Chapter 2

Return to Zero (EDITING & HIATUS)

After the adventurous bath, Sehun carried his husband and carefully laid him on the bed placing a small chaste peck on his lips before grabbing their respective clothing. Jongin quietly stared at his beloved. The joy he felt inside was unknown to him. It was different and rare but in all honesty, he began to like this new feeling.


Sehun walked towards him and helped him sit down beginning to dress him. The flustered feeling of his husband staring while dressing him, was really new to Jongin. He didn't know what to do anymore, so he lowered his head hiding the little tint of pink that was creeping up his cheeks. "Hey, what's wrong?" Sehun lifted his chin and chuckled. "Omo~ You are blushing! So kyeopta~" Jongin smacked Sehun on the same arm as earlier. "Ow! What did I tell you about hitting me on the arm." His husband stuck his tongue out playfully. "Oh, so you want to play that game now don't you?"


"Uh oh." Jongin began to scoot back ignoring the pain on his bottom, but before he knew it, Sehun gripped his foot and dragged him closer to him. He was afraid that Sehun would punish him again because when it came up to these type of things, Sehun takes it quite serious. But he was completely mistaken. Sehun began tickling his weak spots causing him to quickly respond with kicks and non-stop laughter.


Minutes later, the doorbell rang and both males froze. Sehun quickly began to get dressed. "Sehun, I'll go. You stay here and get dressed." Sehun nodded and watched his husband walk out of their room. 


When Jongin opened the door, he was surprised to see both his mother and father-in-law. "Hi baby boy!" His mother  took him in her arms pecking his cheek and entered the house. He glanced at his father-in-law and earned a glare. Jongin bowed letting him enter which he did so. He lowered his head, closing the door and limped towards both visitors. "Baby, by chance did Sehun and you-"


"Eomma!" Jongin exclaimed knowing what his mother would say. She wasn't ashamed to say things but clearly she never thought before speaking. 


Jongin awkwardly sat in front of both visitors who were engrossed conversating. Even though his father-in-law was conversing with his mother, he glanced at him what could be seen as a glare. Jongin was of course uncomfortable yet worried. Maybe even scared? He wanted Sehun to hurry up and save him. In cue, Sehun entered the living room bowing at his mother-in-law and his father. Finally Sehun has appeared and Jongin highly appreciated it. "Ready Sehun?" Sehun's father stood with what was assumed as a poker face. It was clear from who Sehun inherited that expressionless look. 


"Yes Appa." Sehun leaned down pecking Jongin's lips. "I'll be back. Hope your last session goes well." With one last peck on the lips, Sehun bowed to his mother-in-law and exited the house along with his father.


Jongin's mother watched the door close and glanced at her son. "I have a feeling your husband's Appa still dislikes you. I saw the way he glanced at you. Quite scary if you tell me." 


"Well thank you for stating the obvious Eomma." He sighed. He never knew the reason to why his father-in-law held a grudge on him. What Sehun heard from his father was that he wanted his son to marry a woman who would give him a son to inherit the business. Or is it the fact that he was the one who changed Sehun's ual preference? Well, it was Sehun's choice, and he chose Jongin over desperate women. But he wants an answer. Either way, his father-in-law isn't going to stop him from being with someone who truly loves him inside and out. 


"Anyways, ready for your last therapy session?" Jongin nodded in excitement. It has been over a year since his father passed away and throughout the whole year, he was taken to therapy from depression. Depression isn't too easy to get over and Jongin needed that much of attention. It was harming him mentally and emotionally. 


Both of them gathered their needed materials and exited the house.


Arriving at the rehab center, Jongin waved at his therapist who was waiting for him. "Jongin-ah." She took him on her embrace tightly. "How have you been? Oh wait, is that a smile I see? Is it because it's your last session or something else? Hm... Lets go find out in the room." She glanced at his mother. "Want to come along?"


His mother glanced at her son who warmly smiled causing her to mimic the act. "I think I'll leave you both alone." And alone, both the patient and therapist waltz towards the room.


"Jongin-ah. I'm so sad that this will be our last session together... But let's make it memorable, okay?" Jongin nodded with a grin on his face. He sure was going to miss this wonderful woman. All the secrets told and memories shared in this room will forever root in his mind and heart. Maybe secrets shouldn't be told to strangers but this woman was no stranger in his eyes. She was nothing but a friend. A best friend. 


"Lets begin with you telling me why you are suddenly so smiley?" Jongin blushed warming his therapist's heart for the first time in a year.


There was so many things he wanted to say, but he didn't know where to begin. "Hey, take it easy. Don't want your brain to explode." She could obviously see hearts radiating from Jongin's eyes. This would probably be one of the best moments she would dearly cherish; to witness her patient's happiness.


Taking a good loaf of oxygen, Jongin confessed softly his internal feelings. Feelings he hasn't told anyone. "This feeling in here,' he palmed his left-side of the chest, 'It's strange. It has been a year since my heart lost its point to keep beating. I felt dead. Now, all the happiness that I once had is slowly filling in the emptiness. It's funny how one person can truly change everything."


"From experience, yes it is. And as I can see, this marriage is working for you very well. I mean, from the past couple of months, I began to notice a bit more progress. You began to smile more often; expressed yourself on any way you could. Oh how I wish I could have at least stole a smile from you at the beginning. But I'm glad that your husband has cracked those beautiful smiles from you." 


"What are you talking about? Of course you had. Maybe before we had a few quarrels, but at the end, I would shyly smile. Remember the Vision Board assigned me to work on? You were in fact the first person whom I posted on the board."


His therapist was taken back a little. She has never expected to actually be in a patients assignment. This excercise was for him to visualize his future; as an encouragement to help him improve. What did she have to do with his future? "Uh, Jongin. Why is the reason for adding me to your Vision Board?"


"You have always encouraged me in a way to see reality different. Life is not always rainbows and unicorns. At the end, light is brighter than darkness. There will be times when we're trapped in darkness but we have to be able to seek for that source of light. And thanks to you, I have found that source of light." Ever since she began to work, she has always appreciated her patient's kind words after their last session, but Jongin's words were slightly different. His tone, feeling, and mood was more appreciative. For her, it was a pleasure to get to know someone as kind-hearted as Jongin. She was going to miss him to death. 


Soon, Jongin was engulfed in another tight embrace. He could feel the sadness radiating from his therapist. He did not like that feeling at all. Tears were at the edge of his eyes threatening to fall any second. He tried to hold it in but as soon as he heard Mrs. Do choke in tears, tears rolled down his eyes as he shook excessively. 


Upon feeling Jongin's body trembling, she distanced herself a few inches and forced Jongin to look at her in the eyes. Once he raised his head, she weakly smiled and pecked his cheek. "We have a few minutes left and I want to say something and want you to cherish it in here."  She palmed his left-side on the chest. "This year, I have not just been your therapist or counselor, but your best friend. From now on, you can call me Kyungmi. Oh, how much I love you. I'll never forget you, but will miss you dearly. But please, if anything, don't hesitate on calling me. Or maybe pay a visit at work, okay?"


Jongin wiped his tears and weakly smiled in response. There was truly nothing he could say. He wasn't sure if he could say anything.


The alarm bell rang notifying that their time was up. It was time to say their last goodbyes and move on to their separate lives. 


They both stood, taking one last glance at each other and hugged without sharing a single word. Goodbye is indeed such a strong word, so silence bid them a farewell. And it stayed that way until Jongin was now breathing the air of the outside next to his mother. He glanced at the building behind him and waved glancing at an specific window. "See you later... alligator."  


"In a while... crocodile." Mrs. Do whispered as she watched Jongin waved towards her direction. She waved back as he walked towards a silver Pontiac.




In the office, Sehun's father gestured his son to take a sit on the chair placed in front of his desk. It was the first time Sehun has ever stepped on his father's office and he must say it was extravagant and neat. Stacks of papers could not be seen anywhere; maybe hiding somewhere around this office. The window behind the desk was massively large that lightened up the entire office despite the buildings behind covering most of the sunlight. The desk in front of him was sure polished as he could see his own attractive reflection. Overall, this office was just too glamorous compared to his small, messy office at home.


Engrossed in his own little world, he was startled upon hearing his father's voice boom through the walls. "Like what you see?" Sehun looked at his father on the eyes and nodded while taking another glance at his surroundings. His father chuckled, "Well then, since I love you so much, I want to make you a fifty-fifty partner in my business. But first you have to learn the business, so you're going to work on construction and eventually you can take over the on-site operations."


Construction? On-site operations? Uh? I think I'll pass. Sehun thought. "No thank you. It's dirty and dusty."


His father frowned. Aish, this kid... "Okay then you'll have to work in the office. Learn the business that way. Learn everything about the office and eventually you can run the office operation."


And be stuck there for hours? Though I do work in an office. Either way, I'll pass. "No, I don't want to work in the office, it's boring."


"Wait a minute. Wait just a minute. I'm offering you a one half- ownership of a money-making business and you don't want to work construction; you don't want to work in the office. Then what? What am I supposed to do with you?" Sehun thought about the offer again. To begin with, his father is offering a good deal. Half-ownership of business? Shoot! That was explendid! Though, the problem was, how in the world would he tell his current boss that he wants to work with his father? There will need to be an explanation and he didn't want to say that he'll be moving to his father's agency. That'd be wrong. Though, Sehun's father knew exactly what his son was thinking of. "Son, I know what you thinking of. Don't worry about your boss. I'll talk to him if you'd like, but first, you must give me an answer. Accept my offer?"


"Then yes, I accept."


"Yah, that's my boy!" His father flashed a smile, standing up and walked towards his direction. Sehun stood up and bowed. "Why are you bowing for? Come here!" His father pulled him onto his warm embrace. Sehun was taken back as it was the first time he has felt his father's warmth. Not even when he cried for his mother years ago, his father never bothered to comfort him with at least a simple hug until this very moment. It was a quite... good feeling. 


The minute he was about to respond to his father's embrace, his father departed making his way towards a bucket of ice that displayed a bottle of Champagne. He handed his son a glass and poured a fair amount, as well for himself. After taking a sip, he wrapped an arm around his son. "How about you work in the office with me."


"As in you're assistant?" 


"You can put it that way." Sehun knew it. His father was planning to use him just to make more profit. Knowing that he has been having a lot of success in the current or he would say previous  agency, his father would take any risk to at least get more surgeons to trust them and give out cash. Well, that's  technically all his father has ever thought of. Business and money. "Now, lets go show you around." Sehun nodded taking a sip of the glass.


As they both exited the office, his father hauled his steps and pointed at a the door to their left. "Right there my son, is where we make business with the surgeons." Sehun nodded in acknowledgement. His father constructed surgery centers, not like he goes out on the land building blocks, but does the sales. 


They entered the lift nearby and went down to the floor under. As soon as they walked through the floor, Sehun spotted a secretary counter in front of the lift. "My son,' Sehun was beginning to hate his father's way of calling him, 'this will be your secretary from now on as we'll for your partner. The secretary glanced at him and smiled. Sehun mimicked in response. 'Speaking of partner, want to meet her? I know she'd be more than welcome to meet my son." Sehun was once again annoyed but followed his father to meet his soon-to-be partner. 


There was no words Sehun could explain the awkward atmosphere surrounding the fairly big office room. He stood there staring at the hand that was held in front of him. He wasn't sure what to do. His soon-to-be partner was a female and he must admit that she was attractive. Though what truly caught him off guard was that she acted less... feminine. Even her style of dressing was more... male-ish. Baggy, black dress pants with a white shirt under a black blazer. Her hair was blonde and short, a little above ear level, and split in half. 


"Son, what are you doing just standing there like a statue? Shake Soojin's hand!" The woman smirked tilting her head waiting for the awkward man to accept her handshake. Sehun took a last glance at her and willingly accepted the handshake. 


"Nice to meet you, Sehun." The smirk did not wash away from her lips as she seductively greeted him. Sehun shivered from the... seductive greeting. He just barely met his soon-to-be partner and he was afraid. Something about that woman attracted him. He would for sure like to get to know her more as they work together.


"Nice to meet you too, Soojin." The said woman, grinned widely. He sure is handsome. Soojin thought but spotted a band on his ring finger. She felt slightly hurt that a young man like Sehun actually found true love as for her who keeps falling for the wrong men. 


Sehun's father held his glass high. "Toast to my son's welcoming in the agency." Sehun raised his glass a little embarrassed. Both, Sehun and Soojin stared at each other with a smile. Excitement could be seen in their eyes and no doubt that they were delighted to be working together soon. 

AN: I'm sorry for not updating!!! I seriously had to wait for the movie to come up on TV again to be able to refresh my mind. And plus, my internet broke down in my computer, so I'll be updating in my IPad. Please bare with me... I hope you enjoyed this chappie ^_^


7/15- Hi guys. I edited this chapter since I thought it was horrible. Hope you like it a slightly better? Anyways, it's about 12:33 AM and I have to sleep. Thank you for reading! <3

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Update please~
Chapter 1: WHAT IN THE.......I guess I'm happy you finally wrote eomma? It was a really good first try...but you got me really thinking this was someone else writing....keep it up though! Fighting! ^_^
Chapter 2: I have a bad feeling coming on /.\ don't do stupid Sehuna!
blackfrost #4
Chapter 2: Nce work,author-nim.i like it but i prefer it more if you don't insert korean language in the's not that like i couldn't understand the meaning.honestly, it somehow spoils the whole picture...anyway,that was my opinion...
chloeee #5
Chapter 2: Sekai is sooo sweet!!!! I believe sehun won't cheat on baby jongin!!!! Go away bad woman!!! He is married!!!!!
Chapter 2: Dayum. So ready to stab Sehun with a pitchfork if he doesn't keep his in his .
Chapter 2: Cheat alert /_\
Chapter 1: Awww so sweet