chapter 1

The unexpected Marriage


you covered your ears with the pillow as soon as you heard the alarm. it was so noisy. you were actually already woke up but just thinking of school, you started to be lazy. you sighed and cursed in the early morning. you looked at the calendar and there you saw a circle around the date. oh yes, you just remembered. you will have your first date with your soon-to-be-husband later. it was so worrying, you thought. you then lazily went to the toilet.

taking a deep breath before you went out from the house was normal. you were always like that, hoping to have a great day. when you arrived at the school building, you saw there were lots of students standing in front of the corridor. especially girls. you didn't want to know what was actually happening there so you just went pass them. you were about to go to your class when you saw your boyfriend, kim taehyung was sitting alone on the 'personal study area' while grabbing some books. you shrugged and approached him.

"good morning." you greeted him. 

"ah, ___. you're here" he replied while smiling, showing his white teeth. you grinned. 'this boy really know how to melt my heart. how i wish you were the guy that was set in an arranged marriage with me' you thought. "urm, can i asked you a question?" he asked. you nodded. "is the marriage still going on?"  he continued. you really didn't know what to say at that time so you just nodded in response. sad, he sighed. so did you.

"sorry" you apologized. "I really don't want it too actually but you know.. right? i love my parents and see i am the only child they have. i can't say no to their decision. i'm really sorry. but you know that i really love you right?" you continued. he ruffled your hair and put his arm around your shoulder and turn you body to face him. your eyes met his. he smiled. "i understand that feeling and i love you more baby just please don't be in love with him then it'll be fine", he shrugged. you smiled and entwined your fingers with his. "we are getting late. let's go to the class let's go" you said cheerfully. taehyung just laughed it off. it was still early actually but you just couldn't stand with the eyes that were looking at both of you so you decided to talk to him in class.

once both of you were already in the class, it was so silent. you rolled your eyes. only hyemi and soeun were there. 'where are the rest'  you were curious. "___, stop the day dreaming", taehyung giggled. you looked at him. "but this is not normal. why all of a sudden this class become silent?" taehyung started to be curious too but he just didn't want to think about it too much and made his way to the table where he sit. "come sit here. that isn't important. why are you thinking of the rest when i'm already here?" he asked. "see even your bestfriend jimin isn't here anyway." you were still curious. taehyung didn't reply you anymore. he was just tired of talking the same thing. well that was your boyfriend. he get tired so easily sometimes it really annoyed you too. you went to your place whch was of course beside your kim taehyung. "what are you doing?" you asked him while looking at him taking out his book and pen. "homework." a short replied, you thought. "lazy. homework should be done at HOME not school" you emphasized the 'home'. taehyung didn't care of what you were saying and just did his work. this is one of the reason why you were bore with him sometimes. he ignored you. "i'm going to the cafeteria now." you told him. "and not to look for the other kids?" he raise his head to look at you. you blinked. "i'm not that jobless you know" annoyed, you replied. he continued his work and you went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.

you finished off your food faster when you realised that you were already late for class. you brought your drink along with you. running to your class with the smell of your coffee, you were pleased. as you entered the class, your class teacher was already there and it seems like she was introducing new students. you knocked the door and bowed. "sorry that i'm late, i was having my breakfast at the cafeteria" you explained. "that's always you, __." replied Mr Kim. everyone in the class laughed and so did the new students. okay that was more than normal. Mr Kim love to tease you. you were quite close with her since she is your geography teacher and you were good at it therefore you were her favourite student. you didn't care about the laughed that had been thrown to you and just straight away went to your sit. 

"okay class, i have two new students here and they are going to intoduce themselves to you. right?" asked Mr Kim to them. they nodded. you looked at them, showing you best smile ever as if you were pleased to have them in your class. the first student to introduce himself cleared his throat before he spoke, "hello. I'm Choi Jonghyun. but it will be great if you just call me Changjo. I hope you will treat me well. nice to meet you all" your eyes widen and you chocked on your coffee. Choi Jonghyun? isn't that you future husband's name? everyone looked at you, so did changjo.


first chapter done. sorry if it's boring. i will try to update the better one on the next chapter ;;

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Chapter 1: omo this is amazing i can't wait for the next update