Early Morning Mistake

Korean Cinderella

The screaming of the alarm clock forced Krystal up at 4:30 am in the Korean morning. It was already the first school day. She was told to make her bed, shower quietely and quickly, buy the ingredients for her step-family's breakfast, make a nutritious yet delicious breakfast and scamper before the other two ladies were awake. Stepping in the warm shower, Krystal let the steaming water fall onto her petite body, soaking her hair and cleansing her body. She quickly applied shampoo, conditioner and soap, cleaning herself before stepping out the comforts of the shower to dry her self. She fit the school uniform over her body, making sure the skirt had hit just above her knee, and adjusted her tie. Krystal checked the time showing it was already 5:00 in the morning. She had to leave. She threw on a pair of shoes and scrambled out. She was a scholarship student, not a regular one like her step-sister. The grocery store next to her house was minutes away.

Krystal jogged lightly and was about to cross a dimly lit street when a car rushed towards her. The headlights flashed her eyes and Krystal covered her hues with a slender arm, frozen in spot from fear. A dark figure tackled her, rolling her to safety just as the car was going to hit her. Soojung stirred to find the boy from yesterday, wearing a similar uniform to hers. "Soojung." He ennunciated. "What are you doing so early in the morning, Soojung. And so careless as well." Krystal bit her bottom lip, contemplating on how this mysterious boy knew her name and how they'd met twice already, both by him saving her life. Blood flowed from her temple as Krystal fainted. A faint memory played in her mind.

"Soojung. Soojung!" A little tanned boy ran up to Krystal, winding his arms around her waist and resting his chin atop her head. "Jongin." Krystal had smiled then, for she adored the little boy. "Saranghae, Soojung princess." Jongin leant down to press a childish chaste kiss to Krystal's cheek. Krystal giggled then, she loved the boy as well. Dearly. Jongin slipped two necklaces from his pocket, a moon and a star, one with Krystal's name on it (the moon). The star necklace had Jongin's name engraved on it. "Lift your hair, my princess." Jongin had declared in his normal bossy tone. Krystal lifted her chocolate hair and closed her eyes. Jongin fastened the moon around her pale neck and pressed a kiss to her nape. "You'll always be mine, Jung Soojung. I will marry you one day." Krystal had readily agreed.

When he left that day, Krystal never saw him again.

"Jongin." Krystal sputtered as she woke. She took in her surroundings. She was in a luxurious room with a crystal hanging chandelier and fluffy fuschia sheets. Jongin lay beside her, running his hand through her silky hair. "Shush, Soojung. You are safe now." Krystal begun to nod when she remembered she had not made her family's breakfast. She attempted to remove herself from the warmth the blankets had provided her when Jongin s lean arms around her tiny waist, pulling her back. "Your step-mother and step-sister are already well-fed. Do not worry, princess." Jongin pressed his chest against her back, nuzzling a tanned nose into the soft cascade of Krystal's hair. "I've missed you, my prince." Krystal whispered into the morning's air. A chuckle escaped from his lips as he turned the dainty girl over on her back, leaning over her tiny frame. "I still love you, infinitely so. You're even more beautiful than last time." In the longest time, Soojung smiled, rosy tiers curving upwards to frame an elegant visage. Jongin took her silence as permission to press his pale tiers against her own twin rosy tiers. The kiss they shared was slow, full of the hidden sadness that had embedded itself into their lives as they left each other, full of mixed emotion and lastly. . full of love. Eventually, Krystal pulled away in a daze. "I love you, Kim Jongin." Jongin had smiled in return before leading his princess off the bed, towards their school.

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kaistal_sm #1
Chapter 3: awww that's so sweet of them... update more author nim! :D kaistal ftw!