She has to be My Juliet

Be my Juliet

                                                                                                    ****After 2 days*****

Myungsoo's POV : 

The teacher gave us 2 days for getting along with our members ; but that wasn't good because i didn't see Jiyeon for 2 days i miss her ; finally i'll see her today ! i went to University at time with a happy face i met my friends we talked and laughed ... once Jiyeon arrived my heart started beating so fast i didn't know i missed her that much ! 

The teacher asked us to sit with our members every band in a table ; then he asked us for our band's names .... i was waiting to hear Jiyeon's band name and when i heard it i was suprised because i didn't except a name like it ! "T-ara" at first i said what a name ! but then i realised that she is a Queen and the only name can fit her band is T-ara . And our band's name is Infinty so Jiyeon is a Queen to the Infinity :) i only care and think about Jiyeon lately ! this isn't good i have to do something i can't stay like this i have to be close to her ! 

The classes ended ; it seems Jiyeon was in a hurry and she forgot her book i took it and followed her but i didn't find her ; i took the book and went to my home ... I didn't want to open it but i couldn't so i oppened it and what i saw made me laugh ; her drawing ! from what i saw she isn't good at drawing but it's funny and cute ! 

                                                                                                ******next day******

I went early to University and i found my band's members were there too ; they are funny and i got used to their playful jokes ... they said that we have to give a nickname for eachothers ;and my nickname was ROMEO ! the first thing i tought about it was that Jiyeon has to be my Juliet . 

So the right time to talk with Jiyeon has finally come after classes i went to give Jiyeon her book 

Myungsoo : Hi ! park Jiyeon 

Jiyeon : uh yeh ! hi 

Myungsoo : um i guess this book is yours !

Jiyeon : omg yes ! where did you find it ? 

Myungsoo : i found it yesterday ; i wanted to give it to you but i didn't find you 

Jiyeon : uhh yeah i was in a hurry yesterday sorry and thank you for  finding it 

Myungsoo : no need :) well i'm sorry i did something i shouldn't do 

Jiyeon : huh ! what did you do ? 

Myungsoo : i took a look to your book 

Jiyeon : omgg i feel ashamed omgg 

Myungsoo : why ? 

Jiyeon : you saw my drawings and it's so bad i bet you laughed so hard aigoo 

Myungsoo : hahaha no actually i like it i found it funny and cute hehe and my drawing skills are so bad as well 

Jiyeon : omg really so i'm not the only one who can't draw hahaha ; it's the first time that someone like my drawings hehe thank you 

Myungsoo : haha yeh you aren't the one 

Jiyeon : thank you 

Myungsoo : for what ? 

Jiyeon : for making me smile 

Myungsoo : uh noo it's my pleasure 

Jiyeon : haha so what's your name ? 

Myungoo : Kim Myungsoo 

Jiyeon : nice to meet you Kim Myungsoo 

Myungsoo : nice to meet you too Park Jiyeon see you later 

Jiyeon : yeah bye bye ^-^ 

OMG i finally made it i talked with her ! omg and she is really amazing she is a beautiful creature ; maybe an angel or a fairy ! she used her magic to steal my heart and mind in 1 Minute 1 Second 


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Chapter 6: kyahh cute ...
please update soon author-nim..:))
mywhstar #2
Chapter 5: So so cute *-*
kimaray #3
Chapter 5: Yes yes jiyeon is cute, pretty, kind, and adorable. No wonder if myungsoo deeply fall for her. Update soon
kimaray #4
Chapter 4: Myungsoo fall for Jiyeon not in 1min 1sec but just 1sec.. lol..
Please get them closer author-nim..
jiyeonasmaa #5
Chapter 3: good job soka just continue like this your awsome
jiyeonasmaa #6
Chapter 3: awsome myung is falling
kimaray #7
Chapter 3: The player Kim Myungsoo really fall for jiyeon eh~
Retsel_ #8
Chapter 2: Hahahahah... Myungsoo really likes jiyeon how cute.!! ^^
Chapter 2: woahh ... interesting...
by the way I'm new reader here ... ^.^
please update soon author-nim..
kimaray #10
Chapter 2: Hello new reader here... i interest with this story. Update soon