
If You'll Have Me


“You know a lot of things about the do’s and don’ts of relationships and yet why are you not married?” Kyungsoo asks sleepily with a yawn as he tries to get a comfortable lying position on the hood of Yifan’s pick-up truck. They were parked on a hill overlooking the city and it was one of those times where they only talk about things.


“Marriage is not for me,” Yifan replies.


“Oh, so you’re only leading them on, the ones you are with, Mr. Wu?”


“Well, I tell them from the start that I am not looking for someone to marry so they wouldn’t expect things from me.”


“Wow, you’re so negative. But aren’t you lonely? I mean, people marry so they have someone to be there for them no matter what.”


“Trust me. It’s only in the beginning. I have seen it from my parents and friends who are married. They destroyed each other and only stayed in the marriage because of what, the kids? Come on, why invest in so much emotion and time when you know that it will eventually die? I don’t want to get myself into all of that crap and waste my time, right?” Yifan waits for an answer but it doesn’t come. “Right?” he repeats and turns his attention to Kyungsoo who is already curled like a fetus, sleeping.


Yifan gets his camera and brings it up to take a picture. He adjusts the lens to get a good photo of Kyungsoo but he stops when he gets a good view of the sleeping male. Kyungsoo looks so peaceful in his sleep, like an angel who has completed his tasks for the day. The man is so ethereal that Yifan can’t bring himself to click the shutter. He brings the camera down and watches as the smaller male continues to sleep. The camera didn’t bring justice to Kyungsoo’s beauty. Looking at him first hand, it makes Yifan’s heart thump in uneven beats. And it seems that something snaps inside him that he doesn’t want to acknowledge.


Yifan is seeing Kyungsoo in a different light after that night. He notices every small detail about the younger male. Like the way Kyungsoo’s eyes turn into crescents when he laughs or the way his lips curve into a heart shape when smiles, all the little details. He especially loves it when Kyungsoo is with his niece and nephew because the man can’t be more adorable than he is with kids. Yifan has been a constant guest at Kyungsoo’s monthly family lunch so he is a witness to all things adorable about the younger male.


He also doesn’t fail to notice how he enjoys being with Kyungsoo more than he normally should. Kyungsoo’s bright personality is infectious. When he is with the younger male, he always feels happy because the man never fails to make him laugh and surprise him.




“You told me to pre-heat the oven to three hundred fifty degrees and I did that,” Kyungsoo says in between his hiccup-sobbing with a pout. “But why are the cookies like this?”


“The cookies taste good it’s just that,” Yifan takes a bite and his teeth almost break because the cookie is rock hard. “Maybe you over-cooked the thing that’s why it’s hard like a rock.”


Kyungsoo takes a bite of the cookie himself and ends up laughing when it takes a feat for it to actually split. He forgets that he has been crying a moment ago and drowns himself in laughter instead. He gets a dash of flour on his finger and smears it on Yifan’s face. He then runs to the other side of the kitchen island-counter to avoid Yifan doing the same to him.


“Yah! Do Kyungsoo!” Yifan reacts when he realizes what Kyungsoo has done. “Don’t let me get my hands on you or you’ll be sorry!”


Kyungsoo runs around his apartment as Yifan chases him, a handful of flour in his hand ready to be smudged on Kyungsoo’s face. The latter is no match against Yifan’s long legs because the older male just grabs him by the waist from behind and smothers his face with the flour.


“Eewwww! Dirty!” Kyungsoo cries and Yifan just laughs.


They clean up the mess they made trying to bake rock solid cookies and then Yifan prepares to leave. Kyungsoo send him off by the door and leans in to give Yifan, who’s not paying attention to him, a kiss on the cheek. The moment Kyungsoo’s lips are about to touch Yifan’s cheek, the latter turns his head and their lips meet in a brief touch. They both pull away automatically, eyes widened at the abruptness of the moment.


“I’ll go,” Yifan breaks the silence in what seems like forever and is the first to look away. Kyungsoo only hums in response, not trusting his voice to speak, and Yifan is out the door, closing it behind him.


“Ah-chooooo!” Kyungsoo sneezes as soon as the door clicks close. “Ah-choooo!” he sneezes again and this time he realizes what it means.


He likes Yifan. He may even be in love with the man. All the times they spent together have been wonderful that he did not realize he has been growing feelings for the older male until that moment. Who wouldn’t fall in love with Yifan? He is an amazing person and how he gets along with Kyungsoo’s family so well like he is already a part of it, makes Kyungsoo fall even more.




Yifan doesn’t contact him for days after their accidental kiss. Even the clients they recommended Yifan to have been declined. The latter is avoiding him, Kyungsoo is sure. He just doesn’t know why Yifan is avoiding him. It was just a kiss. He is positive that Yifan has kissed many people before like it didn’t matter. How is their kiss any different? Unless Yifan feels the same way he does. He hopes that is the case.


Kyungsoo’s phone rings and he gasps upon seeing who the caller is. He takes a deep breath before he answers. “Yifan, you called?” he tries his best to sound as detached as possible, like he hasn’t been waiting for Yifan to call.


“Great news,” Yifan greets on the other end of the line. “He’s here! Jongin is here! He just arrived yesterday and he can’t wait to meet you!”


Kyungsoo’s face drops. He doesn’t know whether to feel happy that the person Yifan set up for him has already arrived, or to feel sad because Yifan is acting like nothing happened between them. As if the status of their relationship, or whatever the hell they have, isn’t changed by that kiss. They are both clearly thinking about it because he wouldn’t have waited for Yifan to call him and Yifan wouldn’t have avoided him until now if that isn’t the case.


Still, he goes along with Yifan. He writes his first date with Jongin in his schedule and only hums to whatever Yifan is telling him, not particularly listening because his mind is busy trying to think of their situation.




Kyungsoo arrives at the restaurant Yifan told him about. The moment he steps in, music is played to create a romantic ambiance. He walks through the path sprinkled with rose petals and is surprised to see Yifan at the end of it when he looks ahead. He gives Yifan a questioning look, asking the older male through his facial expression where Jongin is. Yifan only responds with a shrug and nods for him to come closer. As it appears, Yifan is his date. There is no Jongin, it’s Yifan all along, and he smiles genuinely knowing that. He likes it better this way. But, as he continues to walk down the path, a man suddenly appears out of nowhere between them. The man moves closer to him and reaches out a hand.


“Hi, I’m Kim Jongin. Thank you for coming into my life tonight.” Kyungsoo receives Jongin’s hand but he looks past the man to see Yifan. The latter gives him a lopsided smile as he nods to Jongin’s direction, willing him to bring his attention back to his date.


Jongin turns out to be an incredible person as Kyungsoo discovers during their first date. The man is a patriot and wants to dedicate his life to public service. Their first date leads to a few more dates and they seem to hit it off pretty well.


“Why did you decide to come back to Korea when there are a lot of offers for you in America?” Kyungsoo asks Jongin as they stroll along the Han River.


“Well, the offer was great but I felt like I had to give my services to own country. Why pour my talent on a foreign soil when I can make use of it here at home? I even asked my parents why they’ve decided to migrate in America and provide their services there when our country could actually use them for our own benefit.”


Kyungsoo yelps when his foot caught something that almost made him stumble and Jongin is quick to grab his hand to steady him. “Sorry about that. I’m just a little clumsy,” Kyungsoo says shyly.


“That’s okay. I actually think it’s cute.” Jongin smiles at him and let’s go of his hand when he’s already stable enough not to fall. Kyungsoo blushes at the statement and looks away to avoid further embarrassing himself. “My mom actually didn’t want to migrate to America,” Jongin continues. “But when my dad decided that he wanted to work abroad, my mom gave up everything just to be with my dad.”


“Do you expect your partner to do the same? Give up everything to be with you?”


“Not really. It was my mom’s personal choice to do that. I don’t want my life partner to give up anything if he doesn’t want to.”


“I see. So, seeing that you’re working for a politician, does it mean you have plans to run for public office yourself?”


“Do you mind being a politician’s husband?”


Kyungsoo’s face becomes a shade of pink and he laughs awkwardly. “We actually have a family lunch this Sunday at my dad’s house. Would you like to come? Yifan’s going to be there too because my aunts love him and he’s been a permanent invitee.” Kyungsoo invites to change the subject, hoping it isn’t too obvious that he is blushing like a school girl.


“I’d love to.”




Yifan stares at the couple sitting across him. They look so happy together and he doesn’t understand why his heart constricts at the sight. It’s what he wanted in the first place but why does he feel a huge blow to his chest seeing the two together. He smiles crookedly at the two as he goes along with Kyungsoo’s family teasing them. Kyungsoo turns a darker shade of pink every time one of his sisters torments him with comments about how Jongin is perfect for him. Something slowly dies inside him as the minutes passed.


“I think we have a perfect match,” one of Kyungsoo’s aunts comments. “You’ve outdone yourself, Yifan.”


“Of course! How can you doubt my match-making power?” Yifan says in feigned pride. “The next one I’m going to look a date for will be the both of you.”


“Oohhh…I like that idea,” another aunt says and both aunts leave him to go home.


Yifan sees Jongin and Kyungsoo approaching him and he puts on the most genuine smile he can muster considering the state of his heart.


“Hey, Yifan,” Jongin greets as soon as they reach him. “Thank you for setting me up with Kyungsoo, man. Great family.”


“Don’t mention it. It was my pleasure playing cupid.”


“You know, Jongin,” Kyungsoo interrupts. “Yifan is a snob. He didn’t accept the clients we sent to him. And I’m sure he’s going to be MIA after this.”


“What? When have I been a snob? I just have a lot on my hands that’s why I didn’t accept them,” Yifan says in defense.”


“You lying jerk! I called your assistant and he told me you didn’t do anything but party at clubs. See what I’m talking about, Jongin?”


Jongin just smiles in response, not wanting to be caught between the two bickering.


“Okay. You caught me,” Yifan confesses. “So, are you going home? Would you like me to drive for you?”


“Um, that’s okay. Jongin will take me.”


“Oh, right, right.” Yifan just nods at Jongin. The latter holds Kyungsoo’s hand as they both walk outside. Yifan only follows them with his eyes, silently consoling his aching heart.





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Chapter 4: Oh my goodness this is soooooo good. I actually wanted to punch Yifan at some point for being jerk but im freaking glad he took the courage to confess to kyungsoo when he came to terms with his feelings. This is a lovely masterpiece and i love you authornim for sharing this wonderful story!!!!!
jieyoopark #2
Chapter 4: ouwh, i'm crying....
so beautiful fanfic, I'm already a Krisoo Shipper after read this story....
Chapter 4: Kris how can you be this stupid :(
Chapter 4: I want to meet the right person too.... this story really good.
Chapter 4: Perfect story love:-):-):-)krisooooooooo
eunhaeron #6
Chapter 2: Kyungie is just so cute here, with his stubborness and all :D
icarus_fly #7
Chapter 4: Is this the one with rico and claudine?? Ahaha.. I love that story and I'm loving this more.. seriously..u r one of the most brilliant writers I've ever known.. u have incorporated the story and molded it to be more krisoo.. I love love love this so much...
Ahhh the Krisoo feels. I can't even. Brilliant story.. I love your writing and the Krisoo feels you give me.. I'm just a huge pile of goo right now ><