She's dating ?!

I'll take you to Neverland, Pinocchio.

Friday night

Dongho is laying on his bed in his room thinking about how hes
gonna act infront of Sulli

Dongho's POV

Hmm....Sullli Sullli Sulli Choi . Jinli. Ssul?  Sseoli?
Am I gonna act cute infront her or act cool or act innocent or badass or-


*knock knock*

Dongho   :*sigh*  aishhh , who's there?

Eli            : It's Eli

Dongho just kept quite and ignored him

Eli            : YAHHHHHHHH

Dongho  : *groan* ALRIGHT,ALRIGHT

Dongho opens the door and Eli is standing infront of him with an ipad in his hand

Dongho   : What?  If you gonna stop my date- I mean my hangout with Sulli I'm not going to listen to you.

Eli            : Don't you know that Sulli is dating Taemin?

Dongho  : *smirks*  What are you talking about,Hyung? Don't try to make fake stories cuz I' will not believe you.

Eli            :*rolls eyes* Here *shows an article about Sulli and Taemin dating in his ipad*

Dongho  :W-what.....SHE'S DATING ?! You must be kidding right? where do you find it?

Eli            : I found it on Google ,here it says breaking news,Sulli and Taemin is dating....Seriously Dongho,do you want to  ruin      their relationship ? 


Eli           : C'mon Dongho, I know you really like Sulli , there is many possibbilty you can ruin her relationship with Taemin. psh *gets out from Dongho's room*

Dongho's POV
she's dating.....?  *with a sad look on his face* but....I really want to be closer to her but at the same time I don't want to ruin anyone else relationship... -sigh- I really want her honestly...I think I'm gonna cancel the hangout... why didn't she tell me this..*sigh* I really don't want to do this T.T

*takes out his phone from his pocket and dials Sulli's number*


Sulli            : Hello~

Dongho      :Urm,Sulli....this is Dongho...I have to tell you something

Sulli            : oh Dongho ~ what is it?

Dongho     :I'm sorry but I have to cancel our hangout tommorow.....

Sulli           : o.........why?

Dongho    : uhm... .. I have a really busy scedule ...

Sulli          : oh it's okay.....maybe we can postpone the hangout...

Dongho   : I think we can't because umm I'm really REALLY busy these days

Sulli         :oh , okay ....

Dongho  : goodbye....

Sulli        : goodbye..




Sulli in her room started to feel really sad and frustated.

Sulli's POV

Is he trying to avoid me or something...? the way he talks with to me on the phone it's like......I don't know....weird...*sigh* Why do I felt really sad right know T.T...... and I just make a cupcake for him.... :/ I thought.... So many questions running through my mind right now..I mean like busy scedule in Saturday?...that's weird

She goes to the kitchen and open up the refrigerator and reach out for the cupcake she makes for Dongho


Sulli  : I think I'm just gonna keep this  *put the cupcake back in the refrigerator*




lol i totally forgot about this fanfic bcause I'm really busy with school 
derp herp x)
-PLEASE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE- and yeah i like gifs teehee :P 

and Thanks for the ones who subscribe and comment ~ love you love you love you~ 

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mega7x #1
Chapter 12: kyaaaaa.... i just read this story n i loveee it.. im so like ur story about sulli, dongho n taemin.. is there any possible to write the next chapter?? plizz update soon... :D
Please update soon!!!
Dahnnisya #3
Ooo, he's gonna confess!
please update soon!
lolipoproi #5
@orangesun : ahaha :B

p/s : I kinda changed the first part a bit ._.
i hope sulli could tell him the real thing about she and dongho...
941204 #7
please update. :)
eyqasong #8
miss dongli..update please....:((
please update!!!