All Request Hour


Hi there ladies and gents.

If you're a reader of my work, I'm sure you can tell I'm stalling and having troubles with writer's block and lack of inspiration. But I usually do pretty well with prompts, even when I'm blocked for my own plots. So here's a thing I've actually wanted to try for a while. I'm opening up my creativity to requests and suggestions. That's right, in the ultimate giving back to my little community of subs and readers, I will take any and all requests. I will write absolutely anyone, in almost any scenario (Gotta follow the rules of the site here). And no, you don't have to be a regular reader of mine to drop in a request. I will write anything for anyone.

So if you've always had an idea in mind but never had the nerve to write it yourself. Always wanted to see a certain kpop face in a different fandom? A pairing that never gets written? Really want to be written into a date with your favorite kpop face? Possibly you'd rather get to business and cut the cutesy crap? Request it in the comments, or PM me if you're shy. My one stipulation would be: I would like to keep these stories to one-shots. I'd like to give everyone a chance at a request and the easiest way for me to write stories for everyone is if they're relatively short.

Here's what you'll need to provide me with:

Character Name(s):

Character traits: (Height, age. Keep in mind that I probably won't know who it is that you're requesting, so if you want me to mention a specific part of them, include a personality quirk or anything, be as specific as possible. As much as I hate to admit it, I can't really read minds orz)

General idea of plot, or a specific scene within a story you would like: (Again, if this is a plot that's been creeping around your head for a long time and you want to see something specific, your request must be specific).

If applicable; a description of the Universe you'd like me to write in: (Read an obscure comic recently and really want to see a story written in that verse? Give me an idea of what the world is like, picture references are great too if you've got them.)

Picture references: (I welcome picture references, specifically if you're wanting a certain style for the characters. I'd like to request that pictures be kept to a minimum of 3 per character or place).

There you have it. Feel free to request anything you'd like, if I don't feel comfortable writing the request, I'll PM you about it. This is mainly just to have fun and say thanks in a different way than just my lovely comments in reply to yours.



Currently Open.


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