Kidnapped 2 The Broken

“Are you nervous?” Rome asks putting a snug arm around me. I sit in the back of the van with my boyfriend, butterflies in my stomach. I shake my head but he must know I’m lying. Ray told me earlier that my face was pale, no doubt it still is. I feel sick to my stomach; I just know this interview is going to go all wrong.

“Everything’s going to be fine”

“I sure hope so; remind me what this interview’s about”

“C-Clown’s comeback”

“So why do I need to be there?”

“Because our fans are going to want an explanation to who is in the pictures with us in the latest magazine”

The rest of the drive is quiet aside from the occasional sigh. This interview doesn’t feel right at all, why am I so paranoid?

We arrive at the studio and the manager informs us that due to ongoing technical difficulties, our interview will be over the radio instead of on TV. At least then, C-Clown’s fans won’t have to watch me embarrass myself on camera.

“Will you relax, you’re starting to worry me” Rome says kissing my forehead.

“Sorry” I mutter. “I’m just anxious”

“You’re fine, now come help me pick something out” C-Clown hadn’t had too much time to get dressed, so the manager shoved everyone into the van and basically pack each band member’s entire wardrobe; pointless, if you ask me, just pick an outfit and pack it.

“Should I go for Mr. Cool, y leader or casual Rome” He says holding up three distinct outfits, we went through this on Tuesday.

“Just wear what you were going to wear on Tuesday”

“Can’t, it’s a new day; got to wear something different”

“It’s not like you got the other clothes dirty, they just got wet. And anyways, why does it matter? We’re just going on the radio”

“There are security cameras in the recording studio, someone always manages to get a hold of the footage and put it on you tube; I have to dress to impress”

“Then go with Mr. Cool”

“Thanks babe” Rome says kissing my cheek. I wait on the couch behind the makeup table while Rome changes. We then walk hand in hand to the recording studio.

Inside I notice the hostess’s hair is a little more platinum blonde than I remember, focus Haru, focus! Focus on not throwing up.

The show starts and we all put our head phones on. Everything seems to be going fine, everyone’s asked questions, sometimes Rome was asked to rap something and sometimes Siwoo was asked to sing something. Then the hostess turns to me that is when everything begins to go downhill. First on the commercial break before hand, the lights start to flicker, the lighting crew promises to have it fixed before the end of the show; I hope they’re right.

“And we are back, so Haru let’s talk about your small appearance into the media. Guys, I am sitting here with Rome’s girlfriend, who oddly enough on the cover of the latest magazine, is kissing T.K. Care to explain?” Oh no, I knew this day would come, what do I say? What do I say? My confidence goes completely down the drain, as I can no longer feel Rome’s arm around me.

“I—” and that’s when the lights burned out. I could swear our hostess started shrieking at the pitch black room, or maybe that was me. There was a lot of shuffling, trying to figure out how to get the lights back, I stayed in my seat and hoped for the best.

Finally everyone could see, but when I looked next to me, Rome was gone.



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You lucky ducks are getting 3 updates in one day! I just really wanna get this story done and start the sequel XD


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