Our little secret.

You're My Snow White

Taemin's POV


     I had so many memories running through my head right now, now I know why he said the one and only and he re introduced my self.


"You know you're the first friend I got this close with, I never had this long of a friendship, I aways move." I told Minho, after I told him after I met him after school, the day before I moved.

"I'm glad I am!" He gave a slight smile and pulled me into a hug, I could tell that he didn't want me to leave, he wasn't talking to much for the past few days, I was used to it. I was used to leaving my friends as I get to know them. I wonder what Minho was feeling at the moment. I never knew what Minho thought about me. I just new that we were friends and that he never told me anything that he wanted to tell me, though he always told me it was not much. 

"Yes, Minho, You're my one and only!" I smiled trying to make him feel better.

*Flashback over* 

"Minho..." I said, I kept wondering of why Minho was so sad the day I  left I didn't even get a chance to talk to him, he kept running away from me.

"Yeah?" He looked up at me. We were still walking to Pizza Hut, to be honest I think we passed it, all I know is that I was following Minho who was looking at the ground.

"Why did you not talk to me the day I moved?" I said looking at him. I was really curious, and I wanted to know.

"Because Taemin....." He paused and looked at the ground.

"Also, you always said that you have to tell me something and then say nevermind and it wasn't that important. Why did you do that?" I asked, I wanted to know everything. "What am I to you? Why were you so upset the day I left, every other friends that I left just said there goodbyes and they weren't uspet as you, so what do I, or did I mean to you then?" I asked, I figured now would be the time to shut up, because I could already see the tears feeling up in his eyes. EIther that it was rain, I realized it was raining just now, I guess when you have a lot of stuff to think about you don't really notice it. "Sorry, I don't mean to ask so many questions. I just have so many memories with you and everything I was just kind of curious." I said as I looked down. There was a long pause of silence, Minho and I just continued walking. 

"Were they good memories?" Minho asked, breaking the silence. 

"What?" I was confused and I felt stupid for saying that, I knew exactly what he ment.

"I mean were the good, where they happy, or were you sad in those memories?" He looked at me, I knew now that there were actual tears running down Minho hyung's face. I felt bad, I don't know why but it always hurt me to see him cry. 

"I was happy in those memories." I tried to give a light smile then noticed I was crying to. I don't know why, maybe, maybe I just.....no, I can't there is no way I could. I wipped the thought out of my head.

"Do you want the honest answer to your question?" Minho asked wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"Ne..." I weakly said. 

"I will answer once we get back to school. I lost my apitite. Unless you want to eat then we can go and eat I don't mind." He said looking down, then quickly looked back at me.

"Aniyo, I'm fine." I said as I pulled Minho closer to me, I was hugging his arm. He took his arm and put it over my shoulder, and I hugged his side, and we continued walking back to the school. a

"Will you keep a secret?" Minho asked looking down at me.

"Ne, what is it?" I asked raising my head off of his shoulder, and looked up at him.

"Unless if anyone sees us like this, don't tell them that I know you. I wanna see how long it takes for them to catch on. I have a question...." He drifted off at the last part.

"What is it Hyung?" I looked up at him. 

"Do you love me?" He quickly asked and he looked away. 

"What do you mean?" I asked I didn't know how to answer to that question. I didn't exactly knew what kind of love he was talking about but then it kind of made me think about it alot.

"I mean, I know that you love me for a friend, but do you love me any more than that?" He asked trying to look back at me.

".........I-i" I paused. I couldn't answer the question, and then I thought about everything, maybe that was the reason why it hurt me to see him cry, the reason I had butterflies in my stomach everytime I was around him and we were joking around or something, the reason why I was so happy when he kissed me. Why didn't I pull away...

"Neve-" Minho started to say. 

"I love you Minho hyung" I cut him off. He looked at me with suprise.

"Really?" He looked at me and I can see him trying not to smile.

"Yes" I hugged him to make him feel better.

"I have another question.."

"What's that?" I asked, I was already happy, I didn't know what was going to ruin my day.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He stopped walking and let go of me. I knew that if I didn't answer this then I would upset him. I wanted to just run away at the moment I didn't know why, but I didn't want to hurt him and my feet acted as if they were glued to the ground. I stared at him for a second.

"Ne." I said. I smiled and hugged him around his waist and didn't let go, I was cold.

      Before we got to the school, it was still raining and he kissed me, he my bottom lip asking for entry, once I did, he practically shoved hiss tounge in my mouth, going over every centimeter of my mouth, He pulled away. He looked at me. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself..." He looked at me and gave me a small smile and put his arm over my shoulder and walked me to the school. 

"OH MY GOSH!!!" I heard Key yell. As soon as I heard his voice both Minho and I looked up in his direction, and as soon as we did he ran towards us.

"Damn it" I heard Minho mumble.

"You finally meet Taemin, isn't he such a cutie?!....WAIT!!! Are you two...?" He paused. I looked up at Minho.

"Well since you already saw us I guess there is no use in hiding it..." I heard him mumble. Key kept looking at us waiting for an answer. "You sure do mumble alot, hyung." I whispered. 
"I know." He said out loud and Key looked at him confused. "I mean yes, he's my boyfriend." Minho looked up at Key and as he did he pulled me closer to him.

"I thought you..." Key stopped.

"Yeah the one I was in love with and the one I couldn't stop thinking about was him." Minho pointed at me and smiled.

"Really! Wow! That's just so weird!" Key said smiling, then his smile faded and he turned to look at Minho, I was almost scared to be there."You do anything to my son, and I swear I will kill you." 

"Don't worry, I PROMISE I won't do anything but kiss your son." Minho said as he patted Key's head. 

"I don't believe you..." Key said. He turned around and saw Kwangmin and Youngmin, "Yo! You two, come meet this new couple." Key yelled and waved them over here, as he did they ran towards us. "Key do you have to make this a show?" Minho asked.

"Yes, if you're dating my son, I can do what ever I want." He smiled and turned back towards them.

"Woah, you two are dating?" Kwangmin was obviously confused.

"Wow, you two make such a cute couple. here stay just like that I have to get a picture." Youngmin said as he grabed his camera out of his bag. 

"Yeah, Youngmin likes to take pictures by the way." Kwangmin said informin me.

"Haha, that's neat." I said smiling.

'You're really adorable when you smile like that." Minho whispered to me, but I could tell atleast everyone heard it because as soon as he said it Youngmin said "Aww, you're so sweet."  

"Thanks." I said blushing,

"Yup." Minho said as Youngmin took a picture. He showed us the picture.

"Print two of those and give one to him and give one to me. Good job on that one!" I heard Minho say, I could tell that I was blushing alot already. 

"Okay! Gotcha." Youngmin said and we all walked to class.


A/N: So how did you like this one! I kinda felt awkward giving the kiss scene because it was my first time for something like that. Even though it is small, I felt awkward! Anyways comment and tell me what you think

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Thank you! ^_^
So cute <3
I will try to make a sequel to this everyone!! :) I will post the link up here if I can! <br />
SHINee4ever5 #4
This is sooo cute >///< update soon ^^
@MushroomxXxGirl: Thank you! I will try and update soon, luckly I haven't had homework this week, and I hope it stays that way because I am going to be working on the chapter this week and update on Friday! :)
OOOOOOOOOOH SO CUUUUUUTE <3!!!!!!!!! Update soon please but focus on school and homework more they're more important than updating right?
@DarknessXAnime Thank you! Yeah, I was hoping the kiss wouldn't be bad, and yeah, that is why is was awkward for me! >.< Haha
It's okay, you redeemed yourself with this newly updated chappy :D<br />
<br />
So cute... and the kiss wasn't bad at all. <br />
It was rather cute. If I may be so bold ask, was it awkward because you have never been kissed?
@DarknessXAnime Sorry for the short chapter, I just couldn't think of anything else, and I decided that I would start the other chapter with Minho's POV! Anyways I will make the next chapter worth something to read! :)