
No Time, No Where

The silence of the evening hovered Yuri’s ears. Along with the sound of birds chirping and wind blowing, dripping rain and ringing bells. The light approached her space as the clouds moved away from the sun. Yuri stared at the sky and let out a few last drop of water fall on her face. She smiled, moving her legs to swing. She swung back and forth alone on the park.

The trees were in front and behind her with birds on the branches. Fences around that place were already rusted, the paint were dried out. Next to the swing was the entrance of the small park. Yet nobody was seen to come.

She whistled her favourite song, waiting for someone to come and play. A man, a child, anyone. But nobody really checked the park again. And even if they did, they wouldn’t notice her. The only thing she could do was admiring the rainbows, and swing.

She was back to her mind, realizing a shadow approaching. A small and weak figure approached from the entrance. Yuri turned to look, who might it be?

It was a girl around 7 years old, more or less the same age as her. She was wearing a red dress and white jacket. Her shoes were dirty because of the mud splat. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Yuri kept examining her, trying to understand what she went through.

Then their eyes met. The girl looked up at Yuri with her big wide eyes. Yuri could only stare back without saying anything. Yuri could see her hand gripping her dress. Only a few second of staring made her bow down again. She didn’t want to see Yuri. She didn’t want Yuri to see the pain as she limped sadly.

On the other side, Yuri was more excited rather than feeling confused. She jumped off her swing, maybe for the first time in forever, and approached that girl. Yuri ran to her with a smile. “Hi there!” She shouted. Inside, she was pounding in happiness, she could see me!

When she finally reached her, Yuri widen . She tilted down her head to look at the girl right on the eye. The girl replied with fear. She barely even look back at Yuri. But Yuri still kept her smile.

“Do you want to play?” Yuri said. The girl was surprised, she moved back. She looked like she never expected this question.


Yuri stared, wondering what’s wrong. It was just a normal thing that children asked.

“Yes. Do you want to play?” She repeated the question. The girl took a while again before answering. Her hands were still shivering from the cold.

“But…, I don’t know you. You’re a stranger. Mom said that we shouldn’t play with strangers…”

Yuri widen her eyes. Her head pushed back, giving a blank stare. The girl lifted her head a bit, making contacts with Yuri’s eyes.

A few seconds of silence made Yuri’s face turn to normal. Or maybe warmer. Yuri took out her arm and lent out her hand. She made a childish smile.

“My name is Yuri! Kwon Yuri.”

The girl looked at Yuri with confusion. Yuri replied the confusion with a giggle. Her eyes eclipsed, pushed by the cheeks as she smiled wider.

“With that, I’m no longer a stranger! You know my name and I just need to know yours!”

The girl somehow understood what Yuri said and meant. She wanted to smile back, but then held it with her cold expression. She handed out her arm to shake Yuri’s. Slowly, she held on to Yuri’s hands. She kept looking at it as she felt the warmth surrounding them.

“My name is Jung Soo-yeon, or Jessica. But you can call me Sica…” She was still doubting her words. But that was enough to make Yuri happy.

“Sica! It’s a really good name!!” Yuri said, immediately shaking Sica’s hands. Sica wobbled up and down. After giving a loud welcome and some smiles, Yuri asked back her previous question. 

“So, do you want to play?”

Sica stared at Yuri’s cheerful eye. Yuri could only wish for Sica’s honest answer, and the best answer she could receive.


It was enough. Yuri tried to believe that it wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t another hallucination or just a lucid. It’s real.

“Really?? Yay!! Come on! Let’s play!” Yuri skipped around happily. She grabbed Sica’s wrist and pulled her to the swing. Sica was shocked and reacted. Yet she still followed Yuri.

The minute they arrived at the swing, Yuri quickly placed Sica to one of the seat. Then she went to the other one right next to Sica. Sica seemed flustered by Yuri’s action. But she unconsciously gave a smile.

“Is this what we’re going to play?” Sica asked Yuri. Yuri turned her head, nodding fast.

“Yes! It’s fun, you know! I always swing as high as I can. Higher and higher. Who knows one day I’ll reach the clouds!”

Yuri moved her hand up as high as she can. Sica laughed secretly, then started swinging calmly.

“But, you know that it’s impossible!”

Yuri still kept her hands up, as if she will eventually reach it. She didn’t look at Sica. She only imagined herself up there.

“It’s not impossible. One day, I’ll definitely be there.” Yuri said. Sica finally swung harder, pulling her legs front and back.

“Just remember to always be there and don’t fall down! It’ll be painful.”

Yuri laughed immediately and put down her hand. She grabbed the swing and pushed it in front, trying to chase Sica’s movement.

“Don’t worry! Even if I do fall, I won’t.”

Yuri’s words made another smile on Sica’s face. The smile sparked on Yuri’s face too. She kept swinging and swinging, cracking playful jokes and let the time pass. It wasn’t long until the sun started to set down.

The first one who slowed the excitement was Sica. She started putting her legs on the ground, stopping the swing. Yuri did that a few seconds later.

Sica realized that it was already time to go. It was already time to say goodbye to her new friend, Yuri. She stepped down to the earth, cleaning freezing dust on her lap. Yuri was still on her seat with her eyes set on Sica’s hands.

“You are going?” Yuri said suddenly. Sica spaced for a while, then looked at Yuri with a sad face.

“Yes. I don’t want my mom to get worried.”

Yuri made a sad face too. She bowed down, swinging silently. Her heart was getting colder as the sky gets darker. Time never became Yuri’s obstruction. Nor the delusional space. Yuri could get what she wanted, except if that ‘thing’ doesn’t exist.

And all she wanted was a friend. Someone like Sica to swing next to her. 

“Are you…, going to come back again?” Yuri asked, momentarily looking up to Sica’s face. Yuri’s eyes widened, expecting an answer. Sica noticed it and knew what to say. That’s why she gave a slight smile.

“Of course I will.” 


Yuri’s heart skipped a beat. Her saddened face changed. She jumped and let go of the swing. She ran towards Sica, hugging her tightly.

Sica moved back in surprise.


Yuri didn’t care and kept hugging. Yuri placed his head on Sica’s shoulder, not letting her go yet. Sica didn’t have the intention to push her since the beginning. So she only took out her hand again and hugged back. She closed her eyes, and smiled warmly.

“Thank you, Yuri.”

When Sica said that, Yuri started loosening her grip. Yuri placed down her hands. Sica also released her hug.

Yuri stood back up, looking straight at Sica with a comforting smile.

“I didn’t really do anything but…, you’re welcome. Don’t forget to come again.”


Sica nodded and waved her hand. She then turned around, started running further away from Yuri. Leaving Yuri alone, staring at the space she couldn’t outgo. She could only walk back to her swing.


‘her’ swing.


When night goes down, sun comes up. So was the new date on the calendar. But less people realize that once you pass that date, it will never come again. You can never stand on that same day, same date.

Yuri didn’t regret letting Sica go. She trusted Sica, she will come back. Just let out a few time to breath and enjoy air by herself. As morning sunrise couldn’t get any better. It was time for birds to chirp all around. It was time for morning, a new day.

“Daddy, let’s come here and play!” Said a 5 years-old girl, pointing at Yuri’s swing. Yuri noticed it and glanced at that girl. Her father was next to her, holding her hand.

When her father heard what that girl said, he immediately pulled her away tightly. Her father’s expression didn’t seem that friendly.

Yuri, on the other side, stood up and approached that girl. The little girl who could somehow see Yuri.

“Daddy, who’s that?” She asked to her father. He wasn’t happy when she said that. Was it a question that shouldn’t been asked?

“Seohyun, stop doing that. It’s obvious that nothing’s there.”

Yuri’s steps stopped immediately. Her eyes looked at that tall guy.  She kept staring, wondering if he was just acting.

But he wasn’t. She knew that he wasn’t.


“But Daddy, someone is really there! Can’t you see?” The girl kept pointing at Yuri while looking at her father. Her father made a sour face, still trying to pull her away.

Yuri limped, facing down to the ground. She counted how many times this happened but the numbers were endless.

She can only lift up her head and approached the little girl. Then she squatted to pat her head.

“Hi! You’re really a cute girl. Can you tell me your name?” Yuri said, giving her a warm smile. The girl looked back at Yuri, giving a confused expression. Her cheeks were still chubby and peach red. Her eyes were widely beautiful. Yuri could even see her own reflection on it.

“Seohyun… Seo Joo Hyun.” She said, giving a suppression on the word ‘Seo Joo Hyun’. Yuri giggled and shrugged off her head. Little Seohyun kept looking innocently. But when she was about to ask ‘who are you’, her father suddenly lifted her up.

“It’s enough, Seohyun!” He said as he placed Seohyun on his arms, staring at her with slight fear. Yuri’s eyes were still set on Seohyun. Seohyun replied it back and gave a small wave on her hand. When she saw that, Yuri gave a small smile and wave too.

“See you again, Seohyun!”

But Seohyun already looked away. It didn’t take a long time for Seohyun to forget who she just met. Yet Yuri was already 7. Seven remembered more than five. The good thing of being ‘five’, was that it was the age limitation of seing things. You stop after that.


“Ahh, I wonder when Sica will come.” She said as she walked back to her swing.

Yuri sat down and stared at the sun again. She lifted her right arm to her forehead, covering her eyes from direct contact.

Will she come? Yuri thought.

When Yuri was still hazing, she heard another footstep. The splashing footsteps full of excitement. It was running towards Yuri.

Yuri turned her head immediately and smiled.

Will she come? Yuri thought. Oh, how stupid. Of course, she promised me.


“Yuri!!” Sica shouted from the far entrance. Yuri jumped off her beloved swing and ran to Sica too. She could clearly see Sica who was still wearing her school backpack, white uniform, and black shoes. The backpack jumped lightly together with Sica’s active movement.

“Sica!” Yuri shouted loudly. “Do you want to play?”

Sica nodded, giving a wide eye smile.


Yuri then pulled Sica’s hands and both of them ran to the swing. Sica took off her backpack and placed it next to the swing. Yuri sat first and started pushing back so it will swing higher. Sica did the same thing but Yuri preceded her.

“I’m first and I’m higher!” Yuri exclaimed. Sica didn’t dare to lose. “Just wait! I’m going to get you!” Sica said while kicking off and reaching her hand out to Yuri.

Yuri laughed at it and kept swinging. Just playing something like that lasted longer than expected. And at the dawn of the sun, they already exhaust all of their energy.

While sitting down, looking at the red sun, Yuri encouraged herself to ask to Sica. But before that, ensuring that she was okay with it.

“Sica…, about yesterday…” Yuri said. Sica looked at her and smiled gently.

“It’s okay, Yuri.” Sica stated. “You can ask.”

Yuri exhaled in relief. She held herself from being the childish kid who wants to know everything abruptly. She tried to act 5 years older. Because I don’t want to hurt Sica.

“What did you run away from?”

Sica went speechless. She turned and stared at the sky. Yuri looked at Sica’s expression, she felt the sadness Sica has burdened even before she said anything.

Then Sica started opening the bottled up words.

“I just moved here. My parents were busy unpacking the things and assigning me to a new school. Then I just got lonely. I went to play with my dad. But when I opened his room, he was already gone. I asked mom but it turns out that he already went to work without even saying goodbye to me.”

Sica stopped for a while. Since starting the story, her tears were meant to go out. Her nose snuffled uncomfortably before she continued.

“I was sad. I turned to mom and ask her to play with me. If she’s too busy to go to the park, then just play together at home. But she declined. She said she was too busy and that she didn’t have time for me. I don’t know why but my tears started falling. I was probably moody that I decided to run away. I tried to find, if possible, a single person that I know. A friend, anyone! Someone who would want to play with me. I know this might sound selfish. But I just can’t hold it! I was so happy before, then we had to move and I have to be all alone again. I don’t want it. I don’t want to be alone…”

Sica’s tears were already falling. What Sica didn’t realize is that Yuri already started crying too. Sica sobbed and sobbed, as loud as she could that it covered up Yuri’s sob.

“That’s why, Yuri. I…” Sica said, the leftover pride still stuttered her. “I… I’m thankful. When you asked ‘do you want to play’, I was actually really happy. I thought that, finally, finally, someone, will not let me be alone.”

Yuri still sobbed before she started giggling at Sica’s words. Sica may seemed cold at some occasions, but maybe she’s just another ice princess. And all you need to do is melt the ice.

“Don’t worry, Sica. I promise I will never let you be alone.” Yuri said, breaking the teary atmosphere. But it gone worse to Sica, who cried more when she heard it. That made Yuri stood up and approached Sica. Yuri slowly bent down and gave another warming hug. “You can cry as much as you want.”

On the other side, Sica can only let the tears flow. Her embarrassment was covered by the red puffy eyes. By the mouth who kept giving hiccups and sobs. The nose that sniffled uncontrollably. And the words that came out like a choke.

“Yuri…, you, really won’t let me be alone?”


“I won’t.”


“Promise?” Sica asked, slowly pushing Yuri and handing out her pinkie. Yuri saw that pinkie and how sorrowful Sica face was. She smiled and locked her pinkie on Sica’s.



To make it short, the world rotated around. And time still moved its . Yuri was still swinging day and night. She couldn’t get out of the space she made. As she was just another intangible being trapped in her past.

Sica managed to knock the heart of that being. She managed to draw a smile at Yuri’s face. And that alone made Yuri thankful for Sica’s existence. Yuri couldn’t wish more except for Sica to always smile. And be happy.

With that, Yuri’s figure was the cling on Sica’s environment. Yuri changed together with Sica. Her body that wasn’t supposed to evolve, but she broke that single rule. Yuri could feel herself growing bigger, following Sica’s growth.

It was as if Yuri was fated to be with Sica. Yuri was there because Sica was there first. Because maybe, God made plans for Sica. Maybe, Yuri became a blessing for Sica.

But the one who really felt the blessing was Yuri.


Yuri grew closer and closer to Sica. She knew all Sica’s secrets. All of her past. All her mistakes and regrets. All her happiness and sorrow. Yuri will always open her heart to let Sica in. Let Sica spill the word of the day.

There was once that Sica even cried really loud on Yuri’s lap. That day, Sica was accused at stealing her friend’s wallet even though she didn’t do it. Yet nobody trusted her. Yuri ensured Sica that everything will be fine and she just have to tell the truth.

And hey, it worked. Yuri, who herself never really learned the world outside, could say things like that to Sica. Yuri was glad that it worked. Sica was happy, everyone was happy. No misunderstanding.


But was I happy?


Yuri stared blankly at the sun. It’s brighter than normal. She thought. The clouds seemed whiter too. Not to mention how hot the weather was.

She recalled how they played yesterday. Sica fell to the ground after trying to fly to the sky. She literally jumped after swinging so hard. And since there’s no sand, her met to the ground, hard. Yuri laughed it off but then helped her to get up. And the rest of the day, Sica only pouted at how Yuri reacted. Yuri still laughed it off.

And as usual, Sica would leave at the evening. And as usual, she promised that she would come back. Maybe the next day.


But she didn’t today. Though it wasn’t the first time. There was a time when Sica didn’t come back for a whole week. It was okay for Yuri. She tolerated it.

Every time it happened, Yuri went back to her old self, looking at the sun. Enjoying the breeze. Though it was mainly the hot air.


That day, both Yuri and Sica were already 12 years-old.



After 5 years of enjoyment and friendship, Sica disappeared. No, she wasn’t kidnapped since there were no report or something. But she just disappeared from Yuri’s sight.

For after that 5 years, Sica never came to the park. And Yuri didn’t even know why. Sica only waved goodbye, saying that she would come back again. Yuri believed in that statement as the truth. Because, Sica will never lie to me, right?

And as if time couldn’t get faster, Yuri could feel her aging. She was now 15 years-old. Yet her mind was still on that day when she was 7. The day when she met Sica.

How was it again? Sica cried, ran away from home, came to the park. Yuri was alone, then saw Sica. Yuri approached Sica, saying ‘do you want to play’ which made Sica happy. Then they became friends.

Oh how simple it was when they were 7.

Now, everything looked like that moment never existed. Yuri has thought the worst reason on why Sica disappeared. The reason, not scenario.

Did she really forgot about me?

No, she’s different.

She will come back. She’s just busy with school.

There’s no way that she would forget about me.

Yeah, that’s right. She would never forget about me! She will be there for me, just like how I’m always there for her.




That short morning when Yuri thought about it, a miracle happened. If God couldn’t be more obvious, the presence Yuri longed really came back.

A smile sparked. Yuri, the 15 years-old teenager stood up and ran like a child. She’s back! Yuri thought. Her eyes widened by the happiness of seeing her beloved friend, Sica.

Sica changed, Yuri thought. Sica’s hair was longer and her eyes got bigger. She got taller but of course still not as tall as Yuri. And in addition, she brought a friend!

Yuri’s face bloomed, a friend! Sica brought a friend! This is the first time she brought a friend!! Yuri could feel her blood rushing around her body. She looked like she haven’t seen Sica in 100 years.

Well, literally 100 years for Yuri.

“Sica! You brought a friend!” Yuri shouted happily while waving her hand. From distance she could see Sica and her friend stopped, smiled to each other. Yuri felt the most happy. Sica’s friends are Yuri’s friend after all.

After a few footsteps, Yuri finally reached Sica. She looked at her friend, then looked back at Sica. She gave a wide, wide, smile. She spoke the sentence that, used to make Sica happy.


“Do you want to play?”

Not only to her, but to Sica’s friend too. Yuri anticipated an introduction in which would add another person in Yuri’s friendship circle. Yuri really anticipated a thousand words and actions. Yuri anticipated the smile Sica would make, and another ‘Yes!’….




“So, what do you think, Tiff?” Sica said. She acted like she didn’t hear Yuri’s words. The girl next to her also acted like that.

“It’s old, but it’s really beautiful! So, this is where you spend your childhood times?”


Oh, so Sica is pretending that she didn’t see me!


“Yes. I love to play at the swing. It’s really comforting. You should try it, Tiffany!” Sica replied, pointing at her and Yuri’s swing. Tiffany, that girl with long black hair and a classic eye-smile looked at the swing.

“Haha, just like the park, the swing also looked so old. Yet, like what you said, it does look comforting.” Tiffany said to Sica.


“Yeah, Sica! You remembered that swing! So you must’ve remembered about me…,


… right?”


Sica stared at the empty swing. Her eyes didn’t reflect the shadows that stand in front of her. Her ears didn’t hear the words Yuri blunted out. She basically saw what normal people would see; a park, a swing, and her new friend.

She didn’t see Yuri.

She didn’t hear Yuri.



She didn’t remember Yuri.


“Sica?? Hello??” Yuri still tried to wave her hand in front of Sica’s eyes. She moved her head left and right, to make sure she was in Sica’s vision. But a small bits in Yuri heart knew that it was useless.

She went through things like this before. And waving, jumping, or even just standing still, all were useless. Once you’re forgotten, you’re a non-existence.

People die when they’re forgotten. That’s how humans are. That’s how Yuri is. She lived the life only to be forgotten by people she loved the most. Yuri could only smile desperately as she kept her steady thoughts, Sica still remembered me! She’s just pretending.

“Tiff, let’s sit at that bench.” Sica said, holding Tiffany’s hands and took it to a bench near them. Tiffany only followed with a happy smile.

Yuri followed them too, with a happy smile too.

“So, Sica, are you or are you not going to tell me about your childhood with this park?” Tiffany said as soon as they arrive at the bench. Yuri stood next to Tiffany since the seat’s full. The wind told Yuri that she was still involved in the conversation.

“Haha, don’t worry, Tiff. Of course I’m going to tell you! You’re my friend after all.” Sica replied. Yuri nodded while bending her knees and squatted. “Yes, Sica! We’re your friends. So you can just tell!”

“So, well, how do I start?” Sica took a huge breath. “I was alone when I first moved here. I had no friends…”

“Woah, seriously? I’ll kill all those stupid people for not realizing this wonderful gem!!”

“Okay, shut up Tiff. And yes, I didn’t have any friends. Then one day, I tried to ask my parents to accompany me play. But they didn’t budge and claimed that they were busy. And…, yeah, I was just a 7 years-old girl, so…., I cried.”

Tiffany silenced. She wanted to joke about it but it didn’t seem well. Meanwhile, Yuri already made loads of jokes, trying to laugh out loud, loud enough for Sica to hear. But Sica only continued her story like nothing was there.

“I ran away and came to this park…,”

“Then you meet me!” Yuri cut off. She jumped to Sica’s front. Yuri lifted up her hands, feeling excited. See? Sica remembered our first meeting!



“… but there was no one here.”


“Ambulance! Call the ambulance!” Some people shout from the street. Some say ‘call 911’.

And I can only feel my body drain out of blood. The sky is black. I think I’ve opened my eyes but why is it all black?

Why is it so dark?

I still can feel the asphalt underneath me. And the hands that are hugging me so dearly, as if I’m going somewhere far.

But I don’t know where I’m going. I don’t know my destination.

I can’t even remember what happened.

Did a car hit me? Did someone push me? Did I fall to the ground? Did my mom let me run all the way here? Did my dad deliberately let me crash?


Am I still alive?



“And so? What happened next?” Tiffany said as she got immersed in Sica’s story. Sica smiled, remembering her first experience here.

“Well, I went to the swing. I swung alone. Yes, I was still sad. But it felt good. The moment you lift your body of the earth and swing as hard as you can. That feeling, it’s not something you feel every day.”

Tiffany nodded. Yuri nodded. Yuri smiled too. Yes, Sica. That’s why I took you to that swing to play.

“I always swing as high as I can. Higher and higher. Who knows one day I’ll reach the clouds… And I remember swinging so hard and tried to jump, so that I can fly. But instead, I fell to the ground. It was a hurt.”

Tiffany laughed immediately. Yuri slapped her lap, reminiscing that incident and her own words. She laughed and widened as big as Tiffany’s, but her voice soared desperately.

But Sica, that’s the last day you—no. I know you still remember me!

“Hey, that’s not funny! That hurts a lot, you know!” Sica said, trying to cover Tiffany’s mouth. Her face turned deep red out of embarrassment. Though she still smiled happily.

“But still, I can’t believe you really did that.” Tiffany pushed Sica’s hands to laugh more.

“Come on. I know more embarrassing things that you did.”

“Oh, really?”

“What about the diapers?”


“MOM! I NEED MY—.” Sica shouted. Tiffany immediately panicked and shut Sica’s mouth. “Ssshhh.” Tiffany said.

“What is it, Sica? Tell me, tell me!” Yuri said.

“Okay, Tiff. I won’t spill it out. Who’s going to hear it anyway?” Sica said.

“Well, who knows…” Tiffany said, pouting. She really didn’t want anybody to know that secret of her. But Yuri heard it. Yuri giggled, she was happy that they didn’t see her.




“Hey, Tiff, I’m going to the toilet for a while.” Sica suddenly said. “Can you wait for me here?”

Tiffany nodded. “Sure.”

Sica smiled and stood up. She walked away to the nearby toilet, leaving Tiffany alone with Yuri. Seeing that, Yuri had the instinct to follow Sica. She stood up, looking at Sica who’s already a few metres in front of her. But when she was about to leave, Tiffany’s words stopped her.

“It does feel amazing to be here. The breeze, the sun. It makes you feel that someone is here with you.” Tiffany said while curving her eyes with her smile. She leaned back, enjoying the time.

Yuri stared at Tiffany. Slowly, it came the thought to sit next to Tiffany. Because there were just so many things Yuri wanted to talk to Tiffany.

So she really did sit next to Tiffany. She looked straight at Tiffany’s curving eyes. The moment after, she could feel herself smiling.

“Your name is Tiffany, right?” Yuri started. “Hi there! I’m Kwon Yuri, you can call me in any terms you want!”

Tiffany still stared at the swing far in front of her.

“Even though Sica didn’t say anything, but I’m actually Sica’s friend that she met at the park when she ran away from home!”

Tiffany exhaled, feeling relaxed.

“Sica’s a really good friend, you know. She was always there whenever I feel alone. That’s why I vowed myself to always be there for her.”

Tiffany stayed quiet.

“And, I did. I didn’t go anywhere. I’m always here. I’m always waiting. She often tell stories about her troubles at school and I know that she needs me. She needs a friend.”

Yuri knew she was talking to herself.

“That’s why I’m really happy when she brought you here. You looked promising, as a friend. At first glance I knew that you would be a perfect match for Sica. At first look in Sica’s eyes, I knew she treasured you.”

Tiffany took a deep breath, she couldn’t feel more relaxed.

“So…, will you always be there for Sica? Will you treasure her? She might get cold sometimes. She also often do embarrassing things. She could scream like a dolphin and it might hurt your ears.

She will shout at the presence of a cucumber. And she hates any fruit related to melons.

She will cry when she is angry. Haha, well that’s why she cried when her parents ignored her.

She would choose sleeping over eating. She told me that she slept an average of 12 hours a day. Can you believe that?

Yet, she’s still not that bad at soccer and little boxing!

And, and…

Well, do you know ‘Sica Effect’? She told me about that! She said that at school people would state that to her! She said, that’s because the atmosphere would turn cold if she’s around! Sica still believed that it wasn’t her fault!

But no wonder people call her ‘ice princess’! They say that she is an ice….


But for me, she is a warm ice…”

Yuri stopped. She could see Tiffany yawning. She could see the fact that she was all by herself. It’s not that Tiffany was alone. But it was Yuri who’s alone.

“I didn’t realize I talked that much about Sica.” Yuri said, faking a smile. But you could not even hear me.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming. Both of them turned and saw Sica coming with a slight smile.

“I’m back. Sorry if it took so long.” Sica said. Yuri knew Sica was going to seat there so she decided to stand up. And Sica did sit there. Tiffany kept glancing at Sica, smiling.

“No problem. I was just enjoying this park.” Tiffany said. Sica nodded to her.

That time, Yuri already jumped happily. She wanted to secretly expose what she was talking to Sica. But she knew that it would be embarrassing since it was all about her. So Yuri stopped jumping and started staring.

A smile appeared on Yuri’s face.

“Hey Sica, Fany, do you want to play?” Yuri exclaimed happily. She really wanted to pull them to the swing and play together. Maybe Sica and Yuri can take turns since there’s only 2 seats there. But Sica ignored the invitation. Not really ignored, she just didn’t hear it.

Sica only continued her conversation with Tiffany. Sica didn’t react at Yuri’s laugh, Yuri’s words. It was desperate. The feeling where you know you’re there but nobody realized. It was more than enough to be a reason to give up. Being ignored, at times it made you lost your mind.

Sica did that. Who knows the person next to Sica did that too. Yuri, once did that. This time, she committed to herself that running away and giving up enough. It was not time to give up yet.

“Sica, you’re playing a game, right? Oh I know! The one who reply first loses, right? Are you pretending not to hear me?”

Sica stared at Tiffany. Then turned to look at the thin air.

“I know you can hear me. You can see me too. You’re the only one in the world who can do that! I know it! You’re just making fun of me!”

Tiffany smiled. She then poked Sica and started talking.

“Sica, this is not funny. I’m really going to cry. Please, tell me that you can see me. I know you can! If you’re doing this because I made a mistake, then I’m sorry! Tell me what is it and let me fix it! Tell me, what did I do wrong? I’m sorry!”

Sica laughed at what Tiffany joked.




The sky turned red. Sica stood up, holding Tiffany’s hands. They walked away from the seat. Yuri stared at them as they glanced back for the last time.

Yuri swore that Sica was saying something to Tiffany.

But, Yuri couldn’t hear Sica’s voice anymore. The world was deaf, like a silent music. She couldn’t hear the chirps she normally hear. The noisy cars seemed shut off completely.

It was like the day she lost her life.


The difference was that now, she didn’t hear the buzz. Her mind was set to Sica. Her eyes could see the one person she loved the most. Then she saw another presence next to her. They joked, they laughed.

Yuri couldn’t hear it anymore. She could not even hear her own sobbing as she let out a few words unconsciously.


“Sica…, why?


Did you forget about me?”



“I’m sorry, it’s too late.” A man with white clothes says to my mom. When she hears it, I could see her screaming. She holds that man’s hands, as if she’s begging for something.

Mom, why are you screaming? Why are you crying? Why are you begging?

“No, that’s not possible! She’s-”


Ah! Suddenly a sharp buzz strike my ears. I cover it with my hands, until finally it disappears.

I look back at my mom. Trying to hear what she’s saying to that man.


But I can only see moving and tears flowing. There are no more screams.

The world was deaf, like a silent music.


The question comes in my head again.


Am I still alive?


The next thing I remembered, I was already at the park near the place I died. I walked inside slowly, staring at the ground.

Mom, dad, did I die?

I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I don’t remember how I really died but I’m just sorry. I don’t like seeing you cry. I don’t like it. Every time I see myself on that coffin, and see you screaming in pain, I would close my ears. I would corner myself, then close my eyes.

Please don’t cry. Don’t cry anymore. I’ll cry too!

Then suddenly I saw the swing in front of me. There, bunch of flowers were placed around. And on top of the swing was my picture, smiling.

Ah, it’s such a nostalgic. I used to play with many other kids in this ground, meet with adults, joke with dogs and puppies, and other fun thing. I used to really like the swing.

It didn’t take long for me to really love it. It was my enjoyment. The moment you lift your body of the earth and swing as hard as you can. That feeling, it’s not something you feel every day.

But then, why did I have to run away. I was a bit sad when my parents told me to go home. They said they were busy and that we didn’t have much time. We? It was them! I still wanted to play.

Silly me. I ran away and met with my fate.


I wonder where people are. They put bunch of flowers around this swing. They even put my face on top of it. But then, nobody is here.

I walk alone to the swing. This habit is getting old but it’s still refreshing. I lift up my legs and swing lightly.

Stranger walk pass the park. But as soon as they see the flowers, they know they should never glance again.

I can now clearly hear them say, “The park is cursed!”

Oh, why? They used to love it. Why do they hate it now?


The next day, I woken up finding myself alone on the park. I looked left and right, where is everybody? I stared at the ground. I can now hear the birds chirping and wind breeze passing the trees. I can now hear, but why do I still feel deaf?

Then I saw someone coming by. A lady in black and a man in suit. The excitement rushed in my body.

Mom! Dad! I shouted happily. I rushed to them. My hand waved, my feet skipped and jumped until I reached them. I stood and quietly hugged them.

I’m glad you come.

But unexpectedly they ignored me. They walked pass me and went to the swing. I stared, wondering why. Slowly, I saw my mom taking my picture.

Her tears fell down the longer she stared at it.

“Oh, Yul… Why do you have to leave us?”

When I saw that, my tears also fell down. She was hugging the picture, not me. I’m here, not in that picture. So why did she walk pass me? Why did Dad pat her back and say, ‘honey she’s gone’? I’m here.

Mom, dad. I told you, please don’t cry. I… I’m here. I’ll always be here. Whenever you need me, I’ll always be here waiting.

Don’t forget about me. Please, don’t. I’m here.

I hugged my mom from behind. But she was still hugging the picture in front.


Ever since then, I had a fear of being forgotten. Athazagoraphobia. The fear of being unnoticed by the people I loved. My fear was greater as time followed space.

Pity me, I could only hide it behind sheds of smile. Let the raindrops brush off my tears and pain. Until a sun show up to light my way.

But even the sun will disappear too.


Nothing was permanent for me. Not my parents, not the time, not the place I’m standing. None.


Not even myself.

Not even Sica.


The silence of the evening hovered Yuri’s ears. The light approached her space as the clouds moved away from the sun. Yuri stared at the sky and let out a few last drop of water fall on her face. She smiled, moving her legs to swing. She swung back and forth alone on the park.

The trees were in front and behind her with birds on the branches. Fences around that place were already rusted, the paint were dried out. Next to the swing was the entrance of the small park. Yet nobody was seen to come.

She whistled her favourite song, waiting for someone to come and play. A man, a child, anyone. But nobody really checked the park again. And even if they did, they wouldn’t notice her. The only thing she could do was admiring the rainbows, and swing.

She was back to her mind, realizing shadows approaching. Two figure of a woman approached from the entrance. Yuri turned to look, who might it be?


It was Sica, and her friend Tiffany.


As many time passed, Yuri could hear everything now. She was still deaf on the heart but her ears functioned normally.

Her ears heard the whispers saying, your time is up.

But then another whisper said, Sica is here.


She thanked the second whisper.


Yuri jumped off her swing, maybe for the last time in forever, and approached that girl. Yuri ran to her with a smile.

She was running hopelessly fighting the ashes surrounding her. The pure white ashes, pulling her from going away. But she still kept her smile, wanting to make this last moment memorable.

‘last moment’


When Yuri finally reached them, she widen . They didn’t reply anything. Only silence laugh with their own world. But Yuri still kept her smile.


You may have forgotten me, but don’t forget our ‘first moment’, okay?

And Sica, this is going to be my last sentence, so hear it well…




“Do you want to play?”




Sica, I love you. I always try to slow down time every time I’m with you. And I always try to always be there for you. I love you, that’s why I believed in you too.

No, I don’t blame you for forgetting me. At the end it would be more painful for you to see me disappear. To see me disappear while you still remember who I am.

It’s good this way.

I’m happy.


It’s not that it wasn’t the same for you. Not that you never did what I did to you. I totally reject that fact.

Because, you’re a warm ice.


I’ll kill those all those stupid people for not realizing this wonderful gem!! That’s my word.

Because, once again, you’re a warm ice.


I’m the one who’s lost. You’re the one who brought me back. I’m the one who ran away. You’re the one who lead me back home.


‘Home’…, is you.


You’re my home. My place of shelter. You’re the shoulder I lean on. You’re the smile in my tears.


God let me be alone to be a blessing for you. But it was still unfair.


You’re the one who’s alone.


And you’re the one who were a blessing to me.



Jessica Jung, live your life well and achieve the best. I've lived mine and it was wonderful. And now, I guess I might be meeting my parents soon!

Ah, remember that I’m still near you! I'm always looking at you. Far from above the clouds. Because I’ve reached the highest place a human can. And like I told you, I won’t fall down.



I won’t go down.

We’ll meet only when you go up.



~ end of chapter 1 ~


Hey!! Sorry it turned out longer than expected!! The story reached 7000++ words in just 1 chapter! I'M REALLY SORRY FOR EATING ALL YOUR TIME TO READ THIS CRAP STORY. I'm sorry for excessive enters and confusing words or sentences or flashbacks. I'm really really sorry for the super late update too! I hope it's worth it... (but I guess not?)

Yeah sorry it's actually not that angsty.... But thank you for at least subscribing me! For all 36 subscribers, MANSE! And those who upvoted this (even though it was still a foreword): 1Nonly_YS, Cha_JunYeon, hani90, bluepearl301, kim_jaeyun (<3 <3), xx_Hug, Lexx21, and xx_Kiss! And also for my dear best friend, huskylover!


Actually, I left some questions unanswered here. Like, what really happened to Sica? Why did she disappear and forget Yuri? What's Sica's real relation with Tiffany? Who's Tiffany? 

And lastly, 

did the story really end? What happened AFTER Yuri disappear?

oh, btw, sorry I made Yuri disappear (or dead) in this story xD.... please forgive me.

Anyway, please continue supporting this story! THIS MIGHT HAVE ENDED BUT IN REALITY, IT DIDN'T :D Look forward for the second chapter: Jessica

Spoiler: The beginning of this chapter is not the beginning of the next chapter. And the end of this chapter is not the end of the next chapter. Stay tuned ^^

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Yulsic143 #1
Chapter 2: Weeeeeee! <3 Thank you very much for updating this author! and goodluck with the exams!
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 really makes me sad.One smile for Yuri before she disappear please,just to make her feel that Sica is thankful to her.
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 really makes me sad.One smile for Yuri before she disappear please,just to make her feel that Sica is thankful to her.
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 really makes me sad.One smile for Yuri before she disappear please,just to make her feel that Sica is thankful to her.
colovred #5
Chapter 2: An update finally. I have read this long time ago and you actually made me cry on the part where Yuri said that it will be the last time that she'll ask Sica that "Do you want to play?" so better hear it. It was very sad. I hope you update sooner author :) thank you!
Chapter 2: your back! :D
yulsic plsssss :(
Chapter 2: Please let yulsic be together....miracle please do happen
Chapter 2: update soon pls :) 'cuz i wanna play with yul.
Yulsic143 #9
Chapter 2: This is the best story i have ever read here. It really made me cry =) i have read this a long time ago but i decided to read it again because it's a really good story :D

We will be waiting for your update like yuri waited for jessica ( i just hope it wouldn't take up to years ) =D
herondale96 #10
Chapter 1: Its kinda sad :(
I wanna play with yul