

I've been feeling a little sick lately. I took a test And the news I got shook me to my core. Just to be sure I went to the doctors and I got the same result. I sat on the bathroom floor for hours crying my eyes out. I was scared less to tell Kris the news. I don't know how he'll take it but he has to know. While I still sat in the bathroom, I heard the alarm beep letting me know that Kris was home. My heart raced. My body began to shake. My palms started to sweat. The closer the footsteps got, the more I cried. Then came a knock at the door.

Kris: Babe? You in there?

Y/N: :tries to calm her voice down: yeah I'll be out in a sec.

Kris: You sure your ok? :a gasp was released: Baby open up. I know your lying to me. What's wrong?

Y/N: Nothing Kris. I'll be right out.

Kris: Y/N please open the door, your scaring me. What happened?

As he tried to convince me to open the door. I had no choice. If I still refused to open the door, he was gonna find a way in. I had to put on my big girl and face this.

Kris: :sees me crying and rushes over to me: Y/N what happened? Why are you crying?

Y/N: :cries: I don't wanna tell you.

Kris: Why?

Y/N: Cause you might hate me and leave me.

Kris: No I won't y/n I love you so much. Please tell me what's wrong. 

Y/N: I'm...I'm...

Kris: Your what?

Y/N: I'm pregnant.

He let's go of my face and stares dead into my eyes. I reach over to my side to give him the results from the doctor and the home pregnancy test. He sits across from me staring at the tests in his hands. I got up and grabbed my shades and ran out the door. I ran out into the hall towards the elevator. I look to see no one behind me. I ran out if my building and just ran until I couldn't run anymore. I look to see that I'm by the park near our apartment. I walk into the park until I feel hands grip my shoulders and turn me around. I turn to see Kris staring dead into my eyes. When I thought he would start yelling and screaming, he pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I grip onto him and began crying once again. He pulls me from the embrace held onto my face.

Kris: Why did you run off like that?

Y/N: I was scared that you were gonna start yelling at me cause you're mad.

Kris: Who said I'm mad baby? I'm happy.

Y/N: What?

Kris: I'm happy that your pregnant y/n. I want you to be the mother of my child.

When he told me that I cry even harder and began to walk off. Then Kris grabs me again.

Kris: What's wrong y/n? I said I'm happy. Why are you still upset?

Y/N: Why? Why? I'll tell you why? I don't want children ok?

Kris: What?

Y/N: I don't want children.

Kris: Why not? You'll be a great mother. What are you talking about?

Y/N: See that's it? You think so but I don't. I'm scared.

Kris: Look I know it's sudden but...

Y/N: You don't get it Kris! I'm scared to give birth. I'm scared something will happen to me or the baby. I'm scared I'm not gonna be a good mother. I'm scared I won't be able to manage a career and a child. I'm scared the baby will turn out bad. I'm scared of all of it Kris! That's why I don't want children!

Kris :grabs me and holds me: listen, I'm happy to be a father but I'd be lying if I wasn't a little scared as well. We aren't married but who cares. I want you in my life and this child. I know you're scared but I will promise you on my life nothing bad will happen. I swear to you y/n. 

Y/N: But what about the fans?

Kris: I don't care about that. All I care about is you and this child so we can build a life together. I love you so much that I can't even put it into words. You are my life and so is this child. 

I stared into his eyes and I knew he meant every single word. I finally pushed my fears aside and knew I was gonna be ok because I have Kris in my life.

Y/N: I love you Kris

Kris: :hugs back: I love you too y/n.

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btsbabe #1
Chapter 1: That was cute awwww