Little surprise

Little Surprise


Siwon looked at her in disbelief as she was now lying on the bed covering herself with a blanket.


"I already told you that this past few weeks been a hell because of our schedules.We barely even got a rest." She completely rest her body on the bed wishing Siwon would just let it go.

"Tiffany do you think I would just let you lay in that bed? I know you're so busy these days,that's why I'm worried,you could've gotten yourself sick."

"A rest is all I need.Tomorrow, I know that I would feel better."He sighed as he already knew that his wife wouldn't listen to him and would just prefer to rest at  home than see a doctor.They've been married for about five months now and been together for so long so he clearly knew that arguing with her is no use especially when she's sick.




The next morning he found himself lying on the bed without his wife on his side.He got up and rushed to the bathroom wishing that she's just there,but it was empty.


He got out of the room and he smelled something nice.When he got intoo the kitchen he saw Tiffany preparing breakfast.


"Honey what are you doing here?Are you alright?" He asked her in a worried tone embracing her in a backhug.


"I'm making us breakfast.Pancake,you like this right?"


"Do you feel better?"She turned to him and locked her arms around his neck.


"Of course I feel better." She pecked his lips and smiled at him.


"Now go sit there and we'll eat. You still have schedule right?" He just nodded at her thankful that she's finally better.


Now that they finally finished their breakfast,Siwon is getting ready for his work while Tiffany got the day all by herself.


"Just stay at home,okay? You could catch up with the girls next time.She nodded at him cutely which made the guy chuckle.


"I have to go now,I'm already late.Take care of yourself, I love you."


"I love you too,Siwon." They shared a sweet kiss before he finally left for work leaving Tiffany behind. Just as she was left alone the feeling she got last night starts to surface again.She lay down on the bed and held her head.


"I thought I would feel better." She thought that maybe a nap would make her feel better so she tried her best to close her eyes but she's feeling something unbearable. She got up of bed bringing her phone with her.She stared at the mirror and notice that she's looking pale and exhausted.She looked at her phone and decided to call someone she could rely on.


"Taeyeon-ah.I'm sorry are you busy?"


"No,why?are you still sick?" Tiffany thought that is she told her that she's feeling sick again she would go and tell Siwon about her condition and would continue to urge her to go to the hospital.


"No,I'm fine now.I just wanted to know what you're doing." So she came up with her lame excuse again.


"Are you sure Tiff? You know I could go there."


"I'm fine now,really.I'll hang up now,okay? Bye."


She kneeled in front of the toilet forcing herself to let something out but nothing's going up and she still felt nauseous.She went to the kitchen and got herself a glass of water.JUst as she was about to drink,she held and headed to the sink letting out everything the she ate this morning.She washed and thought that her condition got worse.


She walked into the bedroom and continued to rest.Her day continued to be like that,her going back and forth into the bathroom and her feeling dizzy from time to time.


The time came and Siwon got home at night. He was given a sight of his wife lying on the bed looking pale and sick.


"Honey,what happened?What's wrong?" He held her hand and Tiffany sneak a peek at him.


"Nothing,baby.I'll just rest."


"What do you mean nothing? you look pale!"Right now he doesn't like hearing her saying that nothing is wrong and that she's fine when she's completely not.


"Get up,Tiffany."He demanded her in a strict tone.


"You're not helping Siwon.I just need rest."


"I'm trying to help you,Tiffany.Now get up and we're going to the hospital." Hearing the tone of his voice she knew that he's serious and determined to force her.She got out of the bed and walk towards Siwon.He grabbed her arms guiding her towards the door,but as they were about to walk,Tiffany's body collapsed on the floor.Panic was all in his his when he saw Tiffany lying like that but he managed to bring her to the car and drove to the hospital.




Tiffany slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the bright light inside the room.


"Siwon?" She called for him her voice raspy from sleep.


"Hey,I'm here.How are you feeling now?"




"I was so worried about you that's why I brought you here."


"What did the doctors say,then?" She asked him worried about her health.


"Well,we could go home tomorrow."


"That's not the answer that I want."He clearly knew that it's not the answer that she want but he can't just blurt it out.


"Is there something wrong,Siwon?"


"Just rest for now." She ignored him completely mad at his answers.


Tomorrow came and they get ready to head home.


"We're going home now?" She asked him with her soft voice.


"Yes,go get changed,I brought your clothes." When everything was fixed,they headed to the car and head home.


"Aren't you happy that we're going home?" Siwon asked her when he noticed that she's silent during that car ride.




"You want to go back then?" She didn't answer him as she got out of the car when they finally reached their house.


"What do you want to eat honey?" He asked his wife as they were in the kitchen with Tiffany filling with water.


"I don't want to eat.I'll just rest in the room."Siwon didn't like her answer so she s his arm around her waist,his chest touching her back.


"You should eat honey...I don't want to put my babies in harm?" The word 'babies' surprise her leaving her in a deep thought.She turn around and faced him and the the realization hit her.


"Babe,I'm pregnant?" She asked him in a tone of disbelief and amusement.He chuckled at her and buried his face on her neck. A loud squeal was hear inside the house and the baby naming game was played the whole night.



A/n: Please don't hesitate to leave a comment,I appreciate them, ^^ Hope you like this one :D

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eryeRY #1
Chapter 1: So cute !!
Sequel please :)
lovesupergeneration #2
Chapter 1: sequel please! That was sooo cute i love it!!!
greenteaaa #3
Chapter 1: Yeayyyyy update soonnn
UQ_Jewelry #4
Chapter 1: daebak,, it's big surprise
choihwangfamily #5
Chapter 1: So sweet..
Sequel please
Locksmithprophet #6
Chapter 1: Aww sweet <3
Chapter 1: Sweet... So sweet...
greenteaaa #8
Update soon.. cant wait :)
UQ_Jewelry #9
update soon!