Chapter 2 - Old Friends


Hannah's POV

I looked around to see who had spoken, thinking that I had imagined it. I was about to give up and start for the entrance when I caught sight of someone standing a few feet away, "Jo?"

Joanna, or Jo, Reed and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember even though she was four years older than me. Our fathers had worked for the same company and our mothers where good friends, so we had grown up together. Our fathers had been transferred here at the same time and even after I moved away we had kept in touch.

Even though we had emailed pictures to eachother, I still couldn't believe how much she had changed since i last saw her a couple years ago when she came to visit. Her long brown hair was pulled into a side pony-tail and she was wearing a blue hat. She had on a long blue t-shirt that went halfway down her thigh, a pair of jeggings (jean leggings), and a pair of strappy blue heals.

"Hannah! I thought it was you, why didn't you tell me you where coming to this concert?" I had promised Jo that I was going to explore the city today, and that tomorrow we would meet up.

"I didn't know I was coming until a couple hours ago," I said walking closer and hugging her, "Did you know Chul-Yong is in this band?"

She laughed, giving me the knowing older sister look, "I should have know that was why you where hear."

A  group of girls a few feet away called for Jo and motioned for to come with them, "Sorry, I have to go."

"It's alright, I'll see you tomorrow right?" With a nod from Jo, we each took off in seperate directions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ashley's POV

I giggled as I got to the stadium. Today was going to be fun I’m going to have my second live performance in Korea, I’m going to have fun with the boys which I haven’t been able to do because everyone was so busy. The best thing of today is the fact that  I’m going to get to play with my favorite toy.

G.O. oppa and I had gotten off to a bad start and we constantly were fighting.  We weren’t on bad terms but I had found out that he seamed terrified about the idea of me liking him. With a little help from the rest of the band with my Mir oppa being my main supporter the game was easy and fun. Just act liking an adoring girlfriend towards him sent him running for the hills.

I stopped feeling sad for a moment, Mir oppa and I had easily become close friends so close that our managers had thought it would be good for our popularity for us to have a scandal.  We weren’t even dating for real. So much trouble for nothing.  

I paused seeing G.O. in the distance and I could feel a smile tugging on my lips, “G.O. Oppa!” Yelled and I watched in amusement as he saw me and turned trying to act like he herd his name from a different direction practically running.  Right into a tall, redheaded, girl who was walking past him. I ran trying to catch him before he got away and watched in amusement as he said something to her and she answered then he turned and practically ran in the opposite direction of me.

Hannah's POV (Normal POV)

I watched silently as the members of MBLAQ and Ashley walked off the stage after singing their song "Light of Day". I had left my seat early to get back here before it was over so I could talk to Chul-Yong. The rest of the members headed to the dressing room, while a group of girls stopped Mir for autographs. This was my chance.

I walked up behind them and waited for the fans to walk away, "Chul-Yong?"

He slowly turned around, looking me up and down, trying to decide if he knew me. I had changed a lot, I didn't blame him for not knowing it was me.

"Hello," He said giving me a strange look, "Do we know eachother? You look very familiar."

I chuckled, "We do."

"Are you going to tell me who you are?"

"No." I could help but smile, I was going to have some fun with this. "You have to figure it out."

"Your not even going to give me a clue?" He asked giving me a cute look, that probably would have fooled anyone else.

"If you give me a ride home, I'll give you a clue," I said with a smile.

"How do I know you aren't a crazy stalker?" He said half seriously and half flurtaciously.

"You don't." I said completely seriously, "But, you do know that I look really familiar, and if you want to find out, you'll give me ride home."

"Alright, but I'm telling people where I'm going, If I go missing, people will look for me!" He replied as he walked back to the dressing room to change.

We pulled up in front of my old house, the house I had lived in when we where little. Mir parked the car and looked at where we where, seeming to recognize where we were.

"Why are we here? I thought you said you where staying at a hotel." Mir asked looking at me from the corner of his eye, never tearing his gaze from the house.

"I am," I said matterafactly as I turned to look at him. "This is your clue. This is the last place you saw me before tonight."

It took him a moment, but he realized what I meant, "Hannah?!"

"Finally! What kind of friend are you?" I asked jokingly, unable to hide the huge smirk that formed on my lips. "I go away and you completely forget me."

"You..." He looked me up and down, his mouth gaping open, "You've changed a lot."

I  walked into my hotel room and collapsed onto my bed. It was late and I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.  Once I had told him who I was, Mir and I had sat out in the car talking for hours.

I jumped up and and walked into the bathroom. I took my make-up off and changed into my pajamas, quickly climbing into bed. I was so excited that, despite how tired I was, I couldn't even think about sleeping. Tomorrow, after I was met Jo for lunch, I was going to go hang out with Mir and meet the rest of his band.

I thought about the day. It had been crazy, but it handed just as I had hoped. It had been a great day... except for that jerk I rar into before the concert...

I was scanning the crowd for Chul-Yong when I felt my body make contact with someone else. I looked up to see a tall boy with a mustache staring back at me, looking somewhat paniced.

"You should have been watching where you were going," He said matter-a-factly.

I stood there for a second, not sure who this jerk thought he was. "Your suppossed to apologize when you run into someone."

He looked around, like he was looking for someone, and without replying he quickly walked away.

Even now, thinking about the brief encounter made me so angry I could barely stand it. Who did he think he was? At the same time, I could have sworn that I had seen hime somewhere before.

Shaking off all thoughts of the rude boy, I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a fun day.

A/N: Well there's chapter 2, what did you guys think?

Thanks to Lady Bec for writting the part from Ashleys POV and for being my co-writter.

Comments from last chapter:

JosRika - Glad you like the story so far!

And as always, thank you to my subscribers: bangjumir, deardiary92, and ladybecofimaginel. I love you guys! - Mrs. Jung Byung Hee

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kpop_luv #1
Plz continue
Still love this story.... ^^ please update soon..... Fighting!!!!!!!
Oh hannah fighting. Hahaha. I love this story. Please update soon. Cant wait for the next chapter ^^
DearDiary92 #4
OH! I like it but I have a feeling that the plan isn't going to go as she plans. :)
MrsJungByungHee #5
Oh, I forgot to say in the forward that I am writing the main story, but anything from Ashley's POV will be written by my friend Lady Bec. I hope you guys like it!
LadyBecofImaginel #6
I'm so excited to read more! write more soon!