
Speaking For You {On Hiatus}

Hongbin bounced around the store looking at all of the different phones while his sister went to speak with the sales person. She asked for a phone that could download functions that help Hongbin communicate despite his inability to speak. Once she knew which ones they were, she pointed them out to Hongbin and let him have free choice. If there was anything she would never hesitate to do, it was spoil her baby brother. Once he chose a phone, she went to pay for it and he showed her the way to where he was staying. When they arrived, Hongbin saw Ravi and Hyuk in the living room debating about who was better on the rap competition they were watching.


“Oh look, Hongbin hyung is home.” Hyuk gestured to where the two newcomers were standing. “And he brought a friend.”


“Friend?” N, who had unbelievably sensitive hearing, came out of his room to investigate the credibility of Hyuk’s statement. Seeing that Bin was standing in the room with a woman at his side, N immediately went into fangirl mode. “Oh, Hongbinnie! Why didn’t you tell us you had such a pretty friend? Is she your girlfriend? How did you two meet? I thought you just moved to the city.”


Hongbin shook his head at his sister who gave him a questioning glance. “Actually, I’m Hongbin’s older sister, Mei.”


“Oh, well it’s nice to meet you. I’m N and that’s Ravi and Hyuk.” The eldest immediately calmed down and introduced himself. “To what do we owe the honor of your visit?”


“I just came to make sure that my baby was settling in well.” Mei was taken aback by the abrupt change in behavior.


“Oh well feel free to look around.” With a smile and a wave N disappeared back upstairs. Mei turned to Hongbin and started signing.


Binnie, what was that about?


I have no idea. Hongbin gave a little awkward smile before taking his sister to his room. They sat on the bed and signed back and forth until the entrance of Taekwoon interrupted them. The older of the two boys froze and examined the scene before him. Hongbin immediately dove for his whiteboard and started furiously writing. Mei saw this and raised an eyebrow at her brother’s actions.


Hyung, this is my older sister, Mei. Hongbin held up the board and waited for him to read it. Taekwoon nodded and politely said it’s nice to meet you before leaving the two alone again.


So, Hongbin, who was that?


That was my roommate Taekwoonie hyung.


TaekwoonIE hyung? Mei did not miss the sigh of relief when the man who just left read the board, nor did she miss the sparkle in his eyes as her brother looked at him. Her suspicion was confirmed when Hongbin blushed at her question. I see what’s going on here.


Umma~! Hongbin whined.


What? I didn’t say anything. It’s not my fault that you’re so obvious. Besides I think it would be strange if you weren’t attracted to someone in the house with you being biual. When are you going to ask him out?


Bin blushed even darker at the second question. What are you talking about?! I’ve only known him for two days!


No time like the present. Mei smirked at Bin before her face dropped and she looked at the clock. “Oh no! I’m going to be late!!!” She jumped up and started collecting her things. Hongbin just watched her with a confused expression.




“Sorry Binnie, but I have to go if I’m going to be on time for my date.”




“Yeah, I have a boyfriend. You’ll meet him soon, I promise. Besides, you know the drill; all boyfriends must pass your inspection. I think you’re going to like him, but I’ll tell you more later, okay?” Mei drew Hongbin into her arms and gave him a kiss on his forehead. “I love you and don’t forget to text Lyn so she knows your number.” With that, Mei practically flew out of the house to go get ready.


~ ~ ~


Taekwoon watched with an unreadable expression as Mei said goodbye to everyone and rushed from the house. It was quite the shock for him to come home and see Hongbin in their room with a woman. Not that he actually cared that his new roommate was with a woman; he just didn’t want to interrupt anything or see something he shouldn’t have. At least, that’s what he told himself. If he were to be completely honest with himself, he would have to admit that he was a little disappointed that Hongbin already had a girlfriend. Despite having only met the younger two days ago, he was drawn to him. Leo didn’t know why; perhaps it was his beautiful smile or that he was just as quiet as Leo was. Either way, Taekwoon was in denial and luckily for him, the woman had been Bin’s sister, so he didn’t have to think about his feelings.


A short while later, Hongbin emerged from the room with his eyes glued to his new phone, texting someone. When he looked up, he saw everyone except N in the living room, so he went up to Ravi and gestured with his phone.


“What is it Hongbin?” The dimpled male pointed to Ravi, then his phone before handing the device over. “Oh, you want me to put my number in your phone?” Hongbin nodded eagerly and widely gestured to everyone. “You want everyone to put their numbers in your phone?” Bin gave a bright smile at Ravi’s comprehension of his gestures.


“So, Hongbin, when did you get a phone? You didn’t have one yesterday.” Ken inquired as said phone was being passed around.


Hongbin grabbed the whiteboard he always had with him and wrote. Mei noona got it for me today. I was supposed to have one before, but Lyn noona couldn’t get it.


“Oh, okay. So you have two older sisters?” A nod was given and Hongbin got his phone back.


“Hyung, what about your parents?” Hyuk innocently asked from his spot next to Ken. At this question Hongbin hesitated, but eventually wrote something down for his friends to read. N had joined them by this point and watched the younger curiously.


I don’t really have parents…


The entire room froze as the words on the board were processed in the five boys’ brains. Taekwoon’s normally blank face cracked with the shock of the new piece of information. All five of them stared at their new friend, who fidgeted beneath their gazes. N was the first one to shake himself free of shock.


“Oh my poor baby! Don’t you worry, I’ll be your Umma from now on.” The eldest hyung immediately pulled Hongbin into his embrace, coddling him like a toddler. Hongbin smiled a little before squirming out of N’s hug and grabbing his whiteboard again.


It’s okay. My noonas have acted as my parents all these years. A soft smile accompanied the message, letting everyone know that he was okay. He wouldn’t tell them about his birth parents unless absolutely necessary. It was obvious to him that N and Ravi didn’t want to let the subject go, but they did anyway, for which he was grateful.


“Alright.” N eyed Hongbin carefully before changing the subject. “Who is cooking dinner tonight? Leo! Thank you for volunteering.” Taekwoon, who had been staring at Hongbin, whipped his head around to glare at N for volunteering him without his opinion. “Don’t just sit there, go on.” N gently pushed Leo towards the kitchen, completely ignoring the look he was getting.


Surrendering, Leo went into the kitchen and looked around at the supplies to see what he would be able to make. As he was pulling various ingredients out of their refrigerator, he heard the soft shuffling of footsteps entering the kitchen. A glance back revealed Hongbin looking at him with his big, sparkling eyes. Leo was getting lost in those pretty eyes when a shift in Bin’s posture drew his attention down slightly to the board he was holding up.


Can I help?


“Sure. Could you cut up those green onions?” Hongbin smiled and nodded moving to wash his hands before touching the food. “So, is Mei…uh…noona?” Leo looked to Hongbin for confirmation of whether or not she was a noona. The younger man paused for a moment before nodding. “Mei noona, is she the role of your umma or appa?” Hongbin held up one finger, acknowledging the first option as correct.


“Ah. Did you meet her at work today?” Hongbin nodded, smiling brightly as he remembered seeing his sister at the school. “Was work fun?” Taekwoon continued to ask questions and they somehow managed to have a full conversation. Taekwoon surprised himself with how much he was talking to his roommate and how much he enjoyed the silent man’s company. Hongbin grew more comfortable around Taekwoon and accidentally signed without a thought, garnering a curious glance from Taekwoon.


“Hongbin, what does that mean?” Hongbin looked at him questioningly, not realizing that he had signed at all. “This.” Leo did his best to imitate what he saw, but the result was sloppy and Hongbin’s eyes crinkled up and his mouth opened in silent laughter. Once he calmed down, he did the movement correctly and asked if that was what Leo meant with his eyes. “Yes, that.”


It means ‘I like.’ I was saying I like talking with you.


“Oh. I like talking to you as well. Perhaps I should learn sign language.” The last sentence was mumbled to himself, but Hongbin heard it and it made him smile.


~ ~ ~


While Leo and Hongbin were getting closer in the kitchen, N and Ravi retreated to their room to wait for dinner. Ravi lounged on his bed, his eyes glued to N’s moving form. “That was unexpected news.” Ravi started the conversation, his deep eyes flicking up to meet N’s.


“It was. All the more reason for Hongbin to be here, though. Let him experience making and being around a family of his own.” N turned and took the textbooks that were on his bed and tried to put them on the top shelf of the bookcase in his room, but his lack of height showed through and he couldn’t reach. He turned his head and glared at his roommate when he heard his deep chuckle behind him. “Don’t just sit there and laugh! Help me!”


Still chuckling, Ravi got up and took the books from the elder. N moved back far enough for Ravi to put the books away, but remained close enough for them to feel each other’s body heat. The younger male turned to face N, their bodies barely touching and their gazes locked on the other’s.


“Maybe you should use a lower shelf.” The room was slowly heating up from them being so close together.


“It isn’t necessary when I have you here.” The remained close for a few more moments before Hyuk and Ken could be heard arguing mildly downstairs. With a deep breath, N turned and left the room to referee the game that was being played downstairs. Ravi sighed heavily as another moment was broken. He knew that N felt the same way as he did, but they both refused to act on it and he couldn’t quite figure out why. He knew that he would never act unless absolutely sure N would be okay with it so he accepted his fate and wandered downstairs to see how the two quieter residents of the house were getting along in the kitchen.


To his surprise, he saw Leo with a smile on his face watching Hongbin sign to him. He knew that Leo didn’t know what Hongbin was saying so he watched this with a curious interest from the doorway.


“It means ‘I like…cooking’?” Leo looked at his roommate nervously, but received an encouraging nod. Hongbin then pointed at himself to encourage Leo to do it back to him. Carefully and slowly, Leo moved his hands to mimic what Hongbin did. It was slightly messy, but he got the general form and Hongbin gave him a happy thumb up. Ravi saw all of this before slowly backing away and joining the others in the living room, thoughtful of the relationship forming between Leo and Hongbin.


His thoughts were broken by the sound of a whining maknae. “Ravi hyung! Make N hyung give the me the controller back.”


“Oh no! You can have it back when you AND Ken agree to play fairly.” N glared at the two guilty persons and held the controllers behind his back.


“Hyung, the point is that we don’t play fair.” Ken sighed. “We were play fighting. I did something to mess him up and he did the same to me. It’s all part of the bonding experience, hyung.”


“Is that true Hyukie?” N moved his gaze to the youngest and saw that he was sporting a slight pout before nodding cutely. “OMO! So kawaii!!!!!!!” N dropped the controllers and squished Hyuk in a hug.


“N, let go.” Ravi pulled the elder off of Hyuk and shooed Hyuk back over to the game with Ken. Ravi was the only person younger than N who could speak to him without the formalities.


“No, stop playing. It’s time for dinner.” N ordered, seeing Hongbin wave at them from the kitchen.

Alright so an update because I felt like I was really abandoning this story when I really am not. This is going to be harder for me to write because I'll be trying to focus on the other two couples as well as Leobin. I'm not quite sure what is gong to happen next, but I want to sincerely thank my 47 subscribers for liking this story enough to subscribe.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the Leobin fluff and NAVI's . COMMENT, subscribe, enjoy!! 

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My laptop died. Like I am taking it to Apple tomorrow, so I will not be writing or updating for a while.


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Chapter 9: I truly in love with this ff.♥_♥.
This is the first time i'm so stucked in a ff I love this ff so much.This is my first leobin ff and my first time sacrificing all night reading this AMAZING ff.Author- nim please update soon.I'm dying here waiting for an update from you that felt eternity....Please update soon I'm so curious ......
Chapter 9: I love the story but ok I'll be patient and wait
Chapter 9: Don't worry author-nim and take all the time you need. At least we'll get our adorkable drabbles. :3
Chapter 9: Owwww it's a pity but I totally understand, I'll wait patiently ^^
a Lion and a Bean is goooood too so it's ok, I'll be looking forward any Leobin you write~
Fighting! <3
GTokodi #5
Chapter 8: I love the whole story! Please, update or something... TT__TT
iyuuuthh #6
Chapter 8: I love this i love this !
Please update soon.. im looking forward for their family outing ~!
Chapter 8: hfhgadaghsd I missed them <3 God Leo is SO CUTE I CAN'T *w* they are so lovely, I would be squealing all day long like N xDDD and yeah, Navi need to get on it already but It's cute and funny this way to hehe at least they are happy and ok ^^ and Ken...we'll see, but I don't like him very much nowadays, poor Hyukkie *hmpf* btw I LOVED both sisters XDD Mei is great but Lyn is the best XDDD keep on with it, it's great! <3
Crazy_conductor #8
Chapter 8: Leo is so cute xD
I like Lyn so much :3 She's too my type xD
Update soon ♥
idkijustlikekpop #9
Chapter 8: I love this story, and it gets cuter every chapter! Please update soon!
jendee86 #10
Chapter 8: whoa that sister tough. poor Leo. lol