
Almost Is Never Enough

I suggest you listen to Almost Is Never Enough by Ariana Grande ft Nathan Sykes while reading because I based it off of the song^^

Tao liked Kris. Actually Tao liked Wu Yifan. The moment Tao met Yifan, Tao knew he had met the one. Yifan was his missing puzzle piece. The way Yifan stared at him made him hold his breath. But, it had always seemed Yifan couldn't reciprocate the feelings. Like Yifan didn't want to admit it and so Tao did the same, but everyone knew about Tao and Yifan. 

No one knew Yifan like Tao did, even the rest of Exo knew this. The two only denied their feelings. 

It was midnight, Tao was resting on the couch in their dorm. Everyone was sleeping, or at least that was what he had thought until he heard the wooden floor of the living room creaking. 



Tao felt safe, but still remained balled into one side of the couch. 

"Tao, what's wrong?" Yifan knew what was bothering him. He knew Tao wasn't the one to bring up the topic, but how could they ignore it. Since predebut, the two had been inseparable. Kris was leaving, Yifan didn't want to, but it was Kris's decision. 

Tao only sniffled to the question. 

"Tao, come on, talk to me." 

"Why?" Tao's voice was filled with the pain building up within his chest and Yifan sensed it.

"Kris, because of Kris."

"You could just drop it all. Tell manager hyung that you'll drop it. You'd be able to do what you want then."

"I did this to Kris, so it's my responsibility to fix it." 

That's when Tao broke, that's when he had officially cracked, "Why can't you just get over it? Kris is just a persona you created because you don't want people to know who you really are. Wu Yifan. My Wu Yifan." 

Yifan's heart felt like it had dived down into his stomach. With a clenched throat, "I can't just give it up. I've done this to myself. I need to be Kris, not Wu Yifan."

"What about me?" Then the question Yifan feared to ever be asked, "What about us?" 

Yifan had never doubted his feelings for Tao. He still remembers the first time his heart had skipped a beat. 

He was still a rookie, practicing his rapping in one of the many practice rooms in the SM trainee building. Repeatedly spitting freestyle to various hip hop beats, when a lean, mysterious boy walked in. When Tao had spoken, Yifan knew it was over. They practiced together when Tao had mentioned he was going to be a rapper and Yifan patted Tao's back in acceptance, Tao smiled at him and his heart nearly jumped out of his chest.

During predebut, Yifan and Tao went places together, talked endlessly about random things, and filled one another's phones with pictures together. When Yifan had found out Tao and him would debut in the same group, the ends of his smile almost touched his ears. 

From the hang outs to little presents to one another, Yifan had always liked Tao. Always. Why had Yifan never told Tao about his feelings? Yifan didn't want feelings to get in the way, he didn't want to ruin their friendship. A friendship that meant more than oxygen to him.


"Can you just stop lying to me? Lying to yourself? Kris isn't you." 

"Kris has become a part of me." 

"Why does some facade you created for the world seem more important than our friendship?" 

"It's not some facade. I'm Kris and Yifan." 

Tao looked into Yifan's eyes, "Stop it."

"Stop what?" 

"You're Yifan, not Kris."

"Tao drop it already. Kris is me. Yifan is me. Can you just accept it?"

"How can I? My best friend is going to walk away from not only me, but 10 other members who care so much about you." 

"Kris needs to get away, Tao." Yifan wanted his tone to remain stern and unyielding. It was becoming more and more difficult with the way Tao's eyes threatened to shed tears. 

"You're being selfish."

"Tao, can yo-"

"Just leave, I'm done talking to you. Leave the 10 others and I behind, Kris." Tao didn't intend Yifan's nickname to roll off his tongue with such venom, but maybe, just maybe, he hoped it'd snap Yifan out of this improbable solution. 

Yifan choked back his tears. Never would he ever break down in front of Tao. He simply stood up and emotionlessly walked back to his room. His heart felt broken and beaten. What had he just done was for reason, he didn't want to, but he had to act like Kris. He had to be Kris. Kris was who he was.

Tao didn't know how long he had cried for because he had ended up crying himself to sleep. When he woke up the next morning, he already knew. Before he saw the note, he already knew Yifan chose Kris. 

Dear Tao, 

You're the most amazing person I have ever met. You mean the world to me and I don't know what I would be doing now if you had never set foot into that practice room. I mean it. 

You're everything to me. You're my world. Since you first looked into my eyes, I knew it.

I like you, Huang Zitao. I like you so much, but I couldn't damage our friendship.

I didn't want to risk losing you because of the way I felt. What if you had never liked me that way? I never wanted to hurt you. You're my best friend, you know me better than anyone. I know you better than anyone. You make my heart beat every time you look at me, every time you touch me, and every time you talk to me.

I can't deny it anymore. I like you so much it hurts. It hurts me just thinking about it because I'm being selfish. I want you all for myself, but that's a path I'm terrified to take.

Maybe you did like me the way I liked you, maybe it could've worked out. I'd rather just deal with my own heart breaking than seeing you beat yourself up because I decided to chose Kris.

If I could change the world overnight, you know there would be no such thing as goodbye.

I like you, Tao, and I'll miss you. 

Don't forget me, 
Your Wu Yifan

Tears splattered the paper Tao was holding, "Idiot." 

This is like a mini oneshot lol. I'm not very good at writing, but I'm trying my best. Thank you for reading this random thing. This idea came to me when all the rumors were circulating, I was reluctant to post it awhile ago because I didn't want anyone to accuse me of believing in the rumors. To me, everything is still so unclear and I'm just gonna ignore it. I will forever love Kris/Yifan, no matter what. I, of course, will forever support Exo. 

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potaTao21 #1
Chapter 1: The Taoris feels! <3 Yet so sad ㅠㅡㅠ Kamsahabnida Author-nim!