


© rulipolie



Baekhyun applies the last touch of eyeliner to his left eye and gazes at the pale dark-haired man staring back at him in the mirror. That’s him. Byun Baekhyun. A twenty two years old grown man with imperfect but happy life. He smiles at his own reflection. Someone once told him that smiling to himself before he do something important will give him luck. Since then, smiling to his reflection has become his new habit. He is going to do something big to make his life happier than now, so he needs all the luck he can get for this time. He hopes that he looks semi presentable with blue shirt wrapped around his small body just right. He looks at the clock sitting on his bedside table. 3 PM sharp. It is an hour before he finally be able to meet his lover at their usual meeting place. Just the thought of his lover, makes Baekhyun hums delightedly. He takes his wallet, wrist watch and phone in one swift movement then leaves his room.


Baekhyun and his lover like to hang out at the park near Baekhyun’s new apartment building. Instead of hanging out in a fancy restaurant with extravagant decor and expensive food, they prefer to lay down on their back and watch as the blue sky turns into a shade of orange sky and drink a can of instant coffee his lover bought from a vending machine on his way to the park. Usually, they went there by foot while talking about how their day passed, how chaotic Baekhyun’s work was and they even talk about cliche thing such as how long his lover stride comparing to Baekhyun’s. Sometimes, they only walk side by side in silence. Feel contented with each other presence. Once in a while, they went there individually when Baekhyun’s lover is still busy with work. So Baekhyun will walk alone to the park and wait for him just like this evening.


After walking past three blocks from his new apartment building, the familiar view comes into his vision. A small park downtown where he and his lover spend most of their little time together. Away from their works, away from their colleages, away from society. Only them. Just the two of them. Baekhyun steps further into the park. Recollecting the reason why he loves this park in the very first time. He can smell nice scent from his left side and see a bunch of white roses dancing slowly because of the wind breezes. Not far from where he stands, there is a small fish pond with fish jumping in the air as if it can feel how happy Baekhyun at the moment. Baekhyun roams his eyes to every corner of the park. He wants to cherish his moment here while he can. Suddenly, his eyes stop roaming around when he spots a huge old tree with a long white bench underneath. He smiles and sit on it.

Thirty minutes gone by but there is no sign of a tall figure running in his direction. Maybe he’s trapped in a traffic jam. Baekhyun thinks. He patiently wait for him. The love of his life. Baekhyun keeps waiting until the sun sets fully and the moon shines brightly. Showering his handsome face as if the moon try to cheer him up. But still, there is only him and the moon without the presence of a broad shoulder for Baekhyun to lean in.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow he will come.

Holding that little hope he has, Baekhyun walks away. He goes home with nothing but cold. Smile still lingering on his lips.







The next evening Baekhyun wakes up from his nap and doing his usual routine. Has a quick shower, brush his teeth and look for a proper shirt to wear in his closet. Seeing all the shirt he has are all in blue, he raises his eyebrows. He never remember he likes blue that much but he doesn’t have a choice does he? So he grabs random shirt and put it on his lean body. He walks pass the mirror. Takes a glance of himself and when he thinks he is good enough, Baekhyun gets out from his room again.

This time Baekhyun wants to go to the park cycling. He sends a short message to his brother that he is going to lend his bicycle and baekhyun will give it back to him before sun sets. Feeling excited, he goes downstair and cycling straight to his favorite park again.

Baekhyun parks his brother’s bicycle near the gate and doesn’t forget to lock it. This is public place people, who knows a random beggar will try to steal it? After he double checked the lock, Baekhyun walks inside the park with the same smile he always put. Once again he sits on the same long white bench just like yesterday. Facing up to the sky, Baekhyun lets himself wandering back to the time where he and his lover first met.

Baekhyun is an accountant in a small audit firm. The firm might be small but it doesn’t mean they have the time to chat and go to the cafetaria whenever they want. Being an accountant is the hardest part in Baekhyun’s life. He has to help managers, investors, tax authorities and others to make decisions about allocating resources. He also has to measure every possible things happen regarding financial information they needs. But thank God, Baekhun was gifted with the analytical and critical thinking skills which really helps him to face loads of numbers he has to deal with.

That afternoon, Baekhyun and his colleage went to the office cafetaria to grab quick lunch before they have to drown themself in piles of their works again. While they were eating leisurely, his colleage told him that they were going to have new supervisor today. When Baekhyun asked how his personality is, his colleage just shrugged indicated that he didn’t know much about their upcoming supervisor either. He just said that the name is Park Chanyeol.

Baekhyun finished with his lunch and was ready to take his leave when a tall figure clumsily stepped on his feet made Baekhyun hissed in pain. What the hell? Baekhyun thought. As if the tall figure knew how hurt baekhyun was, he muttered sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, Holy crap, sorry over and over again. It makes Baekhyun irritated. He got irritated not because that the giant just stepped on his feet but it was because the giant put his hands all over Baekhyun’s body. Just so you know, ain’t no one dares to touch Baekhyun’s body when he is wearing his holy suit. Baekhyun hates seeing his white crisp shirt wrinkled. Baekhyun glared at him as best as he could but it seems like the giant also lacks of senses beside lacks of self-balancing. After such a tense moment they have or was it only Baekhyun who felt it because heck the giant just beamed at him like nothing happened and offered his overly wide hand to Baekhyun.

“Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol.” Wide smile still plastered on his face waiting for Baekhyun to shake his hand to his offered hand but Baekhyun just stand there felt dumbfounded. What jokes his Lord pulls for Baekhyun to have such a young, tall ok no super tall with overly wide palm for his own liking yet clumsy? Baekhyun was expecting someone who is in his late thirties or fourties to be his supervisor but HIM?

“Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun.” He said awkwardly after few minutes pause. Baekhyun life is never be the same anymore. He knows it for sure.

Baekhyun feels light nudges on his body. Slowly he creaks his eyes open just to see the dim light from the one and only park lamp few feets away from his sitting position. A warm hand wraps around his shoulder makes him totally awake. It’s him! It’s Chanyeol! He is ready to grin at him because Chanyeol found him fast asleep on a public place carelessly. But the face in front of Baekhyun is not his face. It is not Chanyeol face with that usual teeth rich smile. Instead it is a pale face just like Baekhyun’s but this face is younger than his. It’s Sehun. His brother. The owner of the bicycle he used to come here.

“Have you seen Chanyeol around here Sehun?” Baekhyun asked to his brother in a rasp voice.

Sehun answers him with a simple head shake. “Let’s go back to your room hyung. It’s going to rain soon.” He tugs Baekhyun’s hand and pulls him away from the bench.

“What about your bicyle? I parked it near the gate!” Baekhyun starts to panic when he couldn’t find the bicycle.

“Don’t worry. I put it in a car already.” Sehun wrapped his hand to Baekhyun’s shoulder. He knows very well how to soothe him.

Baekhyun nods and gets in the car.

Tomorrow he will come.

He promises me tomorrow he will come.

Baekhyun smiles. Seeing the sight of their favorite park dissolves away.







Baekhyun wakes up late in the following day. He doesn’t know why but lately he gets tired easily and sometimes he falls asleep in a weird time just like today. He should have been sitting on that white bench at the park but here he is. Just struggling to get out from his bed. Rushing toward the bathroom,  he sees a glimpse of his brother leaning against his door in his room. With toothbrush still in his mouth, Baekhyun asks, “What are you doing here instead of rubbing your through the hospital’s hallway?”

Sehun just laugh at him, “can’t I come over to my brother’s room because now I have real job in a hospital?”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes, “Please Sehun you are just an intern. It means your job is still temporary.” He said again with small chuckles.

Sehun comes closer and sit down on Baekhyun’s crumpled bed cover on the floor. “How many times should I tell you that my internship ended two years ago? I’m a real doctor now.”

“uh-huh, and how many times should I tell you to not sitting on my crumpled bed cover on the floor? It’s dirty brother!” Baekhyun twitches in annoyance and shoo-ing Sehun to move on the couch.

“Geez Byun Baekhyun with his OCD. By the way why are you seems in a rush? Where are you going?” Sehun asked.

“I’m going to the park to meet Chanyeol.” Baekhyun shouts inside the bathroom.

“Again? You just went there yesterday!” Sehun shouts back in disbelief.

“I couldn’t meet him yesterday could I?” Baekhyun grabs his towel and step outside from the bathroom.

Seeing his brother’s fresh face makes Sehun’s hard face soften a bit. “Want me to you there? I have to do some things for hospital outside. I can drop you off at the park.”

Baekhyun laughs. “What are you now? A hospital messanger? But it’s a great idea! I’m late already. Hold up! I need to get dressed first.”

with that, Sehun drives Baekhyun to the park.

Baekhyun checks his watch. It’s 5 PM. He is late for an hour already. He runs inside the park and and see a man in suit sitting on his white bench. That’s Chanyeol! Baekhyun is ready to shout Chanyeol name when the man sees him in the eyes but he ignores him. The man keep talking on his phone. He isn’t Chanyeol. He is just random person drops by at this park.

Baekhyun plops down on green grass without even care whether his pants will get dirty or not. Chanyeol’s words echoing in his ears.

“Baekhyun, I know it sounds so sudden and I dont have any preparation to make it romantic for you but would you like to marry me?”

Baekhyun got startled with Chanyeol’s sudden burst. How could he asked baekhyun to marry him just in the last seconds before he and Baekhyun have to presentate their new invention of accounting system to the owner of their audit firm alongside with the shareholders. Baekhyun can’t think properly in this kind of situation. He may thinks quick about how the investment of their client will work, he even can predict what will happen to the bangrupt old factory in the next 10 years from now but this! He never predicted that Chanyeol is going to ask Baekhyun to marry him like this!

“It’s not the right time Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said after he successfully gather his composure. He hold the conference room doorknob but Chanyeol was faster and hold his wrist in place.

“Answer me now or we won’t come in.”

“Chanyeol are you crazy?”

“No. I’m totally insane. This thought has been bugging me for days Baekhyun. I couldn’t sleep properly, I couldn’t think properly even I couldn’t do a simple task such as arranging files in alphabetical.”

Baekhyun widen his gaze on Chanyeol.

“I don’t want to lose my focus in there just because I can’t ask you to marry me due to the fact that I dont bring your favorite white rose and our wedding ring right now.”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes, “Sure. I will marry you. Happy now? Next time bring me my white rose and wedding ring.”

Chanyeol’s lips curl overly wide for his face but this time Baekhyun didn’t hate it. Instead he loved it.

“Now let’s get this over with.” Chanyeol was back in a business like tone.

Baekhyun could only smile.

Sometimes, Baekhyun thinks it is such a reckless decision for both of them for willingly to get married just after a month from their first encounter. But he also thinks the time doesn’t matter anymore when the comfortable feeling with each other’s presence is all that matter now. Baekhyun may at cooking but that’s okay since Chanyeol is a good cook.  Chanyeol may worse in managing his room but that’s okay because Baekhyun is more than glad to manage the room and keep their belongings in place. They may be lack in so many things alone but together, together they can cover up each other flaws and make a perfect fit to each other.

Baekhyun still remember, Chanyeol whispered to his ear after both of them successfully presentated their new accounting system. With clapping hands heard in every corner of the room, he whispered,

tomorrow. At the park. 4 PM. I will come with a simple stalk of white rose in my right hand and wedding ring in my left hand. Wait for me Baekhyun. Wait for me tomorrow.

Baekhyun checks his appearance one more time just to make sure he is perfect in looks. When Baekhyun is busy straightening the collar of his blue shirt, a pair of well polished shoes walking closer and stop right before his sneakers. A soft hand pulls Baekhyun’s chin up and he smiles. Baekhyun smiles. This touch! I know this touch! With heartbeat racing, Baekhyun open his eyes slowly and see the familiar face he misses. The familiar teeth-rich grin he adores so much and that eyes. That round eyes which only Park Chanyeol possessed. Finally! Chanyeol is here! He looks as charming as he used to be with white suit fits his tall body perfectly. Park Chanyeol is here for him. He is here to fulfill his promise to Baekhyun. Baekhyun smiles wider when he sees Chanyeol is wearing their wedding ring already.

“Hey, sorry for making you wait. I have to short things out first at home.” Chanyeol said while trying to find the right position to sit beside Baekhyun.

“That’s alright. I also came late today. I came at 5 when you asked to me come at 4.” Baekhyun answered as if it’s not a big deal.

“So where is my white rose?” Baekhyun asked in anticipation because he can’t see a single stalk of flower in Chanyeol’s hands.

As if Baekhyun caught him off guard, Chanyeol gapes and quickly gathers his stiff composure again.

Maybe he is nervous. Baekhyun thinks. So Baekhyun said it’s ok since he is getting bored with white rose anyway. Liar! Actually Baekhyun is a bit dissapointed with it but he chooses to keep smiling for him. For Chanyeol.

Chanyeol takes Baekhyun hand and squeeze it light. Trying to make Baekhyun believe that he is finally here, talking to Baekhyun and it’s not just another daydream Baekhyun has.

“Actually Baekhyun, I have something important to tell you right now but I want you to keep listen to me until I stop talking. You get it?”

Baekhyun chuckles, “Park Chanyeol I ain’t a retard to not be able to understand what you are saying.” Baekhyun smiles, “sure.”

Baekhyun sees Chanyeol secretly takes a deep breath before he speaks. What makes him this nervous. Am I looks too threatening for him? I dont think so.

“Baekhyun let’s cancel our marriage. I can’t marry you because I have a wife. And now she is carrying our child. I can’t leave her just like that. I love you. I love you so much. But sorry I have two persons leaning their life on me. I can’t leave them Baekhyun. I can’t. I’m sorry.”

Chanyeol keeps on holding Baekhyun’s hand as if he wants to reduce baekhyun pain with his warmth. But Baekhyun can not feel the warmth anymore. He only can feel how cold his back is for waiting Chanyeol for so long just to hear him asking to cancel their marriage plan!

Baekhyun stutters, “yo-you said you are ready to leave her! You said you are going to leave her in a week!”

Chanyeol put more pressure to their interwining fingers. “I did. I left her already and I was ready to go to you when she banged in office and said she is pregnant.”

“You said you already send her the divorce paper! You said I don’t have to worry about your married life with her because you’ll get away from her!” Baekhyun starts to tremble whether from the sadness or dissapointment or else his anger. He can’t quite recall.

Chanyeol try to hug him but Baekhyun breaks apart,



He doesn’t cry. He doesn’t even shed a single tear. Maybe it is because he always cry at the same time. Always cry at the same place and always cry at the same reason.

Hands trying to reach him but Baekhyun steps back. Shouting and screaming the same words over and over again.


The same hands still keep trying to reach Baekhyun and Baekhyun steps back again.

A woman walking closer to where Baekhyun is standing. She said soothing words to calm Baekhyun down.

Baekhyun calms down even his heartbeat still racing rapidly because of anger. He doesn’t want to appear so weak in front of Chanyeol’s real wife.

“So, this is your wife huh? So this is your wife Park Chanyeol?” Chanyeol just keep quiet.

“Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun.” Baekhyun streches his hand in hopes that she will grab his hand.

And she grabs it. “Krystal. My name is Krystal.”

“Krystal. What a pretty name. Chanyeol has been talking about you all the time. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.” Baekhyun smiles bitterly.

“Thank you. Baekhyun if you don’t mind, would you come with me? It’s getting dark and it’s dangerous for you sleeping here on the grass. Come on your brother is waiting for you in the car.”

Baekhyun nods and he walks away from the park with some people in white jackets and his nurse.




I might cry today, but I may be smiling tomorrow. That’s enough. That’s the way life is. If I don’t lose hope, tomorrow he will come. Yes. Tomorrow he will come with a simple stalk of white rose in his right hand and wedding ring in his left hand. Yes. Wedding ring. He promises me we will get married tomorrow.



Baekhyun's life was perfect with stable job as an accountant, have a handsome brother who was going to be a doctor in two months and also had a perfect lover who is soon to be his husband. But unfortunately, the soon to be his husband was already become another woman’s husband. And it makes his life collided, two years ago.






Author note: soooo how was it good people? shout out your thoughts about Tomorrow on comment section okay? your thoughts will help me to improve my writing skill eue talk to me guys!! I am toothless eue


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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 1: I don't think it's fair that Baekhyun is the one who is crazy!
Chapter 1: i don't really know what to say about's just sad.. but pls keep on writing stories authornim and.. yeah.bye.
Chapter 1: The story was sooo good. Like seriously, I'm crying... :'( Just one suggestion though; get a beta reader to correct some of the mistakes in this story. The gist of this is really heart breaking and well written, but sometimes the grammar prevents it from being an awesomesauce story. Just a suggestion though. Keep up the good work! ^^
Khamila #4
Chapter 1: wow it was awesome! at first I thought it was that Chanyeol was dead or that Baekhyun had alzheimer and finally...that...awesome and well written ^^
Chapter 1: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?!? WHYYYYY?!? My heart D'X noooooooooo T_T at first I was thinking...did Chanyeol you know...pass away but then te end comes up and in just like jakansjdiskowpwkxmxsla!!!!! Dammit Chanyeol. Just do child support globdammit! XD lmao thank you for sharing your story to me. Although it broke my heart.
Chapter 1: nice story,keep it up.. update soon
orangetoken #7
Chapter 1: I was so confused... But after reading the last few paragraphs twice, i'm a crying mess~ IM STILL ANGRY AT YOU CHANYEOL!?!?!? Baek doesn't deserve that... Thanks authornim~ i love it~
messikah #8
Excited to read! Very intriguing ^.^ hope you write soon
Chapter 1: awesome story author-nim :')
Chapter 1: I swear. This week, I'ce only been finding sad stories to read. You can advertise on my wall whenever. I don't really care, but not many people cause I don't write and I'm not fanous so just saying.