One more chance

Still Bound


"Ah, seriously. Where did that polaroid go?" Baekhyun uttered in frustration as he patted the pockets of his coat again. He was sure he had placed it in one of them last night. 

"Forget it. I probably dropped it on my way home. It doesn't matter right now," he finally decided. Besides, he had bigger things to attend to. He had to meet Yoona to make it up to her after work somehow. She must be so disappointed last night, and so was he. 

Baekhyun walked to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. He noticed something at the corner of his eye, and turned to see a bouquet of flowers on his table. It was accompanied by a small card. He approached it and read the card.

'Jagiya, (honey/baby)

Happy birthday~! You're always working, and you're barely around. Yet, you're still the one who makes my heart thump everytime I see you. I love you.


"She must've stopped by my house last night to give me a surprise.." Baekhyun thought. He began to feel guilty for not being there, spoiling the surprise for himself. "I should've just went home straight after.."

Baekhyun placed the card down on the coffeetable and proceeded to the kitchen. He still had some time left before he would leave for work. He brewed some coffee, and opened the fridge to get some milk for cereal, when he saw a cute box sitting in the middle. It was wrapped very nicely with its darling blue ribbon. Carefully, Baekhyun opened the box and was greeted with dozens of assorted chocolates. His favourite.

He stared at it sadly with evident guilt. Yoona must have taken the time to leave these small gifts around the house for him, but he wasn't there to properly recieve it from her. He felt terrible for being such an awful boyfriend. He knew he hadn't spend a whole lot of time with her, but even not meeting up with her to celebrate his birthday together was just as bad. It made it seem like he liked neglecting her, but in truth, he just really doesn't have the time.

"I'm sorry, Yoona. I promise I'll make it up to you. I will," Baekhyun thought.



"Yoona. Earth to Yoona?" a sudden voice interrupted her chain of thoughts. Yoona looked up and saw Taeyeon, who was looking confused. "You've been looking down since lunch break. What's wrong? And what are you holding there?"

Yoona continued staring at the small white scrap she was holding. The polaroid she found at Baekhyun's apartment.

"Sorry. It's nothing," she replied and stuffed the polaroid in her pocket. "What were you saying, Tae?"

Taeyeon looked at Yoona in pity. She guessed that something happened between her and her boyfriend. Yoona had told her alot about her boyfriend, Byun Baekhyun. She'd talked about the times they spent together, and hoping they could be with each  other more. Taeyeon could feel the raw sadness in her words and her yearning for that ideal relationship. She knew Baekhyun was Yoona's pride and joy. 

"Everything's going to be fine Yoong," Taeyeon tried to comfort her, "I'm sure you both will work it out. Besides, you two are inseparable."

"Thanks, Tae. But, I think I'll be fine," Yoona answered. I know Baekhyun isn't the kind to do something like that. I-I'm sure he has a good explanation, Yoona thought to herself.

"Cheer up alright?" Tae smiled and walked off to continue her work.

In that moment, she felt her handphone vibrate, and quickly checked it. A message from Baek. She opened the message which read, 'I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet you last night to celebrate my birthday. Thank you for the presents, I'll make it up to you tonight, after work. Dinner at our favourite restaurant at 8pm, okay? See you'

"Huh.." Yoona thought as she read the message.

 "Well, alright, Byun Baekhyun. One more chance. I'll give you that. One more chance for you to explain everything, but that's all... Otherwise, we're done."



"Yuri-ah, we're gonna miss you when you're going away.." Tiffany sighed as she watched Yuri compiling her reports and other files to bring with her overseas for the conference. 

"Ah, it's only two weeks, I'll be back before you know it," Yuri said, trying to cheer her up. Though, even she herself wasn't so sure about that. She would be attending a conference in China, and another one in Japan. But she'd been told that perhaps she have to stay a little longer due to some issues to be settled in Japan. It wasn't confirmed.

"Jessica and I will be sending you to the airport later at night," Tiffany said. Yuri only nodded.

She remembered about her confession to Baekhyun last night. Her utter disappointment. She didn't really expect to end her last night before leaving the hospital with such a sour rejection. It hurt even more when he said he already had someone. Ugh, why was she so bothered by this? Yeah, it was true she rarely got rejected. She wasn't desperate, but for Baekhyun it was different. Eventually, she'd get over it. But just not now.



another chap up! wow, three different point of views in this one. Also, thanks for all the support to this story so far! do leave a comment or just tell me what you think or hope to come in the story^^ and do subscribe too~



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Might take a bit longer to update the next chapter~ But do anticipate it^^


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Gehanle #1
Chapter 4: Aww I hope it isn't too late to update!
Chapter 4: please update author-nim.i do like baekyoon so much~
yoona_exolove #3
Chapter 4: God just when exactly are you updating soon?
heyokitty #4
Chapter 4: Please update soon, I really want to know how he uses the one last chance that poor yoongie gave to him...
exoyoong08 #5
Chapter 4: Hi, new reader here.. Ohh!! Poor yoongie.. By the way great story I ship this two couple same as beakyeon and guess what dream come true there officially dating now.. Yay I'm so happy as a shipper of beakyeon..

I hope u update soon..:D
yoongie_exo #6
Chapter 4: Hmm poor Yoona . I love your story update soon :) Thank you ♡
Chapter 4: one last chance. i hope baek wont spoil this chance.
please update!!
Chapter 4: hmmm one last chance and then they will not be together i hope baekhyun use this chance properly
Chapter 3: yes yes yes this is what i want.a baekyoon fanfic.hahaha.please update later,author-nim and i hope fr the best for baekyoon <3
YoonHaeChoding #10
Chapter 3: Baekhyun, u better not betray yoona >:(