- chapter five -

Love Within A Book

You looked down to see a giant hairy spider making it's way up to you. "Miyoung! Are you okay down there?!" L shouted down. You were too frightened to reply. You HATED spiders. Even if they were as small as an ant. When you were only a little kid, someone in your class had put a spider on your face during camp. You were so frightened you couldn't move, and you fainted. You tugged on the rope three times eagerly. As soon as L got the signal, he started pulling you up. Keeping your head up not wanting to see the spider, you could see the sunlight. Once you reached the top of the well, L helped you climb out and comforted you. "What happened?" he asked. You were still too traumatized to even speak. You could only hear yourself breathing in and out heavily. Thinking back to what happened, you finally realised you had spaced out.

"Sp- Sp- Spider.. Spider...." you mumbled as you pointed to the well. L got the message. He stood up and looked down the well, and through a rock down. He heard a splash. It didn't hit anything. He tried again. There was a splash sound once again. "Uhh.. Miyoung. Are you okay? I don't think there was anything there.  We don't have to do this today if you want. I think you might need some rest." he said. You nodded, and got up with the help of L. You were struggling to walk, which caused L to crouch down in front of you. You looked at him curiously. "...What are you doing? You can't do it here. It's a forest. We're nearly home. I'll let you use the toilet first." He chuckled, and said "Get on." Then you suddenly noticed what he was doing. "oh. OHHHH. Sorry.." you said. You blushed a deep shade of red and climbed onto his back. "I'm sorry if I'm heavy." you said. "Yeah. You're so heavy I think my back is going to break soon.." he said. You gasped, and slapped him on the arm. You pouted and got off his back. Before he could say he was joking, you ran. He chased you and gave you a back hug which startled you, and made you blush. "Got you." he whispered into your ear, which sent shivers down your spine. You cleared your throat, and pulled away. You could see him smirk which made you blush even more. You looked down, and mumbled, "Meanie.." He heard you, and said "Hey, I was only joking. You're as light as a feather! I wish i could carry you around in my pocket." you giggled at the last part, and jumped back onto his back. You lay your head on his shoulder, and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.

When you woke up, you found yourself on the bed. You sat up, and saw L sitting down on the chair. "Oppa! How long have I been asleep for?" you asked rather cheerfully. He didn't reply. Instead, he was just staring into space. "Oppa?" What's wrong with him? You got up and tapped him on the shoulder. He snapped back into reality. "Oh. Yes?" he said. "How long have I been asleep for?" you asked again. "Around 2 or 3 hours?" he said. "Why didn't you wake me up?" "I thought you needed some rest." he said. "L Oppa, are you okay? I was asking you a question before, and something seemed to be bothering you." "I'm alright. Just.. Things from the past." he said. "Oh. Okay."

Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." L said. You nodded. He opened the door to reveal a pretty looking girl. She seemed around your age. "Ji.. Jieun.. What are you doing here?" "I'm here to visit you! Why else would I be here? I promised I would be back Oppa. Now we can get married!" the girl said. Your eyes widened. The girl, so called Jieun, entered the house. She noticed you, and said "Oppa, who is this ugly girl?" You scoffed. "I'm definitely not as ugly as you." you said back. "Hey. Guys be nice. Miyoung, this is Jieun. Jieun, this is Miyoung." L said. "Hi I'm Jieun, Myungsoo's first love and first girlfriend. So back off." Jieun said. You couldn't believe what you had just heard. L sighed. "Jieun, I told you that we were over. Ever since you decided to leave to go to that other part of the world. Besides, I already have feelings for someone else." that part broke your heart. Who could it be? "Oppaaaaaaa ~ Come on! Don't deny that you still have feelings for me! I know you do. You just wont admit it!" she gasped. "Don't tell me it's this Mingkyung or whatever over here?!" "Just leave Jieun." L said. "Fine!" she glared at you, and said "Back off my property. He's off limits." L shut the door. "Miyoung, I'm so sorry about her. Just ignore her. I think you're beautiful." he said. That made you smile a bit, but you still couldn't hide the fact that you were broken inside. "I'm just going to go to sleep now.. Good night Oppa.." you said as you tucked yourself in.




M Y   L O N E L Y   C O R N E R -

WHO HATES JIEUN? CAUSE I CERTAINLY DO ~ i smell drama coming up. :]

sorry i haven't updated in a while. I haven't been bothered.. :$


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dagreat #1
Gahh, I love the way you write ;3 And omg a love triangle. But gahh, why L.Joe? T____T<br />
Myungsoo is mine mine mine. XD<br />
I don't mind some *coughMyungYeolYoungcough* But this isn't a rated fic, so threesomes are a no? T___T I want all of them<br />
/creying<br />
Oh and please update moarrrr. Although I'm a couple of chapters away from the latest update, I want it to keep growing so I won't have to die of waiting, yanno? Haha.<br />
<br />
<marquee> I love you, please update XD </marquee>
Omg wtf is wrong with that Jieun ??!! TT
KimLNana #3
New reader here !<br />
Your story is interesting <3<br />
Miyoung & Myungsoo = Myungyoung :)<br />
<br />
I'm guessing that familiar person is L.JOE :)
Sospirit_Br3nt #4
wahhh hu is the familiar person???