
Speaking For You {On Hiatus}

“Mmmm!” A loud moan sounded through the room accompanied by labored breathing. Against the mirrors was a pair of dancers. The more petite of the two had his back pressed against the mirror covering the wall, his arms wrapped around the neck of the person trapping him there. He was pulling him closer as their tongues danced and intertwined, fogging up the mirror. “Ooh, Ravi, we need to stop.” N tried to push the younger away so they could get back to practicing.


It surprised the elder when Ravi pounced on him while they were practicing the routine for his final. He knew that he moved his body well, but Ravi’s reaction took him by extreme surprise. However, he wasn’t really complaining because kissing Ravi like that was such a pleasurable experience. It was making him rethink his desire to wait to be with him.


The younger groaned before pulling away so he wasn’t completely pressed up to the elder, but could still feel the breath from his pants fanning across his face. “Sorry, you moving like that was testing my self control. You’re too y for your own good. Or my good.” Ravi smirked.


N’s breath noticeably caught in hit throat at the look. His pupils dilated further in arousal, but he caught himself before he could give in to Ravi’s body. “Let’s get through finals and then we’ll talk.”


“Just talk?” Ravi raised an eyebrow suggestively. N merely laughed at his expression, breaking the ually charged atmosphere and allowing him the will to push Ravi away.


“So eager. Let’s finish practicing so we can go home. We start working with the rest of the dancers tomorrow.”


~ ~ ~


Everyone worked hard on their finals and the two eldest successfully completed interviews and ended up being hired at the same entertainment company. Hyuk was dead by the time the week was over, declaring that he would never have another semester filled with science and math like he did this time. Ken was oddly quiet once his finals were over, but no one really noticed because he was gone a lot of the time.


“I’m curious about something, Binnie.” Hongbin looked up from the food he was cooking to encourage Ravi to keep speaking. “Why Taekwoon?” Hongbin raised an eyebrow in a surprised way once he heard the question. “I’m not jealous or anything because I have Hakyeon, I’m just curious.”


Honestly, I don’t know. I was just attracted to him. Hongbin showed Ravi his board before thinking a bit and writing something else. Also, he can understand me by just looking in my eyes unlike most.


“So you have a special connection.” Hongbin nodded. “Do your sisters know about him yet?”


Mei does.


“Are you worried about them meeting him at all?” Hongbin sighed, dropped his head and his shoulders slumped as he thought about Lyn meeting Taekwoon. Ravi chuckled at the response. “I’ll take that as a yes. Good luck bro, I don’t envy you.” Hongbin merely gave his friend a mix of a glare and a pout.


“Hongbinnie, have you decided where we’re going tomorrow?” Hongbin merely gave N a confused look. “What? Why are you giving me that look?”


At that moment, Taekwoon walked into the kitchen and gave Hongbin a peck on the cheek. Hongbin turned his questioning eyes to his boyfriend. “What?”


You didn’t tell them?


“Tell them what?” Hongbin gave him a pointed look. The others were mildly shocked at how Taekwoon had improved in understanding sign language in such a short period of time while dealing with finals.


“You know where Hongbin decided to take us tomorrow and didn’t tell us?” N turned accusing eyes on Leo.


“Oh, he decided on Lotte World.” There was no guilt on Leo’s face as he informed his housemates and hugged Hongbin from behind as the younger finished cooking. Hongbin rolled his eyes and pushed the elder away so he could start dishing up dinner in the proper proportions for each person.


“Yes! Time to let my inner child out.” Hakyeon squealed with joy.


“What inner child, you’re like this all the time.” Ravi teased his almost official boyfriend.


“Am not!” The sound that came out of his mouth could only be described as an indignant squawk. “Hyuk! Ken! Time for dinner.” They all gathered together to eat for the first time in a couple of weeks.


“So, Hongbin hyung, what time will Mei noona be expecting us tomorrow?” Hongbin stuffed food in his mouth before grabbing his whiteboard so he could eat while he wrote.


She’ll pick us up tomorrow sometime between 9:30 and 10 AM.


“Isn’t that too early?” Ravi whined when he saw when he would have to get up.


“It’s only early if you enjoy being stuck in traffic and having a hard time finding a parking spot.” N eyed Ravi over his food, casually letting him know that he would be getting up on time. Ravi’s slumped form of defeat garnered chuckles from the people sitting with him.


“Is it just going to be Mei noona?” Hyuk continued his questioning.


Lyn noona will be there too and I think their boyfriends will be coming. Hongbin knew that Mei was going to bring her boyfriend, but he wasn’t sure whether Lyn would be bringing hers. He found out earlier that week that Lyn finally found someone who didn’t run at the first sign of her more aggressive personality.


They talked a little about anything and everything for the rest of dinner. Once they were done, N and Ravi moved to clean the kitchen while the rest moved to the living room despite Leo’s desire to drag Hongbin to their room for some cuddle time.


“What are your sisters like, Hongbin?” Ken wondered, not having met Mei like some of the others had. Instead of reaching for his whiteboard, he turned to Leo and tapped his shoulder, wanting him to translate. Leo rolled his eyes, but nodded to show his cooperation.


“Mei noona is very friendly and will want to take care of you. Lyn noona is strong and protective. She’ll be, uh, something, than Mei.” Leo stuck his arm out so Hongbin could write trace what he said into his arm, as this was their preferred method of communication. “Lyn noona will be harder to win over than Mei. Wait, does that mean she’ll hurt me when she finds out we’re dating?” Taekwoon looks at Hongbin with wide, almost scared, eyes. He knows that older sisters can be scary. He murmured what Hongbin signed as he interpreted it. “She already knows and she probably won’t hurt me. Well, that makes me feel a whole lot better.” Hongbin giggled at Taekwoon’s distress and pecked him on the cheek in an attempt to make him feel better.


“KAWAII!!!” The squeal made everyone jump and turn towards where N was standing, fawning over how cute Leo and Hongbin were together. The couple blushed at the attention, making N squeal even more.


“N, stop squealing already. We get it, they’re cute.” Ravi complained from beside the eldest.


“Whatever. Off to bed everyone, we want to make a good first impression, especially if Lyn-shi is hard to please.” Hyuk and Ken grumbled a bit before obediently getting up to prepare for bed. Once they reached their room, they went about changing in complete silence. It was awkward, extremely so, so Hyuk decided to try and break the silence.


“So, hyung, how did your performance go?”


“Huh? Oh, it went well. Most of the people who went liked it and the people from Julliard gave it high praises so, I think we did well.” Ken gave the younger a small smile. “What about you? How did your science and math finals go?”


“Ugh, don’t get me started. I felt like my brain was going to melt. I’m pretty sure it’s just goo now.”


“Yeah, getting your GE is a pain when you’re in college. It makes everything far more complicated than necessary.” Ken felt himself relax and start to converse with Hyuk the way he always did. It made him feel happy, but at the same time, he felt more conflicted than before.


In the room a little farther down the hall, the air was once again hot and filled with moans. This time, Ravi pounced on N while he was changing. So they were currently laid on Hakyeon’s bed, N’s shirt discarded, while the younger marked his neck and chest.


“Mmm…Rav-ah!” N tried to speak but a moan cut off his words as Ravi started to tease his s. N wanted to stop Ravi since they were going to have a lot of walking to do the next day, but his resolve was slowly crumbling with the increased pleasure he was feeling. Just as he started to slide his hands around Ravi’s back to pull him closer, the younger pulled away. “Wh-what?” He looked up at the younger, who was just panting over him.


Ravi gave N a little half-smile before leaning down and pecking his lips. “Sorry, we have to get up early tomorrow and you’re kind of loud. I don’t want to disturb anyone.” He watched as the elder closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.


“You really need to stop starting things you don’t indent to finish.” N complained as he pushed the younger away.


“Can’t help it. You’re hard to resist.”


“Whatever. Go to sleep.” He pushed the younger again to encourage him to get into his own bed.


“Alright, goodnight. I love you.”


“Well I hate you.”


“Don’t worry Hakyeon, it’ll happen soon.” A seductive wink was sent the other’s way and N just blushed and buried himself in his sheets at the meaning of his words. The last thing he heard was Ravi’s chuckling and murmuring about how cute he was before falling asleep.


In the room on the first floor, Leo was silently freaking out about meeting Hongbin’s noonas while the younger was falling asleep beside him. Finally unable to take it anymore, he poked his boyfriend in his ribs to wake him up. Hongbin jolted awake as if from a nightmare and looked over at Taekwoon sleepily.


“Are you sure Lyn noona isn’t going to kill me?” Hongbin would have glared at the older for disturbing his sleep for such a question, but his panicked expression was really funny, so he just smiled and rolled his eyes.


I’m sure. Sleep.


“But what if-” Taekwoon was cut off with a kiss from the younger. When he looked at him, his face was gentle as he wrote into his chest.


Nothing is going to happen. Relax and go to sleep. He then cuddled more into Taekwoon than he already was.


Taekwoon merely sighed and tried to do as Hongbin said. It helped that the younger was so close as his body warmth was comforting to him. He didn’t fall asleep immediately, but Hongbin’s soft breathing soon lulled him to sleep.


* * *


The next morning was chaos. Hongbin sat and watched as everyone was doing something different. N was yelling at Ravi to completely join the land of the conscious and telling Ken and Hyuk to clean up the house a bit. Ken and Hyuk were running around making more of a mess as opposed to cleaning up, and Ravi was running into things in his half-asleep state. Taekwoon was the funniest of them all. He was pacing around mumbling to himself about how he was going to be killed.


At 9:45, there was a knock on the door and everyone froze. Hongbin waited, but soon realized that no one was going to move so he went and opened the door for his sisters.


“Hongbinnie! You ready to have fun today?” Mei immediately wrapped Hongbin in a hug as she spoke. He grinned and nodded in response. As soon as she released him, he was glomped by his other sister.


“Aigoo. I’ve missed you so much Binnie!” Lyn squealed into his ear, causing him to flinch. She released him and held him at arms length so he could sign at her. “Have you been doing well? Your housemates been treating you well?”


Yes, noona. I’m fine and my housemates are wonderful to me. Come in, I’ll introduce them to you. The sight that greeted them encouraged laughter out of the boy. Leo was standing completely straight with his hands held respectfully in font of him, his skin a few shades paler than it normally was. Everyone else was sitting at stiff attention on the couch except for Ravi who was slightly slumped over, but more awake than before.


These are my housemates; Hyuk, Ken hyung, N hyung and Ravi are sitting on the couch. He gestured to each person as he said their name and watched as Lyn’s keen eyes analyzed the men on the couch. They could almost feel the weight of her gaze as she looked them over. Noona, this is Taekwoon. He’s my roommate and my boyfriend.


“Ah, so you’re the one Mei told me was dating my baby brother.” Her eyes instantly sharpened and she glared at Taekwoon, who was now starting to shake. Hongbin moved and took Leo’s hand, squeezing it in comfort. He sent Mei a pleading gaze, but his older noona just smiled at him, choosing to not interfere yet.


“What makes you think you’re good enough for my Hongbinnie?”


“Uh…” Taekwoon wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say to that so he just froze.


“How old are you? Are you in school? Do you have a job? Can you communicate with Hongbin properly?” Leo’s eyes went wide and he stuttered out some answers.


“Uh, I’m 24, I just graduated, I work for an entertainment company?” That he ended his statement as a question only made Lyn narrow her eyes further.


“How do communicate with Binnie?”


Noona, he learned sign language for me.


“How good are you? Does he still need to write things down for you? That’s going to be a problem if he still does.” At this point Mei decided to intervene.


“Alright Lyn. Be nice. I think that’s enough questions and we still need to introduce our boyfriends to Hongbin before we can go.” Lyn reluctantly backed away with a final warning that she’d be watching Leo very closely. “Alright. Everyone get your things and let’s go.” Mei clapped her hands and headed out the house. The boys and Lyn followed behind.


“Um, Mei-shi?” N quietly asked for her attention.


“You can call me noona.”


“Mei noona, how are we all going to get there? There are ten of us.”


“Well 8 of us are going in that.” Mei gestured to the 2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 that was resting on the street in front of their house. “Lyn is going with her boyfriend on his bike (motorcycle). But first, I would like you to meet my boyfriend.” Mei smiled at the boys as a male taller than the 6 housemates walked up to them. “Hongbin, boys, this is my boyfriend, Changmin. Oppa, this is my brother, Hongbin, and his housemates.”


“It’s nice to finally meet you. Mei has told me a lot about you.” To everyone’s surprise, except Mei, Changmin signed as he spoke.”


You know sign language?! Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to hear about you, but I look forward to getting to know you. Hongbin had a huge smile on his face as he signed.


“I hope that we’ll grow close as well.” Changmin smiled at the boy, thinking he was as adorable as Mei said he was.


“Yeah, yeah. We’re all going to be best friends.” Lyn interrupted and Mei rolled her eyes at her sister. “This is my boyfriend Jiyong.” Hongbin could immediately see that Jiyong was very similar to his sister.


“Hey.” Hongbin gave him a little wave, not sure how to respond to such a short greeting. “You know, it’s rude to not speak to an elder.” Jiyong eyed Hongbin distastefully. Unfortunately for him, Lyn was not going to tolerate any of his insensitivity, especially if it was directed at Hongbin.


“Jiyong.” Lyn called his name sweetly, her face smiling. Hongbin, however, could see the danger in her eyes.


“Hmm?” In an instant her entire demeanor changed. Her face showed how pissed he made her and she reached up and pulled her boyfriend’s ear. “Ahh!”


“You know, I distinctly recall telling you that my brother couldn’t speak.” Her voice was low and dangerous and Jiyong’s face paled a few shades, making it obvious he’d been on the receiving end of her rage before. She didn’t say anything else, just pulled him towards his bike by the ear. “We’ll see you there Mei!” The five boys who had never met Lyn before stared open-mouthed as she dragged her boyfriend away.


“See Taekwoon, there was no need to be worried. She likes you, so don’t worry so much.” Mei assured Leo, who seemed to have regained some of his color, happy that Lyn didn’t do that to him. “Alright! Let’s go and have a good time!”

Hey guys! Here is the next chapter and I have quite a bit to tell you about. I was going  to post this late last night, but i knocked out, like KO asleep. so it's a little late but here it is. About this chapter, when I created Lyn, I imagined someone who kinda looks like 2NE1's CL because she can squeal and be adorable, but can also be super fierce. Jiyong is G-Dragon, that's that. When I created Mei, I didn't have anyone particular in mind, but now that I think about it, I imagine someone who looks like BoA. So two strong female presences in the K-Pop world are his sisters. This Changmin is TVXQ's Changmin. Even though I like BoA better with Yunho, I wanted to use Changmin becasue he's been a recent obsession of mine.

N and Ravi just need to get it on already...... Something is bothering Ken and you'll find out in the next chapter!! ^^

Now, in regards to aff going down like it did that one time not to long ago, I do have a livejournal that isn't as well cared for as my aff account, but if aff really does end up going down, I will post there. The link is also on my twitter account. I already said this when I updated A Lion and A Bean, but I'm not sure how many of you are subscribed to that so, I say it again!

I think that's it, I will see you all again eventually!

COMMENT, subscribe, enjoy!! ^^

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My laptop died. Like I am taking it to Apple tomorrow, so I will not be writing or updating for a while.


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Chapter 9: I truly in love with this ff.♥_♥.
This is the first time i'm so stucked in a ff I love this ff so much.This is my first leobin ff and my first time sacrificing all night reading this AMAZING ff.Author- nim please update soon.I'm dying here waiting for an update from you that felt eternity....Please update soon I'm so curious ......
Chapter 9: I love the story but ok I'll be patient and wait
Chapter 9: Don't worry author-nim and take all the time you need. At least we'll get our adorkable drabbles. :3
Chapter 9: Owwww it's a pity but I totally understand, I'll wait patiently ^^
a Lion and a Bean is goooood too so it's ok, I'll be looking forward any Leobin you write~
Fighting! <3
GTokodi #5
Chapter 8: I love the whole story! Please, update or something... TT__TT
iyuuuthh #6
Chapter 8: I love this i love this !
Please update soon.. im looking forward for their family outing ~!
Chapter 8: hfhgadaghsd I missed them <3 God Leo is SO CUTE I CAN'T *w* they are so lovely, I would be squealing all day long like N xDDD and yeah, Navi need to get on it already but It's cute and funny this way to hehe at least they are happy and ok ^^ and Ken...we'll see, but I don't like him very much nowadays, poor Hyukkie *hmpf* btw I LOVED both sisters XDD Mei is great but Lyn is the best XDDD keep on with it, it's great! <3
Crazy_conductor #8
Chapter 8: Leo is so cute xD
I like Lyn so much :3 She's too my type xD
Update soon ♥
idkijustlikekpop #9
Chapter 8: I love this story, and it gets cuter every chapter! Please update soon!
jendee86 #10
Chapter 8: whoa that sister tough. poor Leo. lol