
After fame
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It was hard to leave everything behind, all the years, all the pain, all the hard work but there was no way back and he knew it. Of course it was hard for him to let go of everything that had meant so much for him, after all it was his dream and he was giving it up. The reason for his decision was important and he couldn't be so selfish and keep on being a part of this industry when others he loved were suffering.
He couldn't do it anymore, smiling as if nothing had happened, always telling himself and to the others that everything was alright when it wasn't , he knew that he was lying to everybody, and the most to himself. He wanted to stay and continue, but he was only hurting himself and others, always causing problems when they had to go to schedules, almost every day having disagreements with the managers and last but not least the people back home, it never was his intention to hurt them , he didn't want to do this to himself and the others.



The male sighed and stared at his phone


  19 missed calls

11 new messages 


It had been almost everyday like this since Kris had left exo, he still had not exchanged a word with them but they always tried to contact him, calling and sending him several messages which he always left unanswered. He wasn't sure if he could face them, he saw all the SNS updates and interviews and he understood them, really. But some comments which said that he was careless and selfish just made him cringe, why couldn't the people just let it be, as if it wasn't already hard enough for both parties.
But Kris finally wanted to make a new start after all the things he had experienced in this month he really needed to step back and take a breath.





It was too early for Kris's encounter with the president of the huge complex where he would find out if he was accepted, but it was on purpose cause he wanted to inspect the places where he doubtless

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when r ya gonna update?
Chapter 2: Ooh good good ! Update soon :3
i love this fic please update soon :)
omg when r u gonna update?
Chapter 1: Update like nao orz
sena-tpl #6
please update soon authornimm :D love this story
YO GO GO GO GO GO! Totally gonna read this. c:
woaaaaaah seems interesting.