Shanghai Romance


It was the day of our anniversary and Jonghyun had disappeared. I had not seen him all day, even when he left the hotel this morning. All I got was a simple peak on the lips and he was gone with out a word. I felt hurt and my heart in tatter's. As I went to use the fridge I noticed a yellow sticky note, it was going to lead me to something that will change my life forever,


Hello lovelies <3

I actually stuggled to come up with anything XD

This was another random idea plus so much Jongkey today O.O (feels like Chritmas all over again XD)

I treid to write a sad fic but it was impossible (felt like a Criminal XD)

This might be a short drabble, I'm going with the flow here ><

Comment and Subscribe lovelies <3 :3


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_Aecha #1
This story was cute. Haha I really liked it.
Jongkeyra #2
Chapter 1: Can you tell me more about the latest jongkey moments that you had mention here..i mean at Shanghai or maybe there's more other than that..maybe you could share the link to any pictures or videos or fanaccounts about that..I kind of not really up to date with SHINee news nowadays since I just started my life as a university student.. I'd love to watch that and I really appreciate it if you could help me..

Btw, i freaking love your fluff<3
Keep it up~ Hwaiting!!
Chapter 1: Awww so romantic and sweet fic.i was constantly smiling while reading it.oh kibum was scared at the beginning but bummie you dont have to worried,jonghyun that cheesy puppy is all yours.the situation on beach you created,sea then dinner and nighttime,wind,giving rose it was the best.i really liked it and the comes jonghyun's proposing,such a sweet and romantic way it really wrote it good.also i liked the way kibum told about jonghyun's iness.

Really a romantic and full of love piece of jongkey.enjoyed it,thanks for that and enjoye ur concert although yeah its sad its not SHINee's but hope that it will be SHINee's concert someday u will go:)

Yesterday's jongkey moments explode my heart.they made my day and i was like under the spell of jongkey.cant get enough.
Chapter 1: Author-nim, you're amazing ❤
(i love your stories)
*fluff everywhere*
Keep it up ~
iloveyoub #5
Chapter 1: (/^o^)/♡ this is too sweet for me. why I cant get a kim jonghyun to be my soulmate ㅠㅠ I can expect what is going to happen next but your writing make it like a new whole story for me. ah.. Im bad at explaining xD anyways, thank you for writing this extremely sweet fic ♥
xxangelwhitexx #6
Chapter 1: fluff fluff fluff! :3 this is great :D instant lift from my crappy mood :p Thank you for writing this!
Yay~ Another story & more of your awsomeness :3
I'm glad this isn't going to be angsty (I'm really not a fan of it >.<), but fluffy~
You write fluff already like a pro, I mean I melt every time *^*
And next time you struggle - tell me~ I have lots of ideas for requests :)
please update soon~