First encounter

After fame
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First Encounter




Kris stared satisfied at his reflection and fixed his backpack. His hair was patted down and barely reached his thick eyebrows which made him look like a real student, the shaved sides though were still giving him a rebellious aura. After he spent one hour of choosing what to wear he decide to clothe casual and classy so he ended up wearing a plain white shirt, matching black pants, black blazer and a pair of white sneaker. He felt ready for his first day and took a last look at the mirror before leaving.


He stared at the huge building in front of him and inhaled deeply. It was pretty early so he was currently the only one in front of the gates. He walked through the huge door and passed several rooms before seeing the secretary, right after it came the room of the president where he had been two weeks ago it was all the same beside the fact that this time he was here to pick up his timetable . He walked in and took a place in front of the desk of the secretary and waited for her. It was silent and he was sure that he saw nobody here but he heard someone arguing and he could swear that it was coming from the room beside him. Kris could still recall the voice of the president and he could hear that it was him that was being calm and pleading, he sounded actually sorry and Kris was about being really curious about the person that shouted at Mr. Zhang , cause he couldn't imagine anybody fighting with that angle like old man. He was torn off of his thoughts when a girl around his age, probably the one that was arguing moments ago with Mr. Zhang, stormed out of his room and shut the door with full force. She was out of breath and her cheeks were coloured reddish, she leaned with her weight on the door and took a deep breath as if she wanted to calm herself down and closed her eyes . Kris was stunned and didn't know what to do so he just sat at his place taken aback by the actions that had taken a place in front of him. The girl pulled herself together and realized that there was somebody else in the room. Her eyes met the ones with Kris and again she took a frustrated breath before rushing into the hallway.

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when r ya gonna update?
Chapter 2: Ooh good good ! Update soon :3
i love this fic please update soon :)
omg when r u gonna update?
Chapter 1: Update like nao orz
sena-tpl #6
please update soon authornimm :D love this story
YO GO GO GO GO GO! Totally gonna read this. c:
woaaaaaah seems interesting.