Am I Falling???

Different You!!

Baekhyun POV

“I couldn’t believe it, how could this be happening.” I complained to my friends.

“whoa, amazing!! She beats you??Daebak!” Chanyeol claimed. The others nodded.

“but thinking back, I never see her during lunch.” Said Kai.

“waee, are you expecting her??” said Naeun jealously.

“no honey, I’m just curious that’s all.” He put his arm on her shoulder. She pouts then chuckles when Kai peck her cheeks.

“oh, seriously, I’m on the rooftop if you are looking for me.” I leave them.

I open the door and hear her voice.

“hello, could I speak to my mom, please.” It’s her. I wanted to avoid her but I couldn’t move my legs as I was curious about her call. If only she wasn’t talking in English, I would have turn around.

“omma, guess what I get today. Do you……” she stopped speaking and her smile fade.


“omma..omma..are you hanging up on me??” her smartphone fall down as she’s losing her grip. She was on her knees and cry. Somehow, my heart ache. I feel like I want to hug her and say that everything’s fine. Like I want to kiss her tears to make her stop from crying.

I cut off my blues as a message just went in. it’s from Chanyeol and whoa, I only have about aminute before the bell rings. I peek at her and she doesn’t seem want to budge or being budge, so I just let her be and start running to the class.


“yah, what’re you doing at the rooftop?” Kai ask me.

“nothing, you don’t have to worry.” I give a light smile. Through out the class, I just can’t concentrate to the lessons.

“Byun Baekhyun, are you okay??” Kai ask out of concern.

“ooooh, nan gwenchana. Yah,  I’m going. Don’t wait me.” I grab my stuff and went out. I head to the rooftop.

She’s leaning at the wall. Her cries has stop and blankly she just stare at the floor. She startled me when she suddenly got up. I hide behind the door. When I was peeking, I saw her standing on the edge of the roof. Instinctively I ran to her.

“yah, are you crazy??” she puzzled and shocked. She lost her stabilities and I just grab her waist. We fall down together with her on top of me. Her face was so close to mine.

I could feel my heartbeat was rising. We’re in that position for about a minute. She clears and remove herself from me.

“what’re you doing?? Are you crazy?!”I asked her.

“why would you care? And beside, I wasn’t going to commit suicide if you are thinking of that.” She got up and leave me alone, confused. She had poker face with her which is never happened as long as I know her.


  We hang out at Lay’s brother café. We’re celebrating Sehun’s and his girlfriend’s, Hayoung 100th anniversary.

“blow the candle!!!” the girls scream as if it was theirs.

“woooow.” We blow out the popping things (I don’t what that is.. -,- ‘) everyone is clapping and Hayoung links her arm with Sehun and land her head on his shoulder. Everyone is wowed since Hayoung was not that expesssive toward her feelings. She love to keep things calm and controllable.

Sehun was the opposites. He express his feeling well… over actually.. I honestly don’t know why or how they got to be together.

“oh my god… Uri Hayoungie has all grown-up..” Namjoo said while  hugging Hayoung. Out of all the couples, I supposed that she and Jongdae is the most advanced couple. They even slept together. Well not by that ‘mean’ ofcourse. We’re leaving as the sky is getting darker.

I walk alone passing the shops when I see Jung Eunji being kicked out by a club bodyguard. I see her mumbling. She walks like a drunkard’s that I always see in front of liquor’s shops. Wait…. Is she drunk???? That couldn’t be possible coz’ we’re just 17. Yah Byun Baekhyun, you just saw her being kicked out of a club!!

I walk towards her when I saw she’s getting surround by drugsters that is hanging around the corner. I swing my punch towards the guy that is holding Eunji’s hand. I don’t know why I did that and wait….. did I just call her ‘EUNJI’??? there really is something wrong with my head. I think…… ‘god help me get out of this.’ I prayed.

“mwoya, you’re her boyfriend huh.” The one who’s standing infront of Eunji said. He is a friend of the one that I punch I guess. Seeing that he’s helping him got up. I want to say that I’m not but they just took off. I watch them till they’re gone.

I take a look at Eunji. Dafuq, I call her ‘that’ again!! She’s throwing up and look at me with a half-opened ayes. She’s mumbling and chuckling when suddenly she fell down towards me. I catch her and I could feel my cheeks is burning.

“yah Jung Eunji, wake up!!!” I shake her up but she show me no reaction. What should I do???? I want to just leave her at the park but I guess my kind genes won’t let me do that. I carry her in bridal way as I couldn’t put her on my back and head to my apartment. She’s lucky that I don’t live with my parents or I just leave her at the sidewalk.

I put her on the couch at the living room and go to my room to clean up my self. I check on her again after I finished. She’s still sleeping and she still look stunning. ‘Yah Byun Baekhyun!! Have I lost my mind.’ I yell to myself and hit my head to the coffee table beside the couch and dammit it hurts a lot.

I rub my head and glance at her. I examine all her features. She’s pretty the way she is. My eyes suddenly fall to her lips. I gulp. I lean closer. There’s about an inch before my lips and her’s met when suddenly she’s mumbling and I could hear her clearly.

“omma… mianhae….” She burst to cries and I don’t know just what to do. I hake her shoulder hoping she to wake up. She wokeup but her cries just won’t stop. Couldn’t stand it anymore I pull her towards me and hug her tightly.

“gwenchana, it’s not your fault….” I just comfort her although I don’t know she’s crying over what but I’m sure it’s about her mother. She push me when she stop crying. I feel slightly shocked and disappointed.

“Byun Baekhyun???!! Where am I ????” she asked me.she looked at me with her puffy eyes but I still found her beautiful.

“oh well, you’re drunk and I don’t know where your house so brought you to mine b’coz I don’t know what to do.” I explained and saw her sighing.

Eunji POV

I try to stand up by my head is hurting like hell and she just sit back at the couch. I massage my temple even though I know it didn’t work. Byun Baekhyun stand up and say

“ I will get you water.” He leave but I saw his face and it’s all red. ‘wae guraechi??’ I thought. He came back with a glass of water and hand it to me. I took it and have a sip. I want to finish it all but I feel uncomfortable with Byun Baekhyun’s stare.

“finish it all. i..i wil be in my room if you need anything” he stutters a bit which I don’t know why and point to his room behind me. I nodded and finish my drink when he moves to his room. I laid and close my eyes and before I realize, I was asleep.

Baekhyun POV

I go out again after I came up with a reason. I peek at her and saw her sleep. Once again I sit in front of her and admire her. ‘ what have happened to me?? Am I falling for her??’  ng

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yukinonakamura #1
Chapter 8: Is this the final?? Sequal please...what happen to myungsoo and eunji..
Chapter 8: omg baekji <3<3
great story! :)
Chapter 7: This is getting interesting. I hope you can update whenever you have time. School is really in the way
Chapter 6: Baekji saranghaeee
Amni2020 #5
Chapter 6: Update soon !!! BaekJi-jjang ~
InanyNanie #6
Chapter 6: Soooo I think L will be the third person between Baek and Eunji. Nooooo dont let him ruins BaekJi ><
YoonriYH #7
Chapter 6: Dont let myungsoo ruin them authornim
Chapter 6: You also includes L?? Kyahhh!!! I love you haha.. i also have a myungji heart here :D
Chapter 6: omg what you did there myungsoo? i cannot resist him. he's currently ruined my bias list ;;; but baekji ftw for sure. /flips hair;
InanyNanie #10
Chapter 5: Baek hugs Eunjiiiiiii ><