슬픈약속 (A sad promise)


Title: 슬픈약속 (A sad promise)

Pairing: Myungsoo x Sungjong

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Angst, fluff

Warning: Short-chaptered.5-6 chapters probably.

Summary: All it took were four words for Sungjong to empathize the reality.



Why did I end up falling for you?


No matter how much time had passed

ここにいると 思ってたのに

I thought you’d always be here


(but not anymore)


永遠に君が幸せであること ただ願ってる

I just pray that you will be happy forever


(No matter how lonely that makes me)




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angst is really one of my weaknesses esp. for my beloved otp i just can't arrgh i just hope i'll survive the spice of this one. Poor Jongie :( & will there be Myung POV too?
fck discrimination! aja MyungJong <333 dont give up plz!
andaeriel #2
Chapter 2: owh.. i know that feeling.. it's really frustating and heartbreaking when you are forced to give up the life that you want that already perfect and bring you happiness just to make everyone but you happy.. faking happiness is never a happiness itself..
Chapter 1: Omg please please update this is interesting !!!!!!!
Poor my baby jongie <3 <3