Seven Incarnations
Kim hauled her younger sister from the floor. Lilly didn’t even flinch. She was dead to whatever’s happening around her. Kim was thankful nonetheless. That meant her sister would not have seen her face blush up from the appreciative glances of the man with the boy.

Gerald picked up his own son and they both carried their own kid up the stairs.

“Care to race?” Gerald said.

“Probably not a good idea,” said Kim looking at Thomas who seems to be protesting the momentary disturbance.

When they reached the living room, Gerald called one of the maids.

“Yaya Puring! Yaya Puring!”

The old, but kind-looking servant came rushing in. Upon seeing the child in his arms seemed to know right away what she was called for. She hastily took the little boy off his arms.

Gerald then motioned Kim towards the door.

“I’ll take you and Lilly home.” Gerald said.

“No, we’ll take a cab!” Kim said in alarm. Actually, she was more worried about what her parents were to say. She comes homes past midnight, her younger sister in tow, and top it all off, she comes home with a rich, young man she had talked very little of. Considering the amount of explanation she will have to afford her parents, Kim thought it would be better to take a cab.

“Don’t be silly...” he said with authority. “You’ll never know these days, you might get held up, or left
in the middle of nowhere in your underwear!”

“Thanks, mister...for scaring me to death!” Kim laughed in resignation.

She followed him to what seemed like a garage. He pushed a button and the lights . There stood before them, at least six different cars.

“Hmmm...which one should we take?” Gerald mused.

“Yabang! Let's just take the cheapest one!” Kim said. She realized that if you have that much money, some actions may be misconstrued by others as being arrogant. She does not see Gerald as that. He was just being himself and that is how he acts in his environment.

“So, shall we take the karag-karag?” he smirked.

“As long as it can take me home in one piece, it’ll be fine.” Kim answered.

“Okay!” Gerald beamed. “Here we go...”

His definition of a karag-karag was an old, but well-maintained 2000 Sentra, which was on the far end of the expansive garage. It looked almost showroom quality still despite the age, which is reflective of the care that went into maintaining it.

“Much more like it!” Kim beamed. “I don’t know if my conscience will allow me to ride in a car worth twice the value house.”

“Those other cars, it was my ex-wife that convinced me to buy them...” he admitted candidly. “This car on the other hand is my favourite...”

“The sentra?” Kim said incredulously. “You prefer the sentra over that BMW?”

“Don’t get me wrong...the BMW is a really nice drive, but this sentra has sentimental value to me...” Gerald admitted. “I bought this car when I was in high school, out of my own money. I worked hard for this car...I invested the allowance I saved up from working my summers on a fast food chain. Then I asked my dad to invest it on stocks, by the time I graduated in high school...I sold them all...and I bought this baby!”

Gerald gleamed as he ran his hand over the car. Kim could not help but admire him even more. At least he really worked for it, Kim justified. It wasn’t a handout. At least he had the entrepreneuric skills that allows him to work for his money. She admires that in men.

Gerald ran over to her side and opened the passenger door for her. She slowly slid her sleeping sister into the back seat. She then snapped her seatbelt in place. Gerald then opened the door for Kim. He even put on the seatbelt for her.

Kim’s heart gushed. This guy is rich, chivalrous, perfect as they could come! Kim could not help but feel like a princess and he was her prince. If Kim let her imagination run wild, that's what she would be thinking of. All she is seeing right now is a world full of roses and magical things.

The ride home was quiet. Kim was very introspective of the gorgeous man beside her. She knew he was still hurting somehow. His sad eyes were always a give away. He would smile and laugh at times, but generally his mood was a bit dark and sombre. Kim wanted to know the source of his sadness. She knew his wife died, but there seems to be so much more into it. But she was afraid to ask him.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Nothing...” Kim lied. She didn’t have the courage to ask him. Not yet. It’s not something you ask on a first date. It seemed more like a third or fourth date topic. IF, there will ever be succeeding dates. She looked at him. He seemed happy with her company. Kim’s heart instantly skipped a few beats. Did she impress him? Will he ask her out again? Maybe she shouldn’t have brought her sister along? Was she a bit assuming to have brought Lilly on a first date? Her mind was racing. Insecure thoughts started to permeate her mind now.

“Are you free tomorrow?” he asked.

Kim’s heart leaped. She was happy again. At least, she’ll get another shot at him.

“Yep, what do you have in mind?” Kim said.

“I don’t know...” he said, briefly glancing at her with his boyish grin. “You’re the one with the plan, right?’

“I honestly don't have a concrete plan yet...” Kim said. “I’ll have to research a bit, I'll text you later on tonight, when and where.”

“Yes, sir!” he answered. “But please, no more scenes where I will have to pour out my man guts like crazy...”

“You cried pretty good...” Kim joked. “I’ve never seen a grown man bawl like that over a movie before...”

“Thanks for the confidence boost, Kim” he mockingly said. “I feel so much better now!”

“Okay, okay...” Kim said. “No more crying spiels! From now on, it’ll all be happy stuff...”

“Thanks, that’s really what I need...” he replied, smiling briefly at her.

Kim in her mind agreed. That’s what she needed too...
When she got home, Kim racked her brains as to what they’ll do on their date tomorrow. Or even the succeeding dates after that. She never thought she will ever be this pressured to find a solution to his problems. When he promised to Thomas that she will help his daddy, she didn’t expect that it will be this complex. Kim then began to think if it was just her, over fussing and over thinking things...

But then again, she agreed to be part of this. It was more of a leap of faith for her. She simply closed her eyes and allowed herself to be dangerously close to them, despite her heart telling her not to...

Frankly, Gerald calling for help was very much appealing to Kim. She was the kind of person who dwells on the personal satisfaction that rise from helping another person. Somebody even once commented that she had this superman complex, or in her case, superwoman complex. Somehow, she has this pathetic need to solve the world's existing problems. Now, that she had find a cause in Gerald, there is certainly no stopping her now.

Kim opened her laptop and began searching in different websites. She first Googled, “What makes men happy?” She found a myriad of responses, ranging from the scientific to the ultra mundane. Some made her seriously think, others almost made her fall off the chair laughing.

What it all boils down to, Kim concluded after reading all the suggestions ,men often like simple things. The simpler is the task, the happier they get. Even in relationships, simple gestures of love make lots of them happy. In men, everything had to be stress free. Even their women had to be stress free.

Kim busily copied notes into her journal when her cell phone rang. IT was Gerald.

“HI, cute and cuddly speaking!” Kim greeted.

“Hi, cute and cuddly,” he happily greeted back. “This is hairy and grumpy!”

“You missed me already?” Kim said, closing her eyes, imagining his reaction.

“As a matter of fact, I did!” He said truthfully. “And I was calling because I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow.”

“What about?” Kim answered. In her mind, she was praying that it won’t be a cancellation.

“IT’s about Thomas!” he said. “I forgot that he had a dentist’s appointment tomorrow. I tried calling but it can’t be cancelled this late...”

“That’s okay,” Kim said glumly. “We can go next time...”

“Oh, no, no...” Gerald cut in, “what I meant was if I could pick you up at home earlier tomorrow. Then, we’ll take him to the dentist, after that probably have dinner afterwards...if that’s okay with you?”

“Oh...” Kim’s smile returning. “sounds good to me...”

“Who knows you might enjoy the trip to the dentist’s office too...”

“OH, I will...” Kim said. “I love dentists!”

“Perfect!” Gerald cheerfully replied. “Should I pick you up at five then?”

“Five is fine...” Kim assured. She mutely showed her excitement by shuffling her feet.

“And bring Lilly too...” said Gerald. “Thomas really likes her... “

“Okay, I think Lilly will be excited to go too!”

“That’s a plan then...” Gerald confirmed. “Well, I really glad that you came tonight, Kim.”

“Me, too.” Kim answered casually. “ Lilly and I really had a wonderful time.”

“I’m just glad that my son ran into you and not somebody else...”

Kim laughed. “Can you imagine if he met an old lady instead, or worse, what if I had the worse body odor? What if I am a transvestite or something...can you imagine that?”

“No, I can’t...” Gerald sigh. “Because, after tonight, you’ve just captured all of my imagination.”

Kim was held breathless. It was so corny. She could not speak after that, resisting not to laugh. Yeah, the perfect man has flaws too, so what? But, unlike many, she herself was a er for those cheap, rehearsed lines. No matter how corny they were. At least, it was recited to her by the most gorgeous man in the world. Having said it, somehow, he must have meant it. Kim was happy. She allowed herself to be giddy.

“Kim, are you still there?” Gerald asked.

“Uh...yeah,” she answered, biting her lower lip. “I’m still here...”

“I thought you had fainted,” Gerald said bashfully. “Anyway, see you tomorrow? Goodnight, Kim.”

“Goodnight, Gerald...” Kim replied. Upon pressing the end button, Kim ran to her bed. She immediately crushed her pillow and daydreamed the whole night till wee hours in the morning.

Gerald, back at his house, has been thinking deeply too. Kim was an awesome girl. She was really very interesting and appealing to him. There is something about her smile and the way she responds at their conversation. She has one of the sunniest personalities Gerald has ever seen. She was beautiful, smart, articulate... She was almost...perfect.

Now, If only he could take back that “capture all my imagination line. ” Then, his night would have been perfect. Now he had something to be remorseful about.

Gerald closed his eyes. There, he saw her gentle features once more. Her face was the only thing that entered his mind now upon closing his eyes. He sighed inwardly. He immediately slumbered, smiling. Even in his dreams, she haunts him still.

They were at the dentist’s office. The four of them waited for the dentist to come. Gerald was busy encouraging Thomas. He seemed more fidgety by the minute. Kim, meanwhile was busy tidying Lilly’s wild long hair. She tried clipping them down but the little girl will not sit still at all.

“Tommy, the dentist won’t hurt you at all,” said Gerald. “he will just fix your teeth.

“He might take away my two front teeth...”

“No, Tommy, the dentist won’t take away a tooth unless it is sick and is about to fall off!” Kim cut in.

“Yeah, Tommy...those injections don’t hurt one bit!” boasted Lilly.

“Injections?” Thomas nervously said. “Dentist...has injections?”

“Lilly!” Kim said, immediately sitting besides the shivering boy. “See what you’ve done?”

Lilly looked ashamed of herself. She looked down unto her shoe.

“Tita Kimmy , ” said Thomas. “ won’t let dentist...hurt me?”

“I promise!” Kim said, a bit cautiously. She immediately thought of what happened the last time he promised this boy something.

All of a sudden the lady dentist came out one of the rooms. Upon seeing her, Thomas clung unto her tightly. She immediately looked at Gerald. Was it okay for him to hug her instead of his own father? Gerald just smiled and gave her a nod as if to say it was okay. She hugged the boy back.

“Thomas Garcia?” the dentist announced.

Upon hearing his name, Thomas cringed even more. “Tita Kim, will you please go with me?”

“Tommy, your Daddy can take you inside as well...”

“I don’t want daddy...” he cried. "I want you!

“Kim, if you don’t mind...” Gerald suggested.

Kim instantly nodded and carried the young boy with her. She looked back at her younger sister. “Lilly, behave, okay?”

Lilly nodded. She began perusing indolently the magazines the clinic provided. Gerald sought his opportunity to relieve what’s bothering his mind all this while. He moved to the seat closest to Lilly.

“Lilly, can Tito Gerald ask you something?”

“Yep...” she answered, still looking on to the magazine.

“Uhmmm, does your Ate have a boyfriend?” Gerald probed.

“Nope!” she answered.

“Good, good...”Gerald was relieved. “...did she have one before?”

“Yup!” the bubbly girl replied. “His name was Matt! But that was a long time ago.”

“Did you know what happened to them?” Gerald said casually. Deep inside he knew it wasn’t right to ask Lilly about Kim, but he was very interested in knowing her.

“I think he left Ate Kim for another girl, that is what Mama said to Tita Corazon...”

“Thanks, Lilly...” Gerald said. “You’ve been an awesome help...”

“Tito, are you interested in my Ate?” Lilly asked, her eyes sparkling. “Do you like Ate Kim?”

“Can you keep a secret, Lilly?” Gerald said.

“Yup, what is it?”

“I really, really like your Ate...” Gerald said. “Don’t tell her I said that to you, okay?”

The little girl nodded.

“I’m just waiting for the right timing to propose to her...” Gerald explained. “Do you think your Ate Kim will like me too?”

“I think Ate really likes you...” Lilly observed. “She always smiles now...”

“Really? Did she used to be really sad?”

“Yup, after Matt broke up with her she used to cry a lot. She spends lots of her time in her room. It’s only lately that she started to be friendly again” Lilly explained.
Gerald was suddenly guilty. Here he was, demanding of her time to help make him happy. He was too selfish to even think if Kim needed his help too. Now, that he knew she was hurting like him...sad, like him...he sought to rectify it.

Maybe there is a way they can help each other.

“Do you like chocolates?”

“Yes, Tito...I love them!” Lilly answered with glee.

“Lilly, do you think you can help Tito Gerald?” he asked.

“Yes, of course” she said proudly. “I can help! What is it that you want me to do?”

“Come here, I’ll tell you...” Gerald said. The little girl moved closer. “You know how much Thomas likes to be with you, right? Later on, this is what I want you to do...”

Gerald whispered in her ear his plans for the evening.

“Yup, that is easy!” Lilly said. “I can do that!”

“If you do it successfully, I’ll bring you lots and lots of chocolate on my next visit!”

“Yeheeey!!!” screamed the little girl.

Gerald smiled guiltily. He just reached the lowest of the low. In his quest to win Kim’s heart, he even managed to bribe an eight year old to do his bidding. But all things considered, all is fair in love and war.

Just a short update...this chap is just blah! AN intermission chapter if you out for the next one. It's better. I gotta sleep. I'll edit later.

kimeraldlava, i'm taking my time on this one. This will be several chaps long. I've been purposely slowing down the pace of it. hit it right in the head with what you said. this is a story of healing between the two.

Find out how they will resolve each other's sadness...that's where the real journey will begin...

THANKS for reading. And the comments too, thank you.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Binggirl16 #4
hello reg.. sana matapos mo ong story.. sayang kasi... thanks...
lai_alyssa #5
waaaaahhhhhh =D!!u're one freaking good writer!u're imagination is hell great!hahahah!nakakakilig!i super love The saddest man in the world!ang galing galing!please update po and please continue writing Kimerald FF's :D<br />
God bless po :D
soci78 #6
Bing, my namesake, thanks for posting this info in the BAO's thread...Reg, watch for all the adiks reading ur story again...everyone who's been following u will go nuts once they find out u're back ahahahaha!!!
soci78 #7
This is truly an OMG moment...Regina, you're backkkkkkkkkkkk OMG!!! I know I missed ur KGFFs so much but I didn't realized how bad until today when I got to read this story again...I'm gushing like an old fool but its true, I just love and missed ur stories Regina!!! Ahahahaha I hope u r really back for good and get back to writing as u shld...great writers like u need to always be writing for people who love to read like mwuah, okies?!? Labs u Reg and welcome back girl!!!
Binggirl16 #8
wwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa regina finally your back...!!!!! “Can I just call you...mine?” whaaaaaaaaa gerald ano ba yan... pero kinikilig ako.... naman ngayon ko lang nalaman kung gaano ko namiss ang pagpumunta sa tondo... thank you reg!.. more! more! more! :D
Binggirl16 #9
hello Reg!!!!

back ka na ba for good??

hehehehe......... miss your updates..

and story... lalo na ang seven incarnation

sana makaupdate ka soon..
