[ON HOLD] Obsession

"Got caught again?" A police officer said as he ushered a handcuffed man into a prison cell.  He seemed tired and familiar with the boy. "You know what to do."

He was thrown onto the cold prison cell ground. He sat, leaning against the wall and wiped off a stream of blood falling from the side of his lips. He was wearing a black shirt, torn from old age and decorated with blood stains. He was panting. 

"When is your birthday? I'd like to get you a new shirt." The police officer said. "How did your parents raise you? Irresponsible." 

The boy stood up immediately and tried to grab the police officer's collar. His small, yet strong hands went through the jail bars easily. "Don't, insult my parents." The police officer didn't do anything to defend himself. He stood there, expression unchanged. The boy then let him go, knowing that he shouldn't do that.

"Yeah, and stay there seated. Alright?" the police officer put his keys in his right pocket and went back to duty. Before he left, he gave a the boy a dirty look. "Don't make more trouble."

He limped back to the wall and forcefully sat down. His leg was injured and bleeding. But, all he could do now, was just sleep and wait for tomorrow.


It was Autumn, and all the leaves we're falling. The air was dry and it was cold. Nobody was playing outside at this time of the day, evey parent was scared that their child would fall sick. The streetlight were already on, their yellow light reflecting on the pavements. But, a boy and a girl were crouching down at the side of a tree. She was wearing a dress under her coat, and he was wearing a sweater and a pair of pants. 

"Why are the leaves yellow?" the girl asked, as she curiously poked a fallen leaf.

"My mom said it's because there is no more chlorophyll in the leaf anymore." the boy answered, brightly. 

The girl looked at the boy for a moment. At first, she looked confused. Then, she looked impressed. The boy looked up to see her looking at him. "Why are you looking at me?"

She stopped to think for a while. "Because you're smart and good looking. My dad always told me to befriend people like that." she answered him. He smiled at her statement. "My name is Jo Hae Ri. Nice to meet you." she bowed down.

The boy laughed. "I am Kim Donghyun." he bowed as well. "Nice to meet you."

Suddenly, they heard the sound of high heels clicking on the brick road. Donghyun turned to his right to see a middle aged lady, walking towards him. He recognised her as his nanny. She wore a black blazer and a pencil skirt. She dressed like a manager in a huge company. She spotted Hae Ri but did not bother to greet her.

"Donghyun-ah! How many times have I told you not to run out to play without my permission?" She grabbed Donghyun's wrist and dragged him along with her. He was hesitant and didn't want to move. "Donghyun, you're going to be sick! You have to be at the airport tomorrow, by 7 pm. You're going to be late!"

As she was pulling him along and nagging at him, he turned back to face the girl. Her cheeks were red from the cold and she turned smaller and smaller, as he walked further. He mouthed out, "Tomorrow, same time?"

And the girl mouthed out, "Sure."

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Chapter 3: Short but enjoyed it :)
Chapter 2: Please update even though i dont really get whats happening but its interisting !
Chapter 2: Nice i like it its interisting :)
Arisa_Ameiru #4
Chapter 1: Aww... This is so sweet. I like how Donghyun and the girl met. It's really cute. x) Update soon, ne? ^^
Chapter 1: Cute. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Black_Dandelion #6
Chapter 1: I like it = ̄ω ̄=