Jessica; pt. one

No Time, No Where

The sun felt closer when you were flying above the clouds. And you could clearly see its light through the open window next to you. It should be warm, bright, unlike the crooked mouth on Sica’s face.

Little Jessica’s eyes were swollen and red. Her arm sleeves were wet from her tears. She could feel the itchy pain from her eye, but she kept rubbing it, making it worse. She stuttered and sniffled a lot, trying to show how sad she was with her mother’s decision. Eventually her mother took notice of it and decided to talk.

“Sica, I know you’re upset, but we have no other choice. Please understand,” She said. Her eyebrows wrinkled to one another, trying to beg Sica. She approached her hand to Sica’s, to stop her from hurting her eye. But Sica moved and pushed it away.

“But…, I don’t want to go! I’ve told you before! I want to stay!” Sica screamed. Her mother panicked and quickly closed . She ssh-ed Sica but that only made Sica to rebel more.

As the flight took so long, so as their long and unending debate.

“Sica, you can meet other friends too there. Trust me.”

“No, mom. I won’t. Steph’s the only friend I have. I can’t and won’t have other friends there…,” Sica replied, shaking her head without looking back at her mother’s eyes.

Her mother sighed in confusion. They were already half way there, and now Sica’s refusing to go.

“Sica, we’ve talked this before. And you know we have no other choice. Your father have to go back to Korea, and you’re still a child so there’s no way we would leave you behind…”

“But you can just stay with me there! I don’t want to go, even though you said it was my ‘home’!”

“Sica…, we’re halfway there… We can’t go back… Please just let it be.”

Sica rebelled again. She clenched her teeth, moved her hands left and right, as if she was 5 years younger. Then she intentionally loudened her voice, trying to beg something she couldn’t achieve.

“I don’t care! I want to go back!”

“JUNG SOO YEON!” Her mother shouted Sica’s real name. She instantly shut out, staring blindly at her mother. Her tears slowly came out again. Her lips were trembling in fear, looking at her mother’s eyes that weren’t as begging as before, and despite the many people that were eyeing them, she didn’t step back or hold her speech.

“Stop complaining. You leaving America doesn’t mean you won’t meet Stephanie again! You coming to Korea doesn’t mean you won’t have friends anymore! Stop being a child, Sica. You’re a 7 years-old for God’s sake.”

Her mother spewed her anger for the last time and sat back. She looked forward, letting Sica stare at her with that childish eye. Whilst, Sica was still wounded by her mother’s reaction before. She couldn’t stop flowing out the tears, she couldn’t stop stuttering, hiccupping. She slowly felt the slight hatred - the prohibited hate to her mother.

She didn’t care, my mother didn’t care. I wouldn’t be cared again.


Past few hours of crying and leaning to sleep, they finally arrived at their original hometown, South Korea. The weather was rainy with slight sunny. Water droplets adorned the dewed window. Outside, the wide blue sky, stretched a long glazed rainbow. It signed how beautiful the day should be.

The pilot said a few words, welcome to South Korea, and some we look forward for our next trip together. Well, that’s the only thing passengers heard anyway. But that enough marked the end of the flight.

There, Sica was still pouting. Her hiccups were still there. She refused to get up from her seat, she thought that maybe the plane would fly back to America.

Her mother, stressed by Sica’s behaviour and immaturity, decided to hand it over to her husband, Sica’s father. Since he was the one who suggested this trip anyway. He should be the one responsible on Sica’s disagreement.

So yeah, he did take that responsibility. He nodded when his wife asked so. And he approached Sica while making up a gentle smile. He first patted Sica’s head, then a contact into her eyes. He gave a convincing look to anyone’s looking, even to Sica.

“Darling, you can tell me what’s on your head. I’ll try to understand, and make you understand too,” He said. Sica slowly nodded, she eagerly wanted to utter out, to state what’s on her mind. So when she heard her father said that, she also agreed to let her father carry her away from the plane.

Her father pulled her up and cuddle her in front, while rocking her like a baby. It actually managed to comfort her. And silently scanning around to make sure her mother wasn’t there, Sica started speaking.

“I don’t want to go here. I want to go home.”

“But Sica, this is your home,” Her father replied calmly. Sica shook her head.

“No! My home is back there in America! My home is when I’m with you, mommy, and Steph! But Steph’s not here!”

Sica could see that her father is feeling the burden. Sica didn’t care, she even meant to make her father like that. It’s all worth it as long as she get what she wanted.

“Sica…,” Her father started slow. “You can meet another ‘Stephanie’ here. She will be your friend just like how Stephanie was to you. And that ‘other Stephanie’ might also accompany you longer. Maybe more than forever.”

Sica was mad when she heard that. Sica swayed her hand, slapping her father’s back without hesitation. She signalled her intention to be placed down that instance. “No! No! Don’t say that! I don’t care! I want to go home!”


It was a long trip to finally arrive home. The road trip of time felt slower and inevitable being a burden. Sica’s parents can’t find another way to take back her sane mind. They knew that she knew her wish was impossible. Sica was just being stubborn.

Sica knew her wish was impossible, yes. But Sica held on the mind that parents once in a while should obey kid’s cry. That’s why she kept rebelling.

But as soon as they arrive at her new – or maybe old house, her father managed to carry Sica up and take her inside. Sica swung her feet back and forth, trying to run away from that grip. Still, she only get to land down when they were already inside her room on the second floor.

It was a wide, spacious room for a kid like her. The room was filled with her favourite colour. It was also decorated similar to her room back there in America. The small bedroom next to the wall, the little toy box, the Barbie dolls, and even her lovable wardrobe were placed the same. Everything showed the tiny bits of efforts her parents has prepared for her.

“Now, Sica, you can sleep comfortably in your own bed. You’ve been crying a lot, so you must be tired,” Her father said after he placed Sica down. He brushed Sica’s hair, while letting Sica divert her attention around.

He was about to leave, but Sica stopped him. She gripped his father’s clothes’ tip, still trying to beg.

“I don’t want to be alone,” Sica’s eyes went red again. That only made her father heaved in exhaustion. Trying to control his emotions, he smiled again. “You won’t, Sica. Trust me.”

Sica looked at his father’s usual convincing eyes. The eyes she trusted for the whole 7 years she lived in earth. And yet there’s doubt.


“… promise?”

His father nodded, gave a pinkie trust.



A few hours passed, but Sica still can’t place her mind to sleep. It’s not hibernating from crying so much. The unending voices, unstoppable memory-lanes, and somehow a laugh she always knew, the laugh she longed.

Outside, the rain fell down again. Showering the earth once more. The sound of it reaching the ground echoes through Sica’s mind.

“I can’t sleep,” Sica thought. It’s barely an hour but it felt like a day. Sica decided to wake up and walk away. She opened the door of her room, then slowly stepped out to the first floor of her two-story-house.

From the stairs, she could see her mother hustling around. She looks busy, Sica thought. That made her wonder, where’s dad?

Sica silently ran to her father’s room, expecting the figure to be sitting down there, preparing a smile to welcome Sica. A white cup of tea covered with steam on the table, she imagined her father crossing his legs like a normal businessman. A pen would be on his right hand, with sheets of papers on the left. She imagined how his father would normally look when he welcomes her. And she smiled happily.

But the moment she opened it, her hope fell down. So does her smile. She roamed silently, scanning everything. Her footsteps reached the floor one by one. She’s looking for nothing. That open space was empty after all.

“Mom,” Sica called, approaching her mother. Her mother turned and saw her coming from her father’s room. “Where’s dad?”

She looked around before replying Sica. She checked the empty living room and the empty corridor. Then the clock clanked. She turned to see the time, only realizing another thing.

“Oh!” She uttered. “I just remember. Your father has gone to work.”

Sica had an unusual surprise.

“But,” Sica slowly spoke. “… Dad promised he’d be here for me.”

“Well, he has something to do at work.” Her mother answered lightly. Sica still spun her head, convincing herself that this wasn’t another dream.

“Dad…, promised he’d be here for me though?”

No answer, no more response. The silence that broke after her mother looked away. Sica’s voice was starting to evanish.

Then unintentionally, Sica reminisced how his father promised that pinkie trust. Pinkie lie, maybe. Hey, proven. That’s just a lie! How can a father promise something he himself cannot guarantee? Then he shouldn’t have promised anything since the beginning!



“Mom!” Sica screamed when she noticed her mother’s ignorance. Sica’s upset has gone worse. Her disappointment grew knowing that the lie was intentional. Sica raised her voice again, and spitted emotions.

“Dad promised me he would be here! He promised me I won’t be alone! You’re just lying, right? Where is dad??”

Sica’s mother looked at Sica’s small face, and red eyes which blurred again. She knew that this would be another endless debate. And she had enough. Screaming like that, Sica was not being respectful.

“I told you, he went to work! He has a job to do! Moreover, he had to assign you to the school! So can’t you understand?” Sica mother tensed her speech. Her face looked mad and tired. Sica was aware of that.

That’s why Sica held her own anger. The wet socket she had was incomparable to her mother’s dark circles. It reflected that ‘I’m tired, so Sica, please stay quiet’.

Sica tried to understand, but she was still lonely.


“Dad didn’t even say goodbye…,” Sica murmured. That continued for the next 2 hours. Repeated every 5 minutes. And somehow, Sica managed to trail 2 meters behind her mother.

Until her mother got sick of it.

“Sica. Seriously. What do you want to state by doing that?” Her mother said, turning around to stare at Sica right at the eye. Sica immediately avoided that contact, looking at another side. She heard the rain which was still roaring.

“I,” Sica started. “I want to play… But I’m alone.”

Her mother sighed heavily. She didn’t really get what Sica wanted to point. It wasn’t just about the ‘play’. But about ‘being alone’.

“Play by yourself. I’m too busy to listen to your whimpers,” Her mother replied coldly. She then went back doing her house job without glancing back at Sica. She should’ve though, because Sica’s face might shock her, and probably change the whole story.


“I just moved here. My parents were busy unpacking the things and assigning me to a new school. Then I just got lonely. I went to play with my dad. But when I opened his room, he was already gone. I asked mom but it turns out that he already went to work without even saying goodbye to me.”

“I was sad. I turned to mom and ask her to play with me. If she’s too busy to go to the park, then just play together at home. But she declined. She said she was too busy and that she didn’t have time for me. I don’t know why but my tears started falling. I was probably moody that I decided to run away. I tried to find, if possible, a single person that I know. A friend, anyone! Someone who would want to play with me. I know this might sound selfish. But I just can’t hold it! I was so happy before, then we had to move and I have to be all alone again. I don’t want it. I don’t want to be alone…”


And that’s how Sica ended up meeting Yuri. Finding a miracle path, which somehow reached her all the way to the remote park. And to that mysterious girl.

That mysterious girl who swung alone, under the sky. Unexpected, she realized Sica’s presence even before Sica realized hers. At first, Sica felt like running away. Everywhere she go, people judge.

Sica remembered how her hands were still trembling, just by seeing that girl approaching her. How she tried to avoid that girl’s eyes, thinking why now? Predicting that she would be judged like how she used to be. Then hoping she could rewind time somehow and come back to America.

Sica didn’t want to meet that girl.

But that girl wanted to meet Sica.


“Do you want to play?”


It was unexpected. Sica never expected this kind of question to come from a stranger. As far as she knew, the only person who would ask something like that is Stephanie.

There’s no way. No way she meant ‘play’ like that. That girl might be lying.

“Play?” Sica doubted. Maybe that girl meant ‘play something stupid and make fun of you’,



“Yes. Do you want to play?” That girl repeated, staring at Sica and wondered what Sica doubted. It was just a normal thing that children ask.

Sica took a longer while before answering. She was chilling, shivering. The coldness went down her spine. She wanted to get out of the doubts and the ice she made inside, but something was holding her back.

“But…, I don’t know you. You’re a stranger. Mom said that we shouldn’t play with strangers…”

When Sica said that, she lifted her head a bit, finally meeting the eyes of that girl. She still hoped she could run away now. “You’re weird,” Sica thought. That’s what she’s going to say, right?

Sica wasn’t ready for what’s ahead. When actually, what’s ahead is filled mostly with expectations.


“My name is Yuri! Kwon Yuri!”

Sica was again confused.

“With that, I’m no longer a stranger! You know my name and I just need to know yours!”

Yet Sica understood.


Sica wanted to smile. Twice, or maybe trice the times her answers vary with Sica’s thoughts. Stupid, maybe. Sica knew she was stupid. It’s a child’s game, she just got too into it. Her life in America was harsh. That’s why she only thought that ‘the half of the glass was empty*’.

(author’s note: usually pessimistic people thinks that ‘the half of the glass was empty’. Optimistic thinks that ‘the half of the glass was filled’)

And somehow, someway, that Kwon Yuri was different. Different was good. ‘Different’ used to be Stephanie, but then there’s Kwon Yuri. Whom Sica met just 5 minutes ago.

It’s convincing.


“My name is Jung Soo-Yeon…,”


So, do you want to play?”


The whole evening made Sica believed that it wasn’t coincidence. It must be somehow God’s plan – like how her mother usually state. She never ran out of home before. She never wanted to go out alone. She never felt like coming to a remote park.

It was a blessing.

Yuri was a blessing.

That’s all Sica could think, even after they said goodbye. It hung in her mind how Yuri hugged tightly. Her hug felt lonely, empty. As if there’s a crying child in there. But Sica wasn’t sure who it is. It can’t be Yuri, because Yuri was smiling.

“Thank you, Yuri.”

Sica said before finally leaving Yuri alone. Sica ran outside the park, returning home which was only a few blocks away. Her face was already smiling.

“Mom, I’m home!” She said, running a bit out of breath. Sica slammed the unlocked door open. Turns out, her mother was already waiting anxiously behind that door.

“Sica! Where were you?!” Her mother went to her and waded Sica’s body around hers. She tighten that hug, feeling both guilty and assured.

“You wouldn’t believe if I told you,” Sica said instead, with a bright tone. Her mother released the hug and looked at her with a bit of confusion. Sica’s smile got wider, it even looked a bit gummy. That expression only appeared when a really good news came. Well, it was a good news.

“I made friends!” Sica exclaimed.

Her mother eyes and mouth widen in happiness, eyebrows raised showing great expectation. It wasn’t even the end of the day, yet Sica managed to find ‘someone else’.

“That’s great! How was she?” Her mother asked, gripping Sica’s shoulder with a wide smile. Sica also smiled, recalling every moment she had with Yuri. She told her mother everything from beginning to end, even how Yuri managed to comfort Sica with a hug.

Her mother nodded with excitement, Sica could see her agreeing their friendship. It looked like her mother didn’t doubt Yuri.

“Can I meet her again tomorrow?” Sica said to her mother. Her mother giggled and brushed off Sica’s hair.

“Well if you know the place and you can go by yourself, then of course you can,” She replied. “I hope it’s close to your school…”


“Yeah, school.”

Sica wondered. Why suddenly bringing up ‘school’?

“Mom…, what’s with school? What does it relate with me and Yuri?”

Her mother took time to collect the words.

“Well, tomorrow you’re going to school.”


Sica stood in front of the big school building. It was half past 7 and yet she was already all suit up. Her mother was standing next to her, holding her hand with confidence.

The sun was half-asleep, like Sica. But Sica’s wide eyes still roamed around, scanning the environment she’ll have to adapt soon. Sica could feel the slightly cold breeze brushing off her jacket, into her skin. It wasn’t raining but the wind sure was freezing.

“Okay, Sica. Here’s your school,” Her mother said, showing a really content look. “Your father did a good job finding a good school.”

Sica silently shook her head. She wasn’t as satisfied as her mother. She knew it wasn’t okay, it won’t change. The long-time trauma still came back to her veins. She got some goose-bumps at the morning.  It’s like when you're swimming and you want to put your feet down on something solid, but the water's deeper than you think and there's nothing there. It was that kind of fear. Insecurity.

“Mom,” Sica called. “Can I not go?”

Her mother sighed slightly. She remembered how Sica repeated it unconsciously for the past 12-hours-time. And the answer would still be the same.

“No, Sica,” Her mother tried again. “Trust me, this will be better.”

Sica scoffed, with the red cheeks getting redder. “It won’t.”

It’s morning. Mrs. Jung didn’t want to have any more arguments that would still end up at that child’s side. So she only squatted to give a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

“When you said you won’t find another friend here, I said you would. And it proves right? You got Yuri,” Her mother gradually replied, trying to give the most convincing answer.

‘Yuri’ turns out to be pretty useful.

“Okay…, mom,” Sica finally agreed. She turned the other cheek, asking for another kiss. Her mother only chuckled, then giving the last red mark of the morning.



“Students, this is your new classmate, Jung Soo Yeon. She’s from America,” The teacher explained. Many students started whispering to each other, but some just laid their heads on their hands, having no interest.

Sica, on the other hand, had troubles standing in front of a crowd. Especially as a new student, anonymous and unknown. Her hands were shivering from fear.

She took a step back and breathe. Exhale and forget. Don’t let it haunt your bones.

Sica kept repeating the same words, whilst hanging on a thin rope. was sinking, but her ears still heard soft voices. She knew this would happen. And as it happen, her smile disappeared.

“Miss Jung?” Her teacher repeated the second time. Sica jumped back, really losing its grip. She panicked, giving an unsettled eyes to her new teacher. Some students tittered and snickered, how funny.

Sica envisioned this. She felt like running away again. But she’s scared that Yuri might not be there. That she’ll be alone again.

The whole day, Sica only stared the clock. It was ticking.

Ticking and ticking.

The seconds go by as minutes, and minutes go by as hours. In another blink, suddenly time has passed.

Hours go by as days. Days go by as weeks. Weeks go by as months. Months go by as years.

Then what happen after all of it goes by? What’s the multiple of a year and another year? What’s the result? How long?

And, what happened after that? What was on the past? What was left behind?

What was forgotten?


Sica haven’t thought about that. She only thought about how beautiful if time passed fast. And back to the time like yesterday, when she met Yuri. The funny thing was, she hoped time would slow down as soon as she met Yuri’s eyes.


“Yuri!!” I shouted from the far entrance. Yuri jumped off her beloved swing and ran to me. I was still wearing my school backpack, white uniform, and black shoes. The backpack jumped lightly together with my active movement.

“Sica!” Yuri shouted loudly. “Do you want to play?”

I nodded, giving a wide eye smile. That question never bored me. It’s something I await every day.



Sica ended that day happily. She didn’t even remember how school was like. It was pleasant enough to meet Yuri’s smile again. She also managed to tell ‘a certain story’ to Yuri. The story was unimportant and ridiculous. Yet why did Yuri still gave her a hug?

Sica wondered.

She knew all her heart was feeling grateful and happy. But that hug, somehow knocked another part in Sica.

Sica could see a window. Dusty window. Was it a house? She didn’t know. It was too dark. And there was no door.

But someone is inside, crying. Who is it? Sica knew it was the same girl from yesterday. Thus far she still didn’t know who it was. She tried to clean the dust, but then the room got darker. There were no more light. There was only a cry.

Sica wondered, but she didn’t mind that much. The thing that echoed to her wasn’t that cry, but it was Yuri’s last words.

When Yuri promised she would always stay next to Sica, she reminisced her father’s lie, and doubted. She had another fear of people lying their promise. She’s simply scared of those empty words.

Then a second later, her inner self spoke. Believe it.

Sica decided that maybe, she would give another chance. Yuri was always different. The promise Yuri said didn’t sound empty after all. And that window, that cry, it gave a little push. Besides wanting Yuri to stay by her side, Sica also wanted to stay by Yuri’s side.

She wanted to find out who cried.


Was it Yuri?




To make it short, the world rotated around. The clock was always moving, and Sica knew that she would never come back to the dates before.

Sica learned to not regret the past time. Regression is like a glass of water that you held for hours and days. It didn’t get heavier, it’s you who’s getting tired.

That’s why Sica never complained again. She met Yuri. Her untold stories were finally told to Yuri. From the deepest secrets, until the ‘it’s-actually-not-that-important’ secrets. Yet again, Sica didn’t regret.

It all went for 3 years. And now Sica’s turning 10.



Sica’s nightmare was real. Her quiet and peaceful life in school went upside down just by a fake accuse. Everyone didn’t believe in her. Nobody went to her side. Even if the culprit, it was not and never was Sica.

But people, still had so much disbelief. You know that feeling when you’re accused with something you didn’t do, and people started to go away? Even when ‘case is closed’, it’s never closed in their heart? It’s as if they have a recorder that replayed only those events. A recorder that only grew hate.

 “I didn’t do it! I swear!” Sica shouted. Haha, it hurts, right? You’re innocent, yet people turn their backs on you.

“Sica, stop it. Just, admit it,” They stated, faking their ‘sympathy’.

People ask you to admit something you never did. How can you?

“I told you, I didn’t do it!”

Then, they use the last weapon.

“There’s proof, Sica.”

Proof. That proves nothing.


Sica came running to Yuri. She was 10 years old, and so was Yuri. Sica claimed she never did it. She said so while holding her tears. But ended crying on Yuri’s lap.

Yuri kept brushing Sica’s hair, saying that she believed in Sica. Saying that Sica would never do such thing. And Sica would reply, “Yes, but they still didn’t believe!” Yuri would only nod, giving a little smile. Trying to encourage. “I believe, is that not enough?”

Sica only cried again.

Inside, she made another decision.

The only person who believed her was Yuri. So what does other people matter to her? Why does she need their trust? To make it fair, Sica decided to never believe in them again. She will only believe in Yuri.

Yuri was the only one that understands her, that’s what Sica thought.


Until 2 years passed, and a simple discovery changed it all.


“I’m home,” Sica said. She placed her shoes on the terrace and silently entered the living room. There, her mother was waiting, sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee on the table.

“Sica,” Her mother called. She seemed tense. “I have to talk to you about something.”

It was unusual. What to talk? Studies? Sica did fine, though?

“What is it, mom?” Sica replied, approaching her mother. She sat down next to her mother. Sica was confused by all this sudden atmosphere.

Her mother, looked anxious instead. “Sica, this is serious.”

Sica only nodded.

“Who is that ‘Yuri’ girl?” Her mother started. Sica became more confused.

“Yuri? You mean, Kwon Yuri?” Sica deliberately responded. “Well…, she’s more than a best friend.”

“Sica, she’s not your best friend.”


Sica was taken aback.



Her mother took a breath and continued. “You see, she’s…, just your imaginary friend. She doesn’t exist.”

Sica was not convinced enough.

“What do you mean? She’s my friend.” She might even know me more than you, mom.

“Yes, she is your friend. But just your imaginary friend. You know, those creatures that only exist in your mind. Creatures that other people don’t see. It’s your creation. It’s not real.”

For a second, it sounded reasonable. But Sica still denied.

“No. You’re lying.”

“I’m not lying… Didn’t you ever wonder, why Yuri was always there on that swing every time you come home? Didn’t you ever wonder, who’s her mother that would let her spend so much time at the park? She arrived before you and went home after you, is that what you want to say? Didn’t you ever, just once, think that it’s weird?”

Sica snapped a little. In fact, at some occasions, she thought about that.

“Sica, she’s your imaginary friend. Yuri is always there because it’s in your imagination. You once stated she was different, and I knew you see her as the second Stephanie. But that just proves everything! You were imagining Stephanie in her!”

‘Proves’? Another proof?

“Yuri does not exist, Sica.”


Sica was still 12 years old. Yet she was forced to believe at something herself doubted.



“But mom, so what if she’s just my imaginary friend?” Sica slowly questioned. “It does no harm. So why can’t I meet her?”

Her mother’s eyebrows slanted. She became more desperate, for some reason.

“Sica, I just want to protect you. Schizophrenia is not a joke, right?”


It wasn’t that Sica didn’t know about schizophrenia. In fact, she read about it before in a book. And it was indeed disturbing. Sica never wished to have schizophrenia. She never wished any imaginary friends.


But what if it’s Yuri?


Sica lost her words. Her mind was caught up above the clouds.

It was just the right time for her frantic mom to break the moment of silence.


“Sica, please. That park…, it’s cursed, you know! If only you can get out from your habit of going there, then I would be grateful forever,” Her mother said, gripping Sica’s hands.

It was the first time Sica saw her mother like this. It was incomparable with the time they first moved here. Why? Why now? And why does this involves Yuri?



“Mom, if I really manage to forget about the park, I might hate you forever.”

The words blurted out. It should’ve been a throb to every mother’s heart. But not to Sica’s mother, not now. Sica’s mother actually got happier. A smile appeared.


“That’s okay. As long as you forget, it’s okay.”


to be continued


okay, first of all I am SO SORRY for the VERY LATE update. i got caught up in school and stuffs like that.... THANK YOU VERY MUCH for those who still waited and I'm honestly very happy reading your lovely comments!!

second, when I continued this story, I realized this would be a very long chapter so then I decided to split the chapter into two... I hope you won't mind reading a 3-shot....

And last, this part is mainly flashback. I hope you can handle that..... I promise the next part (which idk when can I update it bcs I'm going to face national exams soon) wouldn't be full of 'just flashbacks'.

Expect seeing Tiffany in the next part!!! I'm sorry if this part is disappointing... I'll try to make it up somehow in the next part!!!!

That's it for now. Thanksssss for reading!!! subs comments and upvotes r fully appreciated and loved <3 <3 <3 shoutout to those who upvoted: herondale96, AwkwardJaylee, royalfamilygg, Taebaragi, lalallama19, 1Nonly_YS, hani90, bluepearl301, kim_jaeyun, xx_hug, xx_kiss, and lexx21 !!! Love you all <3

(sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.. I checked it once but if I still missed it, I'm so sorry. I'm planning to edit the whole story one day so yeah maybe by then I'll make up to my mistakes)

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Yulsic143 #1
Chapter 2: Weeeeeee! <3 Thank you very much for updating this author! and goodluck with the exams!
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 really makes me sad.One smile for Yuri before she disappear please,just to make her feel that Sica is thankful to her.
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 really makes me sad.One smile for Yuri before she disappear please,just to make her feel that Sica is thankful to her.
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 really makes me sad.One smile for Yuri before she disappear please,just to make her feel that Sica is thankful to her.
colovred #5
Chapter 2: An update finally. I have read this long time ago and you actually made me cry on the part where Yuri said that it will be the last time that she'll ask Sica that "Do you want to play?" so better hear it. It was very sad. I hope you update sooner author :) thank you!
Chapter 2: your back! :D
yulsic plsssss :(
Chapter 2: Please let yulsic be together....miracle please do happen
Chapter 2: update soon pls :) 'cuz i wanna play with yul.
Yulsic143 #9
Chapter 2: This is the best story i have ever read here. It really made me cry =) i have read this a long time ago but i decided to read it again because it's a really good story :D

We will be waiting for your update like yuri waited for jessica ( i just hope it wouldn't take up to years ) =D
herondale96 #10
Chapter 1: Its kinda sad :(
I wanna play with yul