Chapter 1: What's an MBLAQ?


I layed my mascara down on the bathroom counter of my hotel room, taking a step back to look at the finished product. My normally curly, long red hair was straitened and parted on the side. I wasn't very girly, and didn't have the patience needed to do my make-up on a regular basis, so I just wore eye-liner and mascara to make my blue eyes pop.

I walked out into the main part of my room and picked up a small faded picture that was laying on the bed. I took this picture everywhere with me, about a month after I moved away I had started keeping it in my purse and the habbit had stuck with me for the six years that followed.

The picture was of Mir and I  and had been taken two weeks before I moved away. If someone who didn't know me well looked at this picture, they wouldn't have thought tha girl in this picture was me. I had long, wavy blonde hair that looked somewhat ratty and illmaintained. I was smiling a big crooked smile, my teeth had been horrifying back then. I had on a baggie pair of jeans, black sneakers, and a black t-shirt that I was not only certain was a guy's shirt, but that I could also distinktly remember stealing from Chul-Yong.

I had never been a very girly little girl. When I was very young, before we moved to Korea, my mother's friends would have tea parties and all the moms would dress their little girls up in big frilly dresses. Somehow I always ended up sitting in the dirt with my dress hiked up.

I walked over to the full length mirror on the wall to see how I looked. I had on a pair of blue jeans, a long brown shirt with black flowers on it, and a pair of black flats with a black clothe flower on th top. I was ready to start my quest.

I walked over to turn off the TV, I had been watching the news earlier to see what the weather was suppossed to be like. I was about to turn it off when an all too familiar face filled the screen. "Chul-Yong?!" I practically screamed. I rushed to find the volume button, which took some doing because I was so excited that I was shaking.

I listened as the anouncer talked about a concert for a band called "MBLAQ" and told the location and time. She smilled and joked with her co-host about which member was her favorite and then moved on to another story.

I ran over to the side of my bed, threw open my laptop, turned it on, and typed in my password. I tapped my fingers impatiently while it warmed up, "Come on, come on," I whispered impatiently.

A few minutes later I was staring at an internet page all about MBLAQ. I scrolled down to the subheading labeled "Members". There where five names, but as I scanned  the list I didn't see his name. Had the guy on tv just really looked like him?

I was about to close the window when I noticed that next to the last name it said what I had been hoping for. "Mir, born Bang Chul-Yong," I read aloud. Clicking on the name, I opened the page about Mir, and read the page silently.

Bang Chul-Yong, better known by his stage name Mir (meaning dragon).

Blah, Blah, Blah... I didn't need to read any of the stuff about his early life, I was there.

He joined the group MBLAQ as the main rapper and sub-vocalist as well as the group's maknae...

So his dream really did come true. I thought, a smile forming on my lips as I remembered how he used to go on about all the things he would do when he was famous.

I was happily reading about the band and their rise to success when a paragraph a about half way down the page caught my eye.

The group recently released their newest single 'Light of Day' which features vocals by Ashley Harrison, an American singer who recently moved to Korea and is making her debut in K-Pop. The music video is set to be released in two-weeks.

That was all fine, it was the last sentance that had drawn my attention. I read it several times, but my brain refused to let it sink in enough to understand what I was reading. I finally had to read it aloud to get it register in my brain, and when it did, I had to stop myself from screaming, "Harrison has recently been linked to Mir, the youngest member of MBLAQ, and at a recent press conference they confirmed that they have been dating for several weeks."

I stood in front of the stadium in complete and total awe. There had to be hundreds of screaming teanage girls standing in front waiting to go in.

I played nervously with my ticket in my left hand and reached up to feel my backstage pass with my right. I had called in a few favors and managed to score last minute tickets. My father was still a fairly well known buisnessman in Korea, it hadn't taked a lot of effort to get them.

I had spent the remainder of the day between my discovery and now getting ready. I looked up and listened to all of their songs repeatedly until I knew the words to almost all of them. I had to admit, the fact that Chul-Yong was in the band aside, they where really good. I had also looked up pictures of all the members and Ashley Harrison, Chul-Yong's so called girlfriend, so that I would be able to recognize them.

 I was somewhat nervous, would I be able to get close enough to talk to him? Would he even remember me? What if our friendship had meant more to me than it had to him? What if, when I confess to loving him, he doesn't love me back?

That last question scared me the most. I had waited all this time for this moment, what if he could only see me as a friend?
I was so absorbed in my thoughts, that I didn't notice someone approuch.



A/N: So? What do you guys think? I love hearing your opinions and ideas, so don't be afraid to comment! Silent readers are cool, but seeing peoples comments is what inspires me to keep writing. It is somewhat depressing to know that the only people commenting on your story are your best friends. So, let me know what you think! or not... that's cool too. ;) - Mrs. Jung Byung Hee

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kpop_luv #1
Plz continue
Still love this story.... ^^ please update soon..... Fighting!!!!!!!
Oh hannah fighting. Hahaha. I love this story. Please update soon. Cant wait for the next chapter ^^
DearDiary92 #4
OH! I like it but I have a feeling that the plan isn't going to go as she plans. :)
MrsJungByungHee #5
Oh, I forgot to say in the forward that I am writing the main story, but anything from Ashley's POV will be written by my friend Lady Bec. I hope you guys like it!
LadyBecofImaginel #6
I'm so excited to read more! write more soon!