I hate that I love you

Rivals? Not anymore

There was something to say for his restraint. If it had been any other member of his people the elf before him would be ripped apart at his feet, but no. He’s not one for dismemberment on a random afternoon. Then again he always did hate to kill things he admired, even if it was an damn elf.

He peered at the small thing with a bright blue eye, snaking his neck down around him. The elf had knives drawn, but they wouldn’t do much to his scales.

You’re pretty brave to stand tall next to a dragon.

"You’ve given me no reason to fear you." The Elf had a deep voice, way deeper than he imagined.

I could rip you in half little one without a second thought.

"I am not afraid of death." The elf hissed. He liked this one. Much more fire within him than the others he’s met. Though most of them had been in the middle of a battle and they didn’t say much as he cut their throat.

How old are you little one? A few hundred years maybe? You haven’t lived long enough or experienced enough to fear death yet.

"I’ve lived plenty. More than enough to know what your people did to mine. Kill me if you think that’s wise, but don’t stand there tall and proud and think you can belittle me."

If dragons could laugh that’s what the black as night one before the elf was doing.Oh contraire little one. I’ve lived longer than most on this land. Do not tell me of the destruction. You’re people have killed more of mine than we have of you.

The Dragon, bored with this already, s his neck back and knocked over a tree with his huge paw. The Elf’s eyes widened for a moment before he snapped himself back into attention with a snicker. “I highly doubt that you filthy beast.”

Me? Filthy? I’d like to consider myself well groomed thank you. I even took a bath in the stream this morning.

"That’s all well and dandy, but either kill me or let me go because I no longer have the time for this."

Who said those were the only options? The dragon’s big eye came into eye level of the elf, and the Elf didn’t like the sound of that.

The Elf had no idea why he allowed the Dragon’s talon to even come close to touching him, but as his body went limp his mind did not. He knew he was being lifted up, he felt the rush of wind past his hair, and his knives falling from his limp hands.

Maybe you should learn to block magic little one. You’ll end up in a bad place if you don’t.

Because in the talons of a huge dragon wasn’t a bad place at all.

And soon his mind lost sense of his senses, and the world went black.


When the Elf came to the man across the room snorted. He knew that the high-born laying on his bed would wake up looking for a huge black dragon, but that form took so much space and he really hated having to speak in people’s minds. Sometimes they didn’t block their memories, or didn’t know how to, and he got bombarded by things he really didn’t need to know. Like the bar wench they spent the night with a couple nights ago. Just remembering it made him shiver.

He knew the Elf was looking at him, could feel those dark eyes piercing into him, but then a moment later the creature was running toward the big mouth of the cave and he had to roll his eyes. “Good luck with that. Unless you would like to fall a good thousand feet. But whatever eats at your fancy.”

He knew the Elf thought he was bluffing. He knew because the high-born was still running full sprint toward what he believed to be the way out. He sighed deeply when the creature finally figured out he was telling the truth a little too late as a piercing scream could be heard from him as he fell off the edge.

He debated whether or not to let the high-born fall to his death, but in the end he found himself sighing once again as he too sprinted toward the opening of the cave. He dove off, twisting in the air for a moment before shifting; spread arms turning into wide beautiful wings as he wrapped them around himself and dove faster toward the screaming Elf.

You are so idiotic.

Too bad the poor thing was falling to his death and therefore way too busy screaming to respond. He rather enjoyed witty banter.

He caught him gently in his front paws; making sure not to crush him. Once back up into the entrance of the cave he maybe a little harshly set the Elf down before turning around and flying straight into the opening, shifting and landing on his feet with a twist. He turned to see the Elf hugging himself on the stone floor, and he walked over and bent a little to study him a little bit.

"Hmm did you enjoy your flight?" The Elf looked up at him with accusing eyes. "Hey I warned you. I didn’t know your kind had a thing for running straight off huge cliffs."

The Elf growled as he pushed off the cool stone floor. As he was brushing off his clothes he looked up with angry eyes. “We don’t.”

He gasped as he clutched his bare chest. “I must say! Here I am done saving you and you just look at me with such hostility. I am offended and alarmed.”

The Elf’s eyes softened for a moment, “Thank you.”

The other hummed. “Good. Now I must eat.”

As he walked to his table the other followed slowly behind him. As he sat down at the wooden surface and picked up his eating utensil the Elf looked at him with huge eyes. “What are you doing?”


"…You don’t eat raw humans?"

The dragon man blinked for a moment before bursting out laughing. “What type of foolishness do those silly high-borns teach their offspring?”

After a while the silence was broken when the Elf asked, “Why am I here? Why didn’t you just kill me back in the field? Why did you save me back there?”

He wiped his fingers on the fabric on his table before finishing chewing. “You are here because you didn’t even attempt to counter what I did to you and if I had left you out there one of my less neutral kind would have eaten you raw without even a second thought. I did not kill you because I am not one for dismemberment. It’s way too barbaric, and I saved you because I did not want your filthy blood on my cliff.”

"My blood is not filthy." The Elf gasped.

"Hmm I see. Now do you have a name or am I to call whatever I please?"

"I am not staying around long enough for you to need my name."

The dragon just went about his business.” Hmm Filthy thing, Dainty noodle,. Oh Pointy Ear Baboon.”

The Elf looked scandalous. “I am not a baboon!”

The dragon sighed. “Do not get your knickers in a twist and just tell me your name, or Pointy Ear Baboon will be it.”

After a moment the Elf finally softly answered. “It’s Minho. Minho Choi.”

The other may have even slightly smiled. “Well if you want to eat there’s fruit on the table. I’m going to go read.”

"You know how to read?"

"I am thousands of years old. I’ve probably written many of the books you learned your magic from. The little amount you know that is." He smirked and walked further into the cave.

"I am not staying here!" The Elf shouted.

The dragon smirked. “Well be my guest on jumping or attempting to climb down them. Just make sure you jump far enough that the blood doesn’t splash onto my rocks.”


"You never told me your name."

He looked up to see Minho standing before him at the end of his cushion. He just went back to reading the yellow aged parchment before him, “That would be because you did not ask for it Little One.”

Minho decided to ignore the name for a moment. “Well I am asking now. What is your name Dragon?”

He hummed. “I have no idea who you are. Why should I give you my name? For all intensive purposes you are my enemy.”

"You saved me from falling to my death. Enemies do not save each other if you did not know."

"Maybe I am just feeling merciful, or do not like the death of one of you for something stupid. I am one to believe in an honor-full death." He looked up then with a quizzical expression. "What is an honor-full death to you beasts? Dying when using magic or just in battle? I heard some of you even die trying to grow a tree."

"We do not use- you know what never you mind. Now your name Dragon."

He sighed, “That is no way to speak to me. This is my home. What type of manners were you raised upon?”

Minho’s eyes narrowed. “More than the likes of you.”

The Dragon just smiled. “We are going to have a lovely time together Little One..”

He stood up and replaced the parchment onto the table. “Why are you keeping me?”

For a moment the Dragon just stood there fixing the various rolled up papers and other parchments, but then he turned and walked toward him. He was a little bit shorter than him, but he was stockier and looked and felt stronger. “My name is Jinki if you must know, and I kept you because no one has stood up to me the way you did in the field. I admire you for that and I do not kill things I admire. It does not happen very much. Me admiring.”

Jinki began to walk away, but Minho stopped him. “Who are you exactly?”

Jinki turned his head, dark long locks falling in front of almost sorrowful icy blue eyes. “An old soul who has lost too many and only wants an end to this pointless destruction both our peoples call war Little One.”


Jinki felt the warm hands of the other tight against his neck. He slowly opened his eyes to look up at him. Minho had him straddled between his legs, elbows locked as he gripped his neck. The pressure wasn’t enough to stop him from speaking, but it was enough to show intended harm.

"Are you going to kill me Little One?"

The Dragon’s eyes shined brightly in the dark, and even though he knew his face was completely submerged in the shadows Minho could feel the beast’s eyes on him. “I should.”

"Then go ahead." Jinki placed his arms slowly behind his head. More pressure was added, making it more difficult to talk but he managed it. " It’s what you were taught to do. See a dragon, and kill it."

The harshness of Minho’s eyes seeped out as the tension and pressure on his neck released. The Elf fell back onto the other side of the straw mattress with a sigh. “I can’t.”

"Restraint is never a weakness." Jinki looked over at him for a moment before turning back over. "Maybe your Queen should learn a thing or two from you Minho Choi."


When Minho woke up one morning and the Dragon was no where to be sensed he was perplexed. Now would be the perfect time to make his escape, if only he could make it down the cliff.

He was raised to hate dragons. He was handed a knife before he knew his first spell. Bedtime stories were ones about the creatures, meant to scare them enough to want to kill them. He was taken on his first hunt when he was a little over a hundred years old, but even then he hadn’t been able to attack the dragon. No matter how much he was taught, and swayed, he couldn’t just kill a dragon without reason.

Minho had been there when the Queen had captured 4 young dragons. From newborns to a couple years old. Too young to know what danger was and to know how to fight back. He had watched as 4 of the Kingdom’s Gold clad guards slit the young creatures throats, as one would a pig ready for slaughter.

Maybe Jinki was right. Maybe calling him the filthy beast was ignorant, but his people hadn’t started this war. Dragon’s did by killing their king. Minho knew he shouldn’t feel sorry or remorse for the huge creatures.

He heard the rush of wind, felt the immense magically power that was Jinki, as the dragon landed softly on the stone near the cave opening after shifting. He had long dark hair, so dark Minho knew he had never seen such hair. His eyes, so icey blue Minho felt as if he could feel the ice of the stare. Tan skin, a deep golden brown. There were black as night scales gracing the Dragon’s left temple and under his eye. When he had first seen it Minho had thought it ugly, even disgusting, but now looking at it and how the light reflected off of it he had to admit. It was beautiful. Just like the rest of him.

How could centuries of teaching to hate and loathing just completely vanish into beauty and admiration?

"You should learn to block your thoughts Little one."

Minho’s eyes widened for a moment, but the Dragon was already gone.



Jinki appeared from one of the various deeper parts of the cave. Pant’s low on his hips, long hair hung around his face. There was a dark cloak through over his shoulders. As he approached Minho could see just how elaborate the design on it was. It looked ancient, just by the work that went into the fabric, but not one thread was out of place.

"Where are you going?" Minho asked softly.

Jinki flashed his eyes over at him. “Have you ever ridden a dragon before?”

"I.. no."

"Would you like to see who I am exactly?"

There was something in the way he was looking at him that made Minho’s stomach feel uneasy, but he found himself nodding and walking toward the other. Jinki walked to the edge of the cave, and shifted. Usually Minho would look away, but at that moment he couldn’t look away. It wasn’t instantaneous Strong human looking limps stretching into huge powerful muscles of a dragon. Fingers elongating into sharp claws. Tan skin changing to equally beautiful black scales.

Long neck s around enough for those eyes to lock with his own. Those same icey blue eyes. Climb on up Little One.

Minho scrambled to do just that, shooting a look at the dragon as his foot landed on his scales. When Jinki didn’t object he continued. “Where are we going?” His voice was steady but his entire body felt like it was shaking from nerves.

Somewhere that you must stay by me all the time. A meeting between the aspects.

"I don’t understand."

High-borns never do. They never felt like learning. Hold on tight and cover your face with a cloth. It’s going to be a rush.

"Jinki what-" His question ended in screams as Jinki pushed off the ledge with powerful hind legs and Minho rushed to grasp tight around the spike before him. He could swear the Dragon was laughing at him.

Told you to hold on Little One.

This time Minho listened.



That’s what narrowed his vision to just a foot in front of him. “Jinki..-“

Shh! Powerful forces are about to be in play Little One. Sit tight and watch.

Minho didn’t understand why Jinki was taking him here. If he understood correctly this was something no outsider was ever allowed to witness, and certainly no High-born had ever seen this since the war had begun.

You’re right you know. You’re the first. I just hope this wasn’t a mistake.

Did Jinki not trust him? Well that was a stupid question. Of course he didn’t trust him. They were enemies no less, and nothing would change that.

Before anything could be said the fog parted. Minho didn’t know whether to hide where he was sitting or sit and continue to gape at what was around him. He had never seen so many dragons in one place. All of them were fairly huge, he ventured to guess they were all considerably old, but none were the size of Jinki. Each of the 12 gathered were a different color, from red to purple.

Minho knew when he heard the command ring through his mind it wasn’t just for him. He slid off Jinki’s back, and stepped a little to the side, but as soon as Jinki was human looking he was standing behind him.


Minho noticed that every single one of the now human looking creatures around the tree stump in the middle had a cloak similar to Jinki’s, but much newer and way less elaborate.

All were beautiful in their own way, and there was only one woman. At the far end, and Minho noticed how her eyes matched the color of her dragon form. Silver.

Minho knew that Dragons were proud creatures, much more than his own race. They never bowed. Never admitted defeat, but here he was watching every single one of the 12 bow at the waist. All but Jinki.

"Rise." He was completely confused. Who was Jinki to have all these really old and powerful dragons bow to him? "I’ve called this meeting for one reason and one reason only. I’m tired of the fighting."

The woman stepped forward. White cloak shimmering against her form that wasn’t near as white as her hair. “Why have you brought one of them with you?”

"Junghee." Jinki warned.

"No. She’s right. Why have you?" The one closest to them asked. Skinny limbs that were way stronger than they looked. Hair the color of fire and eyes to match.

"He’s the answer to the end of this war Taemin." Jinki began slowly, voice calm yet commanding as he folded his arm behind his back. His palm was open toward him, and for some reason Mino had the sudden urge to hold it, but he didn’t. He just stepped closer.

"How?" The woman, Junghee Minho reminded himself, asked. Silver eyes like arrows aimed at him.

"The Elves want our King, our ruler, and I’ve heard he’s willing to give himself up." Jinki began, "This war has been too long, gone on too long. I was young and stupid and I shouldn’t have done what I did, but I did it. Now I must find a way to end this, because I am tired of all this pointless and seemingly endless killing. It’s ignorant and completely avoidable."

"You’re talking nonsense again Jinki. The High born has obviously brainwashed him."

But then Minho spoke. “I’m not near as powerful enough to do that ma’am.”

All eyes were on him, as Jinki stepped back closer to him. “I came to tell you that when I go through with this, which I will, that I leave my place to Junghee.”

Minho could have swore he had seen pain flash through those silvery depths. “Jinki..”

"You of course will have to find an energy to fill my place as aspect, but Junghee holds my position. That is all. Go home and take care of your people. Make sure that you are okay. This war will come to an end come the Winter Solstice."

"Then at least allow us to give you our fire." Another one sounded. Blonde hair, feline eyes and golden light traveled across his skin like blood did in his veins.

"I cannot asked that of you."

"You aren’t. I’m offering." The same man took a step forward.

"As so I." Jinki’s blue eyes snapped over toward Junghee. One by one the others stepped forward. Then Jinki was walking toward the tree stump, footsteps soundless as he approached, and with a flash of light Minho had to look away. A moment later Jinki had shifted and was standing near him, and he moved quickly to climb back up.

"What do you mean I’m the answer to the end of the war?" Minho asked softly.

Not now Little One.


They landed near a waterfall. The sound of rushing water reached his ears as he slid off the back of the dragon. Jinki shifted, and slumped hard against the ground. Minho rushed to his side, but the other was waving a hand for him to stand back.

"Are.. are you hurt?" He asked unsteadily.

"Clean up." Was the only thing the Dragon said.

And as Minho slowly walked toward the clear blue water he noticed the pain in the Dragon’s eyes as the different colors swirled within their usually icy depths.


When he heard the water splash behind him he turned quickly. The immense power that was Jinki’s core was still there, burning brightly but something was different. Stronger, more brighter.

"Little One." He said softly. "You were wrong you know. When you said we’d always be enemies."


Jinki flashed a smile, and Minho felt his heart stop. “You aren’t my enemy. If anything I am only yours.”

"You saved my life."

But Jinki was shaking his head. ” I saw a purpose in you. “

"You would have killed me if you hadn’t then?"

There was no hesitation in his voice when he answered. “No.”

"Then you aren’t mine." He didn’t know what was pulling him toward the man, but before he knew it he was close enough to see the water droplets dripping down the man’s shoulder. His eyes found the man’s plush lips, and focused in on them. The thought of wanting to kiss him flashed through his mind, but he pushed it out as soon as it was there and forced himself to look up into his eyes.

"I hear what you want to do." Jinki’s fingers moved up his chest, skin extra hot. "You have my permission."

When Minho didn’t respond Jinki was leaning in and pressing their lips together. The man was all muscle and strength, commanding presence in a room and powerful magically core, but as his fingers grazed Minho’s cheek he was everything but. A spark passed through them, making them jump apart, but one look had Minho pushing himself against the other quickly.

"Jinki~" The name passed softly, breathlessly even, through his lips as the other kissed up his neck.

"I’m sorry." Jinki whispered, almost too quiet to hear, and Minho didn’t understand why he was saying it. The other was kissing up his neck and working his fingers over his skin.


There was something about the way Jinki braided his hair after ringing most of the water out that tugged at Minho’s heart. “Stop looking at me like that.”

"Like what?"

"Like you’re in love with me." Minho didn’t like the sound of the other’s voice.

"Is it wrong if I do?" Minho asked softly, "I mean you allowed what just happened to."

"And I shouldn’t have."

He couldn’t help but feel hurt by that. “Why not? Do you hate me because I’m an elf?

"No." The man had his back toward him, and his voice was almost too quiet to hear.

"Do you hate me Jinki?"

Jinki eyes flashed to his own. “No. Heavens No.”

"Then why shouldn’t it have happened?" Minho didn’t care. His heart was hurting. He was supposed to hate the dragon across from him but leave it to him to fall in love with him. Leave it to him to need the man around him no matter what. Leave it to him to be the only High born in existence that would want a dragon to touch them at all. "I’m glad that I’m nothing to you. I’ll just be going now."

"No!" Minho stopped walking away. "That shouldn’t have happened because I’m about to make you take me to my death."

Minho paled. “What?”

"What’s the one thing your Queen wants?"

"The ruler of the Dragons." Minho answered simply.

"Well you’re looking at him." Jinki’s eyes were sad. Pained. "You are going to take me to your Kingdom, and place me at the feet of your Queen."

”..But she’ll kill you!”

"And the war will be over." Jinki said quietly before pushing off the ground and walking to find his cloak that had been thrown over a tree. He pulled it over his shoulders and turned toward the Elf. "Come now Minho." He shifted, and Minho didn’t move. Please?

Minho’s heart ached in a strange foreign way as he climbed up.


As the Winter solstice neared his heart felt heavy. He got closer and closer with Jinki despite the other’s protests, but he knew it was a bad idea. Minho wanted to know everything about what had happened with the other dragons, and why Jinki was doing what he wanted, but he also just wanted to lay somewhere curled with the other.

"Tell me. Tell me about you." He mumbled one night.

"There isn’t much to know."

"How old are you?" Minho’s thin fingers were moving in soft circles over the other’s bare chest.

"I was born during a time both of our people used to be allies. A time a dragon and a elf were matched from birth. A time of relationships tight as blood, fighting side by side. A time where you felt like half of you was ripped apart when the other died. Our races loved each other like brothers."

"What happened?"

"What were you told?" Jinki asked softly as he ran his fingers through Minho’s soft locks.

"That a dragon killed our King in a fit of rage."

"That dragon was me." Jinki said reluctantly.

Minho looked up at him. “What?”

"I was paired with a High Born. His name was Kibum, but your people know him as Key. The Prince you lost. I.. I fell in love with him, and him me. We were stronger because of it, but also weaker. We cared about the other way more than ourselves. He gave himself up trying to heal me. Losing him.. I.. I went into a rage. I blamed the King for sending us out there. For sending him. So I killed him. I was young, and foolish. I did what I did in a rage and I’ve caused too much death because I had fogotten my lessons on restraint." Jinki’s fingers stopped moving in his hair as he pressed his lips against his forehead. "I’ve always had a weakness for Elves. So beautiful and elegant, but loving me is a curse. It’s just causes you to become harmed."

Minho wrapped his arms tighter around him and nuzzled his head into his chest to hide the tears that were falling, but Jinki noticed them anyway. “I can’t do what you’re asking me to.”

"Oh my Little One." Jinki pressed his lips against his hair for a moment and held him close. "Remember how I said I admired how you stood tall next to me? I need you to do that again for me okay."

"I.. I love you Jinki. I can’t be the one leading you to your death."

"You won’t. I’m walking there willingly." Jinki wiped the tears away and forced a smile, "Come now. Don’t cry. It hurts me."

But Minho just in a huge shuddering breath and pressed further into him. He didn’t want to think about tomorrow. He didn’t want to think about losing him.


As Jinki was forced onto his knees Minho didn’t know what to do. The other was chained, his arms and legs connected by metal he knew for a fact Jinki could rip apart without trying. He was dressed in what he had told him was his fighting gear. Dragons never always fought in their natural form. Too many blind spots.

The Queen stepped forward, an evil amused smirk on her face. “Ah so it was you.”

"I’ve come. The war is over." He said calmly.

"Who says that?" She asked coolly.

"I started this war. I’m the one you want. I’m standing here before you. You have me and you leave my people alone. We do the same to you."

The Queen ran a well manicured finger under his chin before walking back toward his hair, gripping the long dark braid in her hand. “Your hair has always been pretty. I wonder what Key would say to this.” And then a dagger was brought up, cutting the braid at the base of his neck.

Minho knew what that meant to a Dragon. Cutting off one’s hair was a shot to their pride, to belittle them and make fun of what they were. The braid was thrown on the ground as the metal was pressed against his neck. “You should have died with him.”

"No." He hadn’t known it had passed his lips until the Elf before him turned. He looked at that knife, pressing so hard that it drew blood and he knew. He knew. He knew he couldn’t live without Jinki. This war was pointless, and the death of the start of it wasn’t going to stop the hatred that had been hammered into his people. So before he could stop himself he was pushing through the crowd toward him, yelling, "No!"

Jinki turned toward the voice, not caring how the knife cut into his neck. NO! Go back!

But Minho wasn’t going to stop. He was whispering a spell and the Queen was slamming against the floor a little while aways before he was kneeling before Jinki. The chained man looked up with sad eyes. “Oh Little One.”

"I’m not living without you." Minho whispered before pressing their lips together.

"Oh.. how quaint. You’ve brainwashed another one of our youth." The Queen was muttering as she wiped the blood off her lips.

Jinki was pushing off the ground, blood dripping from his neck. “There once was time we were allies. Once a time we were friends.”

"That ended when you killed my mate."

Minho pulled Jinki back, and stepped toward his Queen. “Your Majesty… this was it’s pointless. The Dragons want to end the bloodshed as much as we do. They keep killing us because we’ve hunted them down and killed them for something they didn’t do. Kill me and Jinki if you must, but blaming them for something that happened centuries ago is ignorant.”

"You’d betray your own people?!"

"I’m proposing a renewal of old times. The matching between us. The coexisting. Let me and Jinki be the first."

"What you’re saying is just…"

But she was being cut off. “You’ve lost your mate, all 3 of your sons and even your daughter. Aren’t you tired of sending your people out and not having them come out?” Minho asked softly.

The Queen took a moment, but she finally relented. “You’re right.”

But then they heard the scream, and he felt Jinki colliding with his back. He turned, eyes wide, to catch the man and as he did he saw the arrows lodged in his back. Green poison seeped from the wounds. “No.. No no no.”

Jinki coughed raggedly. “Ugh. I haven’t felt this poison in years.”

"Oh… please.. you can’t." Minho whispered, throat dry.

Jinki looked up at him, a small smile on his face. “I was glad I met you Little One, even if you’re a Pointy ear Baboon.” When he tried to heal him the Dragon was shaking his head. “I’m not losing both of you. You are going to live.”

Minho pressed his head into Jinki shoulder and cried as the man pressed his lips against his cheek. And then his grip on his hand lessened, and the power core was dimming within him. “No… Jinki!”

But he was already dying, and it was far too late for him to even try to save him.

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May or may not have a special surprise for anyone who really wants to read about Jinki's past with Kibum. Just saying. Maybe shhhhhh


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myownsaviour #1
Chapter 2: aawww this story is beautifully heartbreaking!!! *_____*
Chapter 2: i see...i can't get the happy ending here~~
but i'm happy because i can read their sweet memories ^^
Chapter 2: yay!
i love these memory stories, its so cute and nice.I remember wishing there were more loving moments between the two when i finished part one and now i'm completely satisfied.but i could care less if you write tons of these drabble like stories cause i love them so much. i love your characterization of these two and their relationship btw <3
Chapter 2: So heartwarming :') You always create character personalities that I love! Thank you for updating :)
hunhan_enthusiast #5
Chapter 2: It's different seeing Jinki in such... control, and Minho being so... docile. Nice story!
Chapter 1: wow
one of the best oneshot
Chapter 1: i know this isn't a oneshot,isn't it?
so please update!! happy ending is the best!! ^^
Chapter 1: What. No. Is that the end of the story?? Did Jinki die? Who shot arrows at his back? Will Minho save him? Will there be a happy ending?
Chapter 1: Hwoa... This is really good... What this just one shoot??? This is really sad to see jinki death in the end...