso! Arasso! Don’t worry! Next time I’ll stay close to you” Heechul said, he then moved forward to give his dongsaengs a comforting hug.  And everyone in the room said “AWWW”

There was a pregnant silence when the two guys hugged each other as if everyone was treasuring the moment except of course for Eunhyuk who looked tad disappointed at the close contact. He was about to say something again about touching his donghae good thing before he snapped, Heechul pulled himself off of Donghae, and pushed the latching Donghae away from him while holding his shoulders firmly.

“Can somebody just get him? We have a game to finish here” He said with exaggerated hand actions with his diva pose. Then everyone cracked at how bi-polar Heechul can be sometimes.

“Come on baby Donghae” Siwon who walked up the stage started walking towards them. “I’ll piggyback-ride you to Eunhyuk” He shouted from across, His gazed intently at Donghae feeling sorry for the guy who looked lifeless and drained off. He really wanted to win this game.


(Flashback yesterday)

“…Sorry if we invited you late and gave you the notice on such a short time. It’s because Ft. Island and Shinee couldn’t make it since their flight was delayed and they’re still in Japan. The only available multi-membered group is super junior please understand.  

"Yes, I Understand!" Manager-hyung said. “What time will they be needed? And I’m sorry but some members cannot attend because of their own schedule conflict” The manager said while sorting some schedule-files he was holding.

“Yes about that, we’ll only need 9 members. The show will start at 6pm and should be done before 12 in the morning. Please have a goodnight rest then. Thank you.”


“So that’s what happened” the manager retold the story and that they will be attending instead.

“De, WE understand hyung~” The members said in unison.

"Kibum, Shindong, Yesung, Ryowook, the four of you won't be able to attend the show. Shindong you will take a leave right? It’s your fiancé's birthday tomorrow; and i knew you'd ask for a leave that's why i excluded you already."

"Thanks! Manager-Hyung! You know us so well!' Shindong said while holding a bag of chips.

"As for Kibum you have a shooting tomorrow. Don’t slack off!  I already told your PD's to call me if ever they spot you slacking-off on set." 

"I understand, I don't slack of anyway right Heechul Hyung?” Kibum said, asking his hyung to back him up. But to bad his hyung was busy spending all his free time with their leader.

"Aissh, I won't slack of Manager-hyung. Don’t worry too much" he assured him by smiling the best he can.

"Ryowook and Yesung, we need to fix some things regarding the changing of dorms and such also the moving of the furniture. And lastly it's because they only need nine members."

“Fine with me.” Ryowook and Yesung said in unison.

"And Kangin Will you be okay ? Is your foot still hurting?"

"It's almost healed up hyung no need to worry bout it." he said while getting up the couch to head in the kitchen.


“We’ll go back to our room everyone, let’s have a goodnight rest” Heechul said pulling Jungsu with him towards their room.

“But it’s just 7pm hyung!” Siwon shouted.

“CAN’T HEAR YOU!” he slammed the door.


"But im shyyyl!" Sungmin complained,

"If you won't go, Kyuhyun will hate me... and you." their manager retorted.

"He would do no such thi--"

"I would" kyuhyun suddenly said. "That's why you're coming with me. No excuses. come on lets sleep we need to ready for tomorrow !" He said and dragged the complaining sungmin out of the meeting place(a.k.a The living room) towards their room.


 “Hyung I’m so excited!" Donghae said.

"WE ALL KNOW!" everyone shouted back.

"Donghae, Please don't get over excited like that. You won't be able to sleep then" Eunhyuk complained.

"This is my dream, Hyukjae to star in this variety show. With you! I hope we can win this." he said. “We’ll win this" he said again reassuring himself and Hyukjae.

"Just don't expect too much. If you lose you'll end up crying" Siwon who overheard the conversation commented.

"NO, no, no! What are you saying? I'll lose? We won’t!" Donghae Repeated. "We won't that's final!"

“Donghae you’ll lose of you get all hyped up! You’ll drain your energy!” Siwon scolded again.

"Fine! Hyukjae let's go back to our room. and practice the things we'll be saying !" Donghae excitingly said and dragged hyukjae out of the room while the other members went to their respective rooms as well."


He sighed and darted his looks harder at Donghae. “I feel guilty for saying such things.”

“YAH! Why are you looking at Donghae like that HAHAHA!” Kang ho dong said when he notice the intense gaze Siwon had.

“A-ani~ “Siwon said a bit jumpy from the shock he got. He couldn’t believe he daydreamed in front of the people!

“Really, Siwon-shii you’re a very talented person. That gaze was like you were shooting a drama, Wah, truly! It looked so cool.” Ho dong praised while nodding his head multiple times.

“Ah! Don’t praise me to mu—“

“But we’re not shooting Poseidon now; please relax your muscles and facial expression you look like a predator a while ago!” Ho dong teased. “But you’re a good actor Siwon-shii, Stay healthy, do your best. And please take Donghae to that side already.”  He said with an arm gesture pointing towards the other members on the side.

“Don’t worry Donghae-shii I will invite you next week” he said to the boy who slumped on Siwon’s back.

“De, Kamsahamnida Ho dong-sunbaenim, I’ll work harder!” He laughed a little and started walking off the stage. The fans melted for a second.


"It's okay dongahe, There's still next week." Sungmin and Eunhyuk said. cheering their little fishy.

"You were right siwon! im such a lo----"

"You are not! No one is.And i was wrong yesterday.Maybe It's just not the time yet. Maybe nextweek you'll achive it." Siwon encouraged.

"His right babe!" Eunhyuk added and they group hugged squishing Donghae in the middle.


“Eeteuk-shii, Heechul-shii, and Hangeng-shii, the three of you are the only ones left, are you ready for the finale?” Ho Dong asked.

The three members looked at each other and said “We’re completely fine!” with that said. Kang ho dong had to restrain his self from rolling his eyes.

“So! You guys ready? Let’s start.”


Even if I already know that I’m going to lose this game, I’m still holding on to that little faith that maybe, just maybe he’d pick me.


A/N: Hi everyone , it's been almost a week sice i last updated but here. a longer chapter :) i don''t know if i wrote it clear enough. but it's already 4 am here. and i still have alot of reports to do. But don't worry I'll still update  ! :D  if there's something wrong with this chapter please don't hesitate to say or ask if your confused, I haven't double checked it yet. maybe later Anyway !

Thank you for the 19 subscibers. Sarangaheyo !~<3 Please review and subscribe. ! 

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fighter #1
where teh hell is teukchul until finally, nice job.. love the ending .
Cute and sweet ending...
chinggoy #3
New reader here! I hope there is a sequel! ^^ but as you said the story is not finished yet. So I just wait for the ending! :)
Wah great!!!<br />
Nice ending ^^<br />
Could U make the after story please =)) some story about HeeTeuk holiday in Jeju Island =))
@blamegame7: Welcome! Yeah it means both. :)<br />
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@ryopin_2010: I updated yey. Hope you'll enjoy !:)
Update soon pls :)
blamegame7 #7
thanks!! anneyong can mean hi and bye??
@loser220: Thank you for always giving review :)<br />
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@_cieca_: Thanks! You're right, cause this is my first time writting multi pairing couple i still find it hard to balance =.= haha. But nevertheless i won't forget the Teukchul Pair. they're my Bias. :)<br />
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@steukheex3: I'll try to update as soon as i can :)<br />
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@blamegame7: It means Bye everyone =)<br />
blamegame7 #9
what does ANNEYONG YORUBUN mean???
More HeeTeuk please. :D<br />
Update soon <3